Non-Resident Carry In Pennsylvania: In response to yesterday's report that Pennsylvania may no longer honor permits of holders who don't reside in the state that issued them, a couple of list members have pointed out that people who hold permits in their home states may apply for and receive a Non-Resident License To Carry Firearms in Pennsylvania. Both list members mentioned Centre County. Please note that a few years ago, one of the Pennsylvania counties that had been very friendly to non-resident issue backed off when that information was posted on the internet and the sheriff's office was inundated with applications. --- Maryland Senator Moves Against Tiahrt Amendment: In order to more effectively fight violent crime, Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today said she will remove language, known as the "Tiahrt amendment" from this year's CJS spending bill. (The Tiahrt amendment actually restricts cities from gaining access to BATFE trace data for use in lawsuits against firearm manufacturers.) Related Article:,1299,DRMN_15_5575065,00.html --- Giuliani Professes Support For RKBA In Maine: ...As mayor, Giuliani advocated for a law banning military-style assault weapons and supported national standards for state gun licensing laws. He has since softened his stance, saying restrictions on ownership should be applied at the state level and should be "reasonable." Giuliani said he supports the Second Amendment in the same way he supports the First Amendment: While U.S. citizens have a right to both, restrictions can be lawfully applied. --- Federal Court Limits Firearm-Related Sentences: A federal appellate court just made it more difficult for federal judges in New York to impose stricter sentences for gun-related crimes...That practice will stop, following a 3-0 ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday that instructs judges to not consider the level of local gun violence in handing down sentences. --- Florida Supremes Rule Stand-Your-Ground Law Not Retroactive: The court ruled Thursday in the case of a taxi driver who had been charged with murdering a drunken passenger. The justices said a trial judge had erred by offering to instruct jurors that they could consider the law in deciding whether to convict West Palm Beach cabbie Robert Lee Smiley Junior of first-degree murder. --- South Carolina Gun-Storage Bill Fails: A House bill designed to allow people with concealed weapons permits to keep guns inside their cars at schools was sent back to committee Wednesday after some lawmakers discovered that an amendment would have allowed 9-year-olds to carry a gun. --- Illinois Couple Lobbies For Licensed CCW: ...The couple reported they have a personal stake in the fight to have a concealed carry permit law in Illinois passed: A mentally ill family member terrorized the couple to the point they feared for their personal safety, even burning down their house...; --- Support Grows For Beleaguered Gun Shop: David Codrea calls for letters to the judge handling the case of Red's Trading Post, the Idaho gun shop being targeted by the BATFE. --- Oops, Wrong House: A Louisiana man, with a record of prior stalking charges, was shot in the leg when he broke into the home of his ex-girlfriend. (note again the shot to the leg as the gun is pushed or jerked low and probably to the non-dominant side.) --- While In New Mexico...: A man coming to the aid of his West Side neighbor shot an intruder, even as the intruder beat him with a crowbar, Albuquerque police say...Powers was taken to University of New Mexico Hospital and treated for gunshot wounds to the chest and groin. --- New Zealand Gun-Shop Owner May face Further Charges: <>The Crown says it is considering further action in the case against an Auckland gun shop worker who shot a machete-armed intruder. Crown Prosecutor Simon Moore says he should know by next week whether they will take the case further. --- From AzCDL: On June 6th, the Arizona Daily Star ran an "Op Ed" criticizing SB 1251 and slamming gun ownership in general. You can read it here: Dozens have already posted comments at the Arizona Daily Star's website: Charles Heller, AzCDL Secretary and radio talk show host ( sent the following response as a letter to the editor: Opinion Page Gets It Wrong From Start To Finish By Charles Heller The Arizona Daily Star asserts that House Bill 1251 could, "make it legal for citizens to enter City Hall or the Capitol armed with a loaded gun." I'm certified to teach that law by the Arizona Department of Public Safety, and it is legal now. If you go to Tucson City Council or the legislature with a loaded firearm, you simply check it, in order to comply with ARS 13-3102 (A) 10. Many of us do. It is not a problem. ARS 13-3102.01 REQUIRES that any government agency which prohibits weapons "shall provide temporary and secure storage. The storage shall be readily accessible on entry into the establishment... and allow for the immediate retrieval of the weapon on exit from the...event." The reason that SB 1251 is necessary (and I helped write it) is that some cities have arbitrarily failed to comply with ARS 13-3102.01. In Oro Valley, a person must disarm and walk several hundred yards across a plaza to transact his business, and then retrace his steps to retrieve his defense tool. That is NOT compliance with 13-3102.01. It would also be a huge burden to a handicapped person, nor is it any fun at 110 degrees. This is not about "the gun lobby" getting its way. It is citizens reminding government that it is servant, not master. The Star asserts that SB 1251, "could be dangerous not only to the public but to every member of the Arizona Legislature." Maybe the Star should do its homework. The Virginia legislature does not restrict citizens from attending its meetings at the state or local level while armed. Citizens often do. There is no problem with it. The Star quoted State Rep. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, as saying "Those lockers must be installed at public expense..." Once again, that is false. There is no law in Arizona requiring weapons to be prohibited from public buildings, except schools and prisons, which are not required by law to provide lockers. Mr. Farley is at best, inaccurate. But could such lockers be used as drop zones for illegal gun sales? Well why would a criminal go to a place with video recorded security to trade in weapons, when he could do so unmonitored, outside?" Does that stand the test of reason? The Star raises the possibility of an "accident." As an NRA certified instructor, I can tell you that the way to prevent accidents is to leave guns in their holsters, not into and out of lock boxes. If you want a safe environment, leave 'em in the holster. That's security. The Star asserts that, "It is unwise to jeopardize government employees or other citizens who need to conduct business at City Hall, the public library or the Motor Vehicle Division...." Where is the proof that the presence of a firearm does any such thing? In fact, it does just the opposite. We need look no further than the University Medical Center shootings of 2002 for evidence that disarmed victim zones are dangerous places. We need look only at the Appalachian School of Law shooting of 2002 to see the results of armed students capturing the murderer at gunpoint. We should never require disarmament at any building without metal detectors. Arizona has both high auto burglary and theft rates. Causing people to leave guns in cars is a prescription for theft. Several of my guns were stolen from my car on 4/29/07, for lack of secure storage. Carrying a weapon in Arizona is a Constitutional right, per Article 2, Section 26. The default setting on our rights is in favor of the citizen. Senate Bill 1251 requires that governments seeking to limit a right obey law. Shouldn't government obey law? Charles Heller DPS Certified CCW Instructor Secretary, Arizona Citizens Defense League Host, America Armed & Free Radio AM 690 KVOI Tucson Information on this and other bills can be found at the AzCDL website: These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .