Pennsylvania Legislature Passes NRA-Backed "Gun Control" Bill: The state legislature last night passed a gun-control bill advocated by Philadelphia lawmakers, a notable feat in a state so strong on the right to bear arms and so hostile to the city's efforts to regulate them...The two measures in the bill, called minor by gun-control supporters, were nonetheless hailed as an important step in a new working relationship between the National Rifle Association and urban lawmakers. --- Montanans Oppose University Gun Ban: Montana State University's plan to restrict firearms and ban concealed weapons from campus would actually make students more vulnerable if a Virginia Tech-style gunman were ever on the loose, many gun rights activists are arguing...MSU received nearly 100 comments on its proposed update of its weapons policy. Only about two supported the proposed weapons restrictions. --- CCW Not Specifically Banned In Kansas Schools: A commentator in Kansas is shocked to learn that local schools must post "no guns" in order to bar CCW on campus. (Somehow, I think that grade-school students would have trouble qualifying for a CHL.) --- The Plain Dealer "Examines Castle-Doctrine Bill: Right now, Ohio law says that if you shoot an intruder dead in your home, you have to prove self-defense... Buehrer wants to give you an automatic right to shoot. And if you do shoot, he wants to shield you from lawsuits. --- Cop Dies, Bloomberg Still Lies: Another article, detailing the process by which local police were provided BATFE trace data on the handguns recovered from the scene of the shooting of two NYPD officers (one of whom has died), gives lie to the claim that the Tiahrt amendment denies local police access to data in legitimate investigations. Bloomberg Denies Bullying Congressmen: --- OSHA Extends Deadline For Comments: OSHA, the Occupational Safety Hazard Administration, is attempting to prevent the delivery of ammunition to hunters. One measure prohibits delivery drivers from leaving "explosives" unattended. This would prevent UPS, FedEx or similar delivery services from delivering gunpowder, primers or ammunition to dealers. Not only would the ruling make it impossible for retailers to sell ammunition (unless the dealer was within driving distance of the manufacturer), it would end catalog sales as well...This week, OSHA granted a 60-day extension in which to submit comments. The deadline is Sept. 10. --- Our Gun Legacy - Good or Bad?: A former Secret Service agent puts the American RKBA into perspective...Gun control advocates like to publicize that in 2005 there were 300,000 cases of firearms related crimes but only 143 cases of justifiable homicide by armed civilians. However, they egregiously fail to include hundreds more justifiable "woundings" by armed civilians; the perhaps thousands of incidents where the mere "showing" of a firearm prevented a serious crime; or the untold number of crimes that were prevented because the perpetrator "thought" the victim might be armed. This is similar to protection provided by the United States Secret Service. How many assassination attempts are prevented each year? No one knows for sure. The mere presence of the Secret Service makes the difference... --- New Mexico Cops Destroy Guns: For more than an hour, parts of guns taken off Clovis streets were tossed into a box outside the evidence room at the Clovis Police Department. Capt. Patrick Whitney and Evidence Technician Wendell Blair destroyed more than 40 firearms Friday. (Take that, you evil gun!) --- Busch Withdraws NRA-ILA Support: In the wake of prohibitionist complaints of donors to the NRA-ILA receiving donated tickets to Busch amusement parks for children, the program has been cut. Parent company Anheuser-Busch Cos. said Sesame Place should not have been included in the promotion, which had drawn the ire of gun-control advocates. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .