Cook County "Assault Weapon" Ban Upheld: ICHV is pleased to report that the Circuit Court of Cook County recently rejected a legal challenge to the ban on assault weapons in Cook County. The lawsuit, brought by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) against the Cook County Board of Commissioners, alleged that the ban on assault weapons "exceeded [the Board's] home rule authority" to enact local ordinances that are stricter than state law. --- Illinois To Expand NICS Reporting: ...With Governor Blagojevich's signature, Illinois officially became the third state to close the loophole since the Virginia Tech shootings, requiring that all court records on prohibited purchasers will be shared with the National Instant Check System (NICS). Virginia's governor took executive action in April, and Missouri has passed a law similar to the Illinois bill. --- Judge Refuses To Delay Pennsylvania Gun-Sale Freeze: A Commonwealth Court judge has denied a motion by gun dealers for a preliminary injunction to stop a freeze on Pennsylvania gun sales scheduled to begin on Sunday evening...The reason for the suspension of gun sales is an upgrade to the state's computerized background check system that is now scheduled to take place over three days starting Sunday evening. That system is still using technology developed in 1981. --- Nebraska City Passes Favorable Amendment To Crime Ordinance: On Tuesday, August 28 the Omaha City Council passed an ordinance aimed at reducing crime in the city. An amendment introduced by Councilman Chuck Sigerson, Jr., and passed unanimously by the council, allows a legally-owned firearm that has been stolen and used in a crime to be returned to the rightful owner, as long as it was reported stolen to police. --- Oops, Wrong House: One of three men accused of breaking into a home and holding the residents at gunpoint was shot and killed early Friday morning by one of the residents...Police said Chestnut fired at someone in the home. The resident shot back multiple times, killing Chestnut. --- A Different Sort Of Break-In: Maryland Natural Resources Police said Friday they will not charge an Amish Road man who shot a bear after it charged him and his wife and then attempted to come through a window after the couple sought refuge inside their home Wednesday evening. --- Barking Up The Wrong Tree In Boston: A few days ago, I told you about the tragic case of Liquarry Jefferson, an 8-year-old boy who was accidentally killed by his 7-year-old cousin in a Boston neighborhood. Mayor Thomas Menino was quick to try to blame the NRA for this tragedy. But as I pointed out, this family had been under constant supervision from social workers and the police, and the 15-year-old family member who illegally possessed that gun had not been removed from the home despite his extensive juvenile record and gang ties. --- No Relief In Sight For Rising Ammo Prices: If you are a shooter, the skyrocketing price of ammunition is hitting home every bit as hard as the gasoline pumps. It's nothing new. The price increases began after 9/11, then were compounded by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - which pushed up overall demand - and growing industrial powers such as China and India, which either gobbled up or bid up the cost of raw materials...How bad is it? In 2005, Remington sold out its entire production of ammunition and lost money due to the enormous leap in raw materials costs. --- Rule Five Reminder: Officials said the man broke the driver's side window and took a purse that was on the floor and a wallet that was on the seat. Investigators said police credentials from the Texas City Police Department and Galveston County Sheriff's Office were in the stolen items. A Glock Model 23 handgun was also taken, officials said. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm. Granted that circumstances may sometimes require people to secure firearms in vehicles, leaving wallets and purses in plain sight invites burglary.) Even With Reasonable Precautions...: The Virginia State Police are investigating the theft of some of their tactical equipment. A trooper discovered on Aug. 14 that the department's Tactical Team Trailer had been broken into while parked in the Virginia Department of Transportation's locked facility at 301 Fairfax Pike in Stephens City. A Remington model 700P 308 rifle with a night telescopic sight was taken from the trailer, along with a Honda portable generator. --- NRA-ILA Alerts: Alerts for the various states are posted on the NRA-ILA website. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .