Insight On The DC Handgun-Ban Appeal: ...The strategic implications of DC's decision are enormous. It appears that DC has decided that its long-gun self-defense ban is constitutionally indefensible. The most logical inference is that DC (despite statements by the Mayor at press conferences) has concluded that it cannot convince the Supreme Court that the Second Amendment is not an individual right. DC is retreating to position that the individual Second Amendment right is not violated by a handgun ban, as long as individuals can possess other guns. --- New Mexico CCW: More than 7,000 New Mexicans now hold permits to carry concealed handguns. That compares to 1,127 residents across the state with the permits in July 2004, according to the state Department of Public Safety...The state's concealed carry law allows New Mexicans 21 and older to apply for four-year [emphasis added] concealed carry licenses after completing firearms training and passing national and local criminal background checks. Felons and people convicted of misdemeanor assault or battery on a household member or of DWI in the past five years are ineligible for a license. --- Guns Prevent Chaos: A new international poll has revealed that Americans have substantially more guns than any other country. According to the poll, nine out of 10 Americans own a gun and possess more than 250 million of the world's 600 million guns. As expected, many people are using this poll to call for more gun control. Gun critics seem to think that more guns mean more crime and fatalities. On the other hand, gun rights supporters claim it is their inalienable right to own a gun for self-defense or any other legal purpose. The simple fact of the matter is that the gun critics are just plain wrong. Time and time again, guns have proven to deter crime, not encourage it. --- Microstamping Myths: John Longenecker dissects and dismembers the arguments in the statement of need for the California bill that would require new autoloading pistols to stamp a microscopic serial number on the primer of fired cases. (AB 1471 has been passed and sent to the governor for signature.) Related Article: --- Gun Theft Prompts Revocation Of Gun Shop's License: A Jersey City gun shop owner's license to sell firearms was revoked yesterday by a judge who cited security concerns at the store, shoddy record keeping, and an incident in which the owner fired into the air while being assaulted... Superior Court Judge Fred Theemling cited the June 10 incident in which two thieves entered Murray's store and while one of them distracted Murray, the other reached into an unlocked gun case. Murray told the man to stop but Theemling said he should have locked the case. When the man reached again he took a handgun and the pair got away, police reports said. Theemling said the store is a threat to the safety of the community. --- Ohio Governor To Address CCW Group: Ohioans For Concealed Carry is thrilled to announce that Ohio Governor Ted Strickland has accepted our invitation to serve as keynote speaker at OFCC's fourth annual family picnic, the Party in the Park. His office has confirmed that the Governor is eager to speak to our members and supporters at this great event being held on the afternoon of Saturday, September 29th in Liberty Park of Powell, Ohio (just north of Columbus). --- Giuliani Politicking Worries Brady Bunch: Gun-control advocates yesterday urged Rudy Giuliani not to abandon his years of support for federal firearms restrictions to satisfy the National Rifle Association. "I'd be very disappointed. I don't know anything that has happened that justifies a change in position," said Paul Helmke, head of the Brady Campaign. As mayor, Giuliani was an ardent supporter of gun control to help cut crime in the city - supporting a ban on assault weapons over the objections of many Republicans in Congress, as well as the NRA. --- Former Naval Officer Pleads Guilty To Possessing Unregistered Machine Guns: A former Navy supply officer pleaded guilty Tuesday to illegally possessing 60 unregistered machine guns that were found at his rural home...Carmel, 32, of Gilman, also is charged in federal court in New York state with trying to sell rifle sights he allegedly stole from the military. That complaint says that when he served as a supply officer on the minesweeper USS Shrike, he obtained hundreds of laser sights, machine gun parts and night vision goggles although the vessel didn't require the equipment. --- Some Glock Humor: Dean Speir offers a preview of the Glock 40 pistol. (May be offensive to the True Believer.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .