More Oklahoma Women Carry Handguns: Many of the women who attend the annual Women's Fun Shoot at the Oklahoma City Gun Club north of Arcadia enjoy the experience so much that they return year after year. Many go on to more serious training and eventually earn a license to carry a concealed handgun...According to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, more than 54,000 Oklahomans are licensed to carry concealed handguns. That number does not reflect how many license holders are women, but firearms instructors say they see a growing number of women taking firearms classes. --- Floridians Debate Firearm Ownership, Training: It began as a simple conversation about security on an online Jungle Terrace neighborhood forum after a few incidents of graffiti and property theft occurred. Then someone mentioned keeping firearms for self-protection, someone else suggested hosting a neighborhood training day at a local shooting gallery, and, before most realized what was going on, a few residents were seriously discussing a neighborhood weapons training plan. --- Pennsylvania Protests Proved Point: The state's plan seemed simple enough: Starting on a holiday weekend and for a few days at most, shut down a computer system used for criminal background checks on gun buyers so that important technological upgrades could be made. But a backlash and an unsuccessful court challenge ensued, providing a potent lesson to the state's political leaders about the sensitivities and vigilance of the state's gun rights supporters, and yet another reminder of the challenges faced by gun control advocates in Pennsylvania. --- Pennsylvania Town May Renew Gun Ban: Some Ellwood City officials hope to take another shot at banning personal guns in the municipal building - including the mayor's sidearm - despite opposition from the National Rifle Association. The Lawrence County town of about 8,600 was one of two Western Pennsylvania communities that adopted gun restrictions on municipal property - only to promptly rescind the controversial ordinances. --- Time To Consider Shall-Issue In Maryland: While many states are confronting crime by permitting law-abiding citizens to apply and carry firearms, Maryland's conservative posture in regard to "Right to Carry" laws is significantly more restrictive. Wyatt Earp would have a problem getting a permit in this state. Are we then smarter or dumber in regard to the majority of states in combating crime? If our local representatives are truly concerned about the brazen criminal acts in our community and preventing them, then perhaps some brave political representative might examine some of the information contained in this column, especially in the state of Florida, and pursue a similar law for Maryland. (If it's a right, why does it require a permit?) --- Ohio Newspapers Attack New Law: A state public-records law that takes effect Sept. 29 has befuddled Ohio sheriffs, created disagreement among legislative supporters and surprised at least one First Amendment expert, who called it "patently unconstitutional." The public-records debate in Ohio usually centers on whether records should be released. But in three weeks, Ohio will tell people - specifically journalists - for the first time that they can view public records but not copy them. The law deals with conceal-carry handgun permits issued by county sheriffs. --- Now It's High Point's Fault: The illegal handgun used by an ex-con in a firefight that left a transit cop wounded is the weapon of choice among New York City criminals, federal data show. Juan Calves brandished a High Point 9-mm. when plainclothes Officer Annmarie Marchiondo and her two anti-crime partners yanked him off the No. 4 train in the Bronx on Friday. The inexpensive pistol tops the lengthy list of guns seized from New York City criminals and traced last year by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. --- Nation Of Islam v. NRA: It didn't get a lot of attention from gun bloggers, and frankly, I almost hesitate to write about it. But the Nation of Islam is threatening to sue the NRA because we supported and lobbied for statewide firearms preemption in Pennsylvania. According to Michael Coard, with the Nation of Islam's "Millions More Movement," the group is threatening to sue the NRA because members believe the preemption laws have led to more "guns on the street." --- Nonsense From Connecticut: Sometime in the next year, the U.S. Supreme Court may settle the question whether the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants individuals the right to own firearms or imparts a collective, civic right to bear arms as part of a military organization. We believe the latter interpretation is the correct one...The leaders who forged our Bill of Rights were a smart and articulate bunch. They picked their words carefully. "Militia" is a word that already implies a level of formal organization. But the Second Amendment goes beyond that by calling for a "regulated militia"; and not just a regulated militia, but a "well regulated" one. (They also carefully included "the right of the people."),0,5903304.story --- Meanwhile, In North Carolina...: Thirty-two volunteers wearing black clothing will participate in a "lie-in" in Charlotte, N.C., on Monday, the latest in a series of demonstrations coordinated by a grassroots group that urges "more action be taken to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people." "In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech tragedy and other shootings, concerned Charlotte citizens are demanding action on our country's lax gun laws," said Abigail Spangler, organizer of the group Protest Easy Guns, in a news release on Friday. --- The Sociology Of Ballistic Idiocy: ...Specifically, my friend was annoyed that Gary spent valuable class time arguing that the 2nd Amendment protects the citizen's right to own guns but not to own bullets. With a straight face, his professor had argued that the key to reducing gun violence in America is to enact a legislative ban on the manufacture, distribution, and sale of bullets. This, he thought, would actually pass constitutional muster. --- Oops, Wrong Old Man: A 67-year-old security guard will face no charges after he fatally shot one man and superficially injured another as they attempted to flee a convenience store they reportedly robbed Sunday in west Phoenix, police said. Investigators found that 21-year-old robbery suspect Daniel Arbizu had no bullets in his gun when he pointed it at the guard. But without knowing the gun was empty, the guard did not give up his right to use deadly force, a Phoenix police spokesman said. --- Warning Shot Reminder: A homeowner who killed a member of Edie Brickell & New Bohemians by shooting a gun through his back door told a 911 operator he was trying to fire a warning shot but didn't think the musician "was that tall..." Albrecht, who was 6-foot-5, was shot in the head around 4 a.m. Monday while trying to kick down Logg's back door, police said. Logg lives next door to Albrecht's girlfriend, whom police said the musician was fighting with before the shooting. (And if the bullet had not struck Albrecht in the head, where would it have ended up?) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .