The Right To Own A Bazooka (And Other Inalienable Rights): A comic strip in Reason Magazine looks at some of the issues in the debate over the RKBA. (Not for the thin-skinned.) --- Arguing Gun Laws And Original Intent: The Founders did not write the Second Amendment for citizens, they wrote it for Government. And they did not need to imagine weapons of the future, because they did not view weapons as a danger to the nation. But they did know that abuse of due process would always be a danger to the nation, and so they wrote that this right of the people - and the force which backs that authority - shall not be infringed. --- Counter-Protest On August 28: The Brady Bunch has called for a national day of protest over "illegal guns" on August 28. David Codrea suggests that gun owners counter this by purchasing a box of ammunition and that gun shops offer a nominal discount or door prize that day. --- Self-Defense Advocates Want Options Besides Surrender: An editor in Colorado looks at the case of the formerly anti-CCW legislator in Ohio who decided that he and his family need CHL's after he was mugged. --- Texas Man Cleared in Self-Defense Shooting: A Denton County grand jury has declined to indict Charles Oxner, who shot a co-worker to death after the victim and two others burst into Mr. Oxner's recreational vehicle and began beating him July 11. --- Utah Legislators Disarmed For Refinery Tour: ...The four dug out their handguns (one from an ankle holster) and turned them over to National Rifle Association lobbyist Clark Aposhian, who stored them in his car until they finished the tour of the refinery. Chevron, unlike the Legislature and the University of Utah, does not allow weapons on its premises... Oda, who regularly sponsors guns-rights legislation, acknowledged that the pre-arranged stop to stow their handguns was meant to make a point: "If we have to find ways to carry our guns, we'll find them," he said. --- Get Real!: Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory is refusing to fire a starter pistol to kick off an upcoming road race, saying he doesn't like the gun's symbolism in a city that set a record for homicides last year. Mallory said he'll blow a whistle at Saturday's Rhythm Race 5K instead. A pistol filled with blanks is traditionally used to start races and track meets. "I think the symbolism is just bad," he said. "It's just something I don't do.",0,5293930.story --- Controversy Continues Over Local Pennsylvania Gun Ban: Even though Ellwood City Council plans to rescind an ordinance, passed in July, that bans carrying a gun in borough buildings and vehicles or on borough property, Mayor Don Clyde plans to beat the board to the punch by vetoing the measure Monday night...Clyde said he plans to veto the ordinance, which officials have denied targets the mayor carrying a handgun in the municipal building, because he thinks it is illegal and "should have never been passed in the first place." --- California Anti-RKBA Activist Profiled: There is currently an outbreak of local gun control ordinances in Ventura County. This is happening in an area known for its independent streak and support of gun owner organizations. Thousand Oaks passed a gun restriction ordinance last March, and Port Hueneme and Simi Valley adopted similar ordinances within the week ended Aug. 9. This unusual political activity is not a mere coincidence, but the result of years of hard work by local gun control advocates. One individual who stands out in the movement is Thousand Oaks resident Tim Heyne. --- California Contractor Pleads Guilty To Gun Trafficking: An El Cajon construction contractor who bought 10 weapons for the son of La Jolla financier Ernest Rady pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of illegally transporting firearms...Bornholdt admitted buying the weapons, which included three Romanian-made AK-47 rifles, from a gun store in Yuma, Ariz. Under federal law it is illegal to transport firearms across state lines without the proper federal licenses, which Bornholdt did not have. (Curiously, no mention is made of the violation of California's Assault Weapon Control Act.) --- Oops, Wrong House: An intoxicated South Carolina man who Beaufort County Sheriff's Office deputies helped hail a taxi was shot in the leg Thursday morning when he entered the wrong house after his ride home, according to authorities...It was at that point Cantwell forced his way into the residence, police said, following Gaudreau onto the deck and hurling a metal patio table at him before Gaudreau fired his weapon. (Note the typical shot to the leg, generally an indication of anticipation.) --- What Did She Do In The Meantime?: An Albany GA police officer has been reprimanded after she said she lost her department-issued handgun, officials said. According to police reports, investigators first questioned Officer Shunell Borders after she failed to turn in her .40-caliber, Smith and Wesson handgun for scheduled repair on March 9. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm.) --- Meanwhile, In Canada...: A retired Hamilton homicide detective who hid handguns inside hollowed-out books has pleaded guilty to unauthorized possession and careless storage of firearms...The guns were illegally stored on an open bookshelf in the living room. --- Common Sense From New Zealand: ...When police respond to a citizen's armed defence by raising the prospect of charges, they offend a sense of natural justice and increase public suspicion that, again, it is the victim who gets the worse deal. If a person defending his property is in such grave risk of prosecution for breaking the law, it implies a moral equivalence that considers him to be as bad as the thieves who come calling. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .