Bloomberg vs. Tiahrt, Another View: ...Instead of Congress, maybe Bloomberg should be blaming Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. A few years ago, Daley and some other big-city mayors tried to get ATF trace data so they could sue firearms manufacturers. ATF tried to block public access to the data in part because it contains the names of innocent people and law enforcement officers. But the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that, under the Freedom of Information Act, everyone is entitled to this information ... Mayor Daley, Mayor Bloomberg, or the head of the largest street gang in Chicago... --- NSSF Hails Passage Of Shelby Amendment: The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearm industry's trade association, is hailing passage of a law enforcement friendly amendment sponsored by Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) which cleared the Senate Appropriations Committee as part of a spending bill with a demonstrative victory evident by a 19 - 10 vote. Similar language was approved by a House subcommittee handling that chamber's version of the legislation. (The Shelby Amendment restores the Tiahrt Amendment.) --- Knee-Jerk In New York: In the wake of the shootings at Virginia Tech University this past April, New York State Assemblyman Phil Ramos (D-Brentwood) has sponsored a bill that aims to create a "disqualifying information" registry to enhance gun control throughout New York State. Information contained in the registry would be used to prevent mentally ill individuals, or those who are suspected or convicted of a crime, from purchasing or possessing a firearm. The gun control legislation passed in the state Assembly on June 14 and, as of press time, was still waiting to be voted on by the state Senate. --- Pistol Packin' Mamas: Bob Oberst, owner of Palmetto State Shooting Center said women are more aware of the need for personal security now than ever. He has taught a shooting course for more than 10 years, and the number of women taking the course has steadily increased. "When we first started teaching the course, there were maybe one or two women each year," Oberst said. "Now we teach the course every month, and there are four to six women every class, every month." --- Oops, Wrong Jewelry Store: A group of robbers in Las Vegas NV had the tables turned on them when they got into a fight with the employees of the jewelry store they targeted and one of the robbers was fatally shot with his own handgun. (Note that the link is to a jewelry-industry publication.) --- Oops, Wrong House: A residential burglar in Oregon was transported to a hospital with a life-threatening wound after having been shot between the eyes by a 71-year-old homeowner. (Assuming that the head is held vertically, the crucial brainstem is accessed via a band from the ear canal to the nasal cavity, depending on the angle; in a shot from the side, the brainstem is in line with the ear canal .) --- Words Of Wisdom: Walt Rauch, a curmudgeonly guy who's been there and done it, shares some pointers on training with a handgun for self-defense. (While I'm sure that Walt and I don't agree on everything, note that he emphasizes starting your training at very close range, with the gun pulled in close to your body.) --- NRA-ILA Alerts: Alerts for the various states are posted on the NRA-ILA website. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .