Philadelphia Council Members Sue State For More Infringements: Two Philadelphia City Council members sued the Pennsylvania legislature on Wednesday for not allowing the city to enforce stricter gun-control laws amid a surge in violence in the city. Democrats Darrell Clarke and Donna Reed Miller, in the lawsuit filed in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, say state lawmakers have failed to protect Philadelphia residents from firearms that have caused most of the 212 homicides - the highest rate in a decade - in the city so far this year. --- Passage Not Likely For Illinois Infringements Bill: The Illinois House is poised to hand Gov. Rod Blagojevich another setback, this time over the issue of gun control. In the midst of a lengthy impasse over the state budget, Blagojevich has called on lawmakers to ban the sale, purchase and possession of gun clips that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. But observers on both sides of the divisive issue say there are simply not enough votes to get the measure passed. --- Gottlieb vs. Helmke: The founder of the Second Amendment Foundation today said he will supply Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke with documentation on the "text book case" from Missouri that helped convince that state's legislature to pass a "Stand-Your-Ground" law to protect citizens from criminal or civil prosecution when they shoot in self- defense. In a series of debates with SAF founder Alan Gottlieb last week, Helmke told MSNBC viewers that he has been unable to identify anybody who has ever been sued and suffered financially for shooting in self-defense. --- History Of Gun Control, Part 3: Sandra Froman continues her series, this time discussing the role of the attempted assassination of Ronal Reagan and the birth of the Brady Bunch as a lobbying organization to counter the NRA-ILA. --- Oops, Wrong House: At about 6:45, two men kicked in the door at Altieri's townhouse on Piedmont Road, near Guadalupe and 48th Street, in a suburb of Phoenix AZ. Instead of an empty home, however, the intruders came face to face with Altieri - holding a cellphone and a rifle...Altieri, 27, said he was on the phone with the 911 operator when two intruders burst through the door. The intruders walked in on Altieri kneeling with his rifle trained on them and the cellphone at his ear. --- Oops, Wrong Car: In South Africa, Captain Steady Nawa said a 20-year-old man had just parked his Opel Corsa outside his girlfriend's home in Germiston when a car with four occupants pulled up behind him. Two of the men got out of the car and pointed a firearm at the boyfriend before taking his car keys. His girlfriend's father, who had come to open the door for him, went back inside the house to fetch his pistol... --- From AzCDL: The AzCDL Newsletter for June 2007 is available for viewing and downloading at: These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .