Computer Crash: I experienced a catastrophic hard-drive failure last Saturday evening and am finally back online. Unfortunately, I had not done a backup for a while. If you receive this mailing and had asked to be removed from the mailing list, please let me know. If you know anyone who had joined the list within the last few months, please ask them to contact me to ensure that they are restored to the list. --- Home-Invasion Murders Boost Connecticut Gun Sales: State gun sales have shot up in the days after the wife and two daughters of a prominent Connecticut physician were killed, according to a local gun shop owner. Scott Hoffman runs Hoffman's Gun Center on the Berlin Turnpike. In the past few days, following the triple homicide in Cheshire, Hoffman said that people have been rushing to his store to buy guns for themselves and their homes. --- Suitable Targets And Capable Guardians: Criminologist Mike Adams shares some research from his field. "Cohen and Felson assumed that in any society at any time there would be no shortage of people "motivated" to commit crimes. By treating the "motivated offender" as a constant they were shifting emphasis to two variables, which can vary wildly across time and geographical location. And they also provide the best explanation for the necessity of firearms ownership by responsible citizens." --- Pennsylvanians Protest Illegal Gun Ban: Several dozen angry residents and gun rights advocates filled the Peters Council meeting Monday, asking council to reconsider an ordinance unanimously passed at its July 9 meeting that bans firearms and other dangerous weapons from township parks and most township-owned buildings. --- Norfolk Drops Open-Carry Charges: ...The deputy asked Szymecki whether he was a police officer. He said no. And then, he said, uniformed city police began closing in. They gave him a choice, he said: Leave the event or face arrest. When he tried to say that there must be a mistake, he was disarmed and led away, handcuffed, he recalled...Szymecki was given a summons and released. When he showed up for court June 22, the case was withdrawn at the request of an assistant city attorney. --- Ammunition Manufacturers Prepare For Drop In Demand: The Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Independence, Mo., produces nearly 1.4 billion bullets a year, a dizzying figure driven by the demands of war... The question is, for how long? Although no one knows when the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan will end, Davies and other ammunition industry executives understand the heavy orders won't last forever. --- New Hampshire Republicans Raise Money With Machine Guns: Manchester Republicans said they wanted something different from the usual chicken dinner for its fundraiser next month. Then, committee chairman Jerry Thibodeau, a hunter and skeet shooter, came up with the idea: "The thought just struck me one day: a machine gun shoot. What the heck?" --- Gun Dealers Counter-Sue Bloomberg: ...At least two of the gun stores have shot back with countersuits - including one shop that was targeted by Nooner, Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna. Adding to the star appeal of the cases, Adventure Outdoors' lawyer in the countersuit is Bob Barr, a former congressman and outspoken civil libertarian. --- Oops, Wrong Liquor Store: Detectives said two men pulled up to the store off County Line Road at about 7:30 p.m. One of the men got out carrying a gun and pulled a mask over his face, officials said. The store owner noticed what was happening, police said, and defended himself. --- Strange Story: A Tucson night club has made a settlement in a lawsuit in what appears to have been a self-defense shooting in its parking lot. (Perhaps the best lesson in this incident is to avoid places that are likely to attract violence.) --- San Francisco Supervisor Admits New Gun Laws Won't Work: Following a vote Tuesday by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to adopt tough new anti-gun laws, a sponsor of the ordinances admitted that they probably won't quell violent crime, prompting the Second Amendment Foundation to call passage of these new ordinances an exercise in futility. (California liberals know these local ordinances violate state pre-emption but they pass them in an effort to get the state legislature to pass statewide laws imposing the same infringements.) Related Article: --- BATFE Accuses Gun-Shop Manager Of Harassment: The Department of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives is accusing a Twin Falls gun store manager of harassing and intimidating them. ATF agents have been examining business records at Red's Trading Post downtown looking for possible violations linked to paperwork which is required by the government. --- From JPFO: ...Despite having won an injuction to keep their business running, Red's is _still_ being harassed, seemingly because owner Ryan Horsley continues to speak publicly about the situation. On Tuesday of this week, David Codrea revealed in his "War on Guns" blog that BATFE agents "...had threatened [Ryan Horsley] that he needed to cease all blogging and keep their agents and inspectors free from being photographed or observed, or they would go to the judge and file a complaint of harassment." --- From Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association: Proposed Willard Springs Shooting Range We have learned that there will be a public meeting in Munds Park held by the "Citizens to Preserve Munds Park Community Values" Sat. Aug 4th at 10:00 a.m. Munds Park RV Resort Banquet Hall The proposed shooting range is the topic of discussion. Among the points they are addressing are: Noise Pollution Animal habitat destruction Recreational land closure and Decreased property values If memory serves, there was a noise study done, and nothing could be heard in Munds Park. Also, the Shooting Sports could be considered recreational. Property values? In north Phoenix, the presence of BASF didn't stop upscale residential developments. We would encourage folks to attend. Remember to be friendly and informative As always, you get more bees with honey than vinegar. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .