Connecticut Governor Signs Stolen-Gun Bill: Gov. M. Jodi Rell has approved a new law that will penalize gun owners if they fail to report lost or stolen firearms to police within 72 hours. The legislation was the culmination of a three-year effort to reduce the number of stolen guns being used in crimes across Connecticut. The law takes effect Oct. 1, joining similar ones already on the books in Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Rhode Island. Other states are also considering such proposals. --- Gunning For Toy Guns: Article describes the campaign in Michigan against realistic toy guns. "These guns look unbelievably real when they're modified," said freshman State Rep. Andy Coulouris, who helped prosecute a few toy gun cases in his days as a Saginaw County assistant prosecutor. Coulouris is co-sponsor of House Bill 4892, which could criminalize what the 10-year-old did with the toy. The law would make it a misdemeanor to remove the telltale orange cap from the toys and a four-year felony to use a replica to threaten or intimidate. --- Arizona Governor Weighing Self-Defense Bill: State lawmakers are making a last-ditch effort to retroactively change self-defense laws to help overturn the murder conviction of one man and help another escape being found guilty. A bill sent to Gov. Janet Napolitano in the last hours of the legislative session would spell out that a law altering the self-defense statutes which took effect in April 2006 applies to any cases that had not yet gone to the jury on that date. --- Jesse Jackson Arrested In Gun-Shop Protest: Jackson was arrested when he refused to move away from the entrance to Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale, police said. He has protested with other community activists outside the shop in recent weeks after a 16-year-old honor student was gunned down on a city bus. (Why isn't Rev. Jackson this active protesting gang activity?),2933,286412,00.html Jackson Calls Arrest "Bogus": Jackson Vows To Expand Protests To Gun Shows:,1,7093078.story?coll=chi-newslocalwest-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true --- Black Clergy Reverse Position On Armed Patrols: In New Haven CT, the Edgewood Park Defense Patrol, led by Greer and his father and brother, Rabbis Daniel and Dov Greer, held another press conference Friday in a show of new unity with local black clergy, who last week stood at the same location and passionately denounced the armed patrols. --- John Longenecker On Campus Carry: Let me add to the June 20th, 2007, article, "States look at gun policies," debate on-campus weapon carry. It's positively encouraging because it reports on a movement sweeping the nation. The bottom line on the question will be public policy and interest... --- Oops, Wrong Apartment: A Lakeland man was shot and killed while burglarizing a neighbor's home Friday night, the Polk Sheriff's Office said...Johnson, of 534 Timberlane W., Apt. D., went deeper into the home to the bedroom. When he opened the door, one of the residents shot him once with a shotgun, Martin said. (This is remarkably similar to an account from Orlando, shared in Friday's mailing.) --- Oops, Wrong Store: Nashville Police say the store's owner shot one of two men, who were attempting to rob his store. He was trying to protect himself and his pregnant wife, and police say self defense is justified in this case. Captain Rich Foley says the owner did the right thing by defending himself and his family, since he was in fear of his own life and the lives of his wife and unborn baby. --- Oops, Wrong Fireworks: A Muskogee OK man was stable following surgery for a gunshot wound to the chest Sunday in connection with an assault at a church firecracker stand..."I shot - I was in fear of my life and Daniel's life - I feel I did what I had to do," Pastor Donnelly said in a Sunday night phone interview. "I'm angry. I'm glad he (Gilbert) is going to be OK but angry they put me in that position." --- Why The Gun In Civilization?: ...The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single gay guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender... --- Shooting Sports Grow In Popularity With Women: If you're already wondering what you might get your favorite gal for her birthday, perhaps you should turn your attention to one of the fastest growing recreational activities for women - shooting sports. Hunting and target shooting, often assumed to be the exclusive province of men, are growing in popularity with women. (I believe those birds are "chukars," not "chuckers.") -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .