Nevada Announces CCW Reciprocity: Beginning Oct. 1, the state of Nevada will recognize permits from eight other states that allow people to carry concealed weapons, the Nevada Department of Public Safety announced. Those states are Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee and Utah. (I have no idea why the Arizona CWP failed to qualify. This is why I have suggested to my students that they also obtain a Utah CFP and a Florida CWFL.) --- Attorney Previews DC Gun-Ban Case: Robert Levy, co-counsel to the plaintiffs in Parker v. District of Columbia, briefly analyzes the four key issues that will be presented to the Supreme Court, when it hears DC's appeal of the appellate-court ruling that rejected the city's ban on handguns. (Definitely worth reading/) Related Article: --- Ohio Supremes To Rule On Local Gun Bans: On Wednesday, The Ohio Supreme Court accepted an appeal by the City of Clyde in Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc. et. al. v. City of Clyde, et. al. The original lawsuit, filed in 2004, challenged the city of Clyde's ordinance that allowed posting of signs to prohibit otherwise legal handguns being carried by licensed Ohioans in local city parks. "Reviewing this case will provide the Ohio Supreme Court a great opportunity to review Article XVIII, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution, the Home Rule Amendment, and its limitations when a local municipality attempts to exceed its authority by enacting ordinances in conflict with comprehensive state legislation," said Ohioans For Concealed Carry attorney Daniel Ellis, of Lydy & Moan, LTD. --- Ohio AG Asked To Rule On Media Access: The Youngstown Vindicator is reporting that Trumbull County prosecutor Dennis Watkins has instructed the sheriff not to allow journalists to copy the confidential records of concealed handgun llicense (CHL) holders, and has asked Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann to clarify how information about those who have licenses can be released under an amendment to Ohio's concealed carry law media access loophole. --- Assault-Musket Ban For NYC?: New Yorkers who opened their papers today learned that St John's University, a Catholic college in Queens, was locked down for three hours yesterday because some guy off his meds was carrying a loaded...high-powered .50 cal breach loading Wolfe rifle similar to the one used by Dick Cheney." The previous quote is a composite that I made up from various news descriptions of the weapon. Most reporters had no clue what type of weapon this guy had. Even the gunman's lawyer, in trying to assuage fears, came up with the Dick Cheney analogy, despite the fact that Cheney used a double-barreled shotgun in last year's incident. In fact, the gun used in Queens was a break open in-line muzzleloader. St John's was locked down because of a guy armed with a musket. Related Article: --- Unusual Home Invasion: An Acampo CA homeowner acted in self-defense and will not face charges for fatally shooting a man who drove through his home and confronted him, prosecutors said Wednesday... "We would like to commend Mr. Robinson for the restraint and compassion that he used under these astonishing circumstances, especially in light of Vora's bizarre and violent behavior," Freitas said Wednesday. That behavior included making threats, crashing through the Robinsons' home, killing one of their dogs and charging Robinson. Only later would investigators learn that Vora had been arrested twice in August 2001 for threatening to kill people in San Francisco and Merced. (Note that the first attempt to fire a shot failed due to not having disengaged the safety. I generally prefer to keep long guns with an empty chamber and the safety off.) --- From The Firearms Coalition: (Washington, DC, September 27, 2007) Oklahoma Republican Senator Dr. Tom Coburn put a halt to an attempt to push through H.R.2640, the so called "NICS Improvement Bill", by objecting to an attempt by Chuck Schumer (D, NY) to move the bill directly to a vote without debate or an opportunity to amend the problematic piece of legislation. The bill was rushed through the House in June and passed on a voice vote with only one know dissenter, presidential candidate, Representative Ron Paul (R, TX) who expressed concerns that the bill was simply an expansion of an already unconstitutional program requiring citizens to seek and receive government permission before exercising their Constitutional Right to bear arms. Senator Coburn's action does not put a stop to the controversial NICS bill, but it does keep it from barreling through without any opportunity to fix some of its serious flaws. The bill has caused a deepening of the rift between the "hard-line" and "moderate" branches of the gun rights movement. NRA cooperated in the crafting of the bill which blew through the House with their support in mid-June, but strong opposition from GOA and many grassroots organizations seems to be slowing the bill's momentum and damaging NRA's credibility. The Senate Judiciary Committee dramatically increased funding for the proposal just before the August recess and rolled several other "school safety" bills in with the NICS bill. The Firearms Coalition strongly supports the objectives of the NRA improvements in the NICS bill, but the gains are not worth the costs to taxpayers or the damage that the argument over the bill is causing within the gun rights movement. We are encouraging Senator Coburn and others to take the next step and place a "Hold" on the bill which we believe would result in a quiet death to this controversial issue - at least for now. **************** Chris has been doing a lot of work on The Firearms Coalition website at and we'd like to have your opinion on it. We've added the ability to comment on articles and blog entries, we've added a forum area, and we've given members the ability to create their own blogs on the site. We've also started collecting member ZIP codes to help us alert them to local issues as they come up. If you're already registered for the site, please stop by and add your ZIP code to your profile so we can more effectively keep you informed. If you haven't yet registered on the site, what are you waiting for? Stop by and see what we've got going on. **************** I'll be doing a presentation on expanding concealed carry at the Gun Rights Policy Conference outside Cincinnati next weekend. This is a free event and a great opportunity to brainstorm and network with fellow gun rights activists. For information about the conference, click on the GRPC link on **************** The new Hard Corps Report should be in the mail next week. Subscribe now! Yours for the Second Amendment, Jeff Knox The Firearms Coalition --- From GOA: ... But you should realize that Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has been working with Gun Owners of America and, right now, is standing ALONE in the U.S. Senate to hold up this dangerous piece of legislation - which is being pushed by the Queen of Gun Control in the House (Carolyn McCarthy of New York) and the King of Gun Control in the Senate (Chuck Schumer of New York). Sen. Coburn understands that the bill is anathema to gun rights and will result in the disarmament of (potentially) millions of additional, law-abiding Americans. "Veterans, or any other American, should not lose their Second Amendment rights," he said, "if they have been unfairly tagged as having mental health concerns." --- American Airlines Modifies Firearm Ban On Overseas Flights: American Airlines' policy regarding firearms on flights to and from Europe and Asia has been revised three days after it went into effect. Earlier in the week, this notice on the Fort Worth-based airline's website could be found under the travel information section on restricted items: "Effective with tickets purchased on/after September 24, 2007, American Airlines will no longer accept firearms in checked baggage to/from any European or Asian destination (except for military/government personnel with proper documentation)." The National Rifle Association and other advocates of hunting and the shooting sports were stirred up and moved to action... --- Britain To Grant Limited Rights: Home owners and "have-a-go heroes" defending themselves against burglars and muggers will have greater protection from prosecution, under an urgent review of the law to be unveiled by Jack Straw today. The move - to be announced by the Justice Secretary in his Labour conference speech - will be aimed at ensuring that those protecting themselves or their homes in a "proportionate" way will not find themselves in court. --- Switzerland To Ban Home Storage Of Military Ammunition: ... Four and a half years later, Vollenweider and other gun control advocates yesterday won a victory when the lower house of parliament voted to bar Switzerland's citizen soldiers from keeping ammunition at home. Their next goal is a national referendum on stricter gun laws. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .