Pharmacist Cleared In Shooting Of Robber: A Wichita pharmacist was justified in fatally shooting a robber who pointed a handgun and demanded painkillers, District Attorney Nola Foulston said Wednesday...The pharmacist, Tom Lundberg, who fired one round from a pistol-grip shotgun, striking Mies in the head, "had no way of knowing" that Mies' gun was unloaded, John Mies said. The investigative summary released by the district attorney's office Wednesday said that Lundberg had first yelled at Mies: "Put the gun down. Drop it." But Mies swung his gun toward another pharmacist, the report said. --- Double Whammy In Arizona: The mentally ill man who was shot and killed by police after he shot and wounded a Flagstaff detective bought three guns legally two years prior to his death. (Expect some backlash from the facts that he used an FN Five-seveN pistol and had obtained a Concealed Weapon Permit. The latter fact was apparently disclosed by the gun dealer as DPS is not allowed to release that information.) Logic From The University Of Georgia?: The natural reaction after an event such as 9/11 is to use our power to try to control the situation so it does not happen again. Most people jump to the conclusion that by taking away the general right to bear arms, the attacks will stop. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. (As I understand it, the old requirement that every pilot of an airplane carrying US Mail be armed was rescinded at the demand of the airlines.) On The Other Hand, In Connecticut...: --- Illogic In DC: "An educated legislature being necessary to the prosperity of a civilized nation, the right of the people to own books, shall not be infringed." Does this mean that books shall only be owned by elected legislators? Does that mean the right to own books only refers to a civilized nation's right to maintain a band of politicians who can read on a higher than third grade level? John Lott Comments:,2933,296724,00.html --- Virginia School Disarms Mascot: Buena Vista's Parry McCluer High School has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to guns on campus. That sensible policy became ludicrous when school officials disarmed their mascot, a flintlock-wielding pirate lost his weapons in a new logo. Principal Haywood Hand saw conflict between the gun ban and the a mascot that featured pistols. "It is hypocritical to promote a mascot with a gun in each hand," he said. So he ordered the logo redrawn without guns. Meanwhile, In California...: Cornerstone Elementary School will review its zero-tolerance policy toward guns on campus this fall after fifth-graders were told to remove weapons from the hands of toy soldiers that festooned their graduation caps. "We don't want to repeat mistakes or offend people," Walker Williams, superintendent of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District, told the Daily Breeze. "We didn't intend to offend." The school principal, Denis Leonard, did not want to talk to the newspaper. --- Rule Five Reminder: An airline pilot with a federal license to carry a gun in the cockpit apparently lost his handgun at Indianapolis International Airport. Nelson Minerly, a spokesman for the Federal Air Marshal's Service, said the pilot will not be allowed to carry a weapon on board until an investigation into the incident is complete. But he will be allowed to keep his job with one of the airlines. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm. I have to wonder if this incident may have occurred because the pilot may not have been allowed to wear his holstered handgun outside the cockpit.) --- Suspended Cops Disarmed: An attorney for two Rockford IL police officers decides whether to move forward with a lawsuit against the department. Matt Williams and Jason Bailey allegedly broke a police department rule and were put on leave. They claim their personal guns were taken away and filed a lawsuit claiming their 2nd Amendment rights were violated. --- California Fish & Game Commissioner Resigns: A member of the state Fish and Game Commission who sought to ban lead hunting bullets in condor territory resigned Thursday at the request of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration, after Republican lawmakers demanded his removal...The resignation of R. Judd Hanna provoked an angry response from environmentalists and Democrats, who are calling on the governor to sign legislation enacting such a ban currently on his desk.,1,2375410.story?coll=la-headlines-california Meanwhile, In Wyoming...: --- From AzCDL: The following are pro-rights bills that will become law this year. With the exception of SB 1250, the general effective date for legislation is September 19, 2007: SB 1250 - Removes the requirement to obtain fingerprints upon the first renewal of a CCW permit. Last year a bill passed that eliminated the fingerprint requirement after the second renewal. DPS interpreted this to mean that the second time you renew your permit after August 2005, you don't need fingerprints - or roughly in the year 2015. SB 1250 eliminates the fingerprint requirement for permit renewals altogether. Starting December 31, 2007, when you renew your concealed weapons permit, you will no longer be required to submit a set of fingerprints. For procedures on renewing without submitting fingerprints, check with the DPS CCW Unit: SB 1258 - Prohibits the Governor, or Adjutant General, from confiscating lawfully held firearms during a state of emergency. HB 2116 - Allows people to let their grandchildren use their big game permits and tags to take big game under certain limited circumstances. HB 2117 - Allows people to let physically disabled minor children use their big game permits and tags to take big game under certain limited circumstances. HB 2469 - Reduces the penalty for not carrying your CCW permit with you to a petty offense (from the current Class 2 Misdemeanor). It also restricts the application of the law to concealed weapons permit holders, and clarifies that a permit holder can only be charged if they are carrying a concealed weapon when they fail to present their permit at the request of a law enforcement officer. If you produce a legible permit that was valid at the time of the violation, when you go to court you "shall not be convicted." These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .