Bloomberg Perpetuates Bigotry Against Firearm Owners: A new series of anti-gun posters now showing up around New York City are an affront to law-abiding gun owners, while also serving as an attempt to scare younger people from pursuing legal gun ownership, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. The signs have two messages: "Guns Open Doors for Young People...Prison Doors" and the other says "JAIL" in capitol letters, with the "L" being the image of a Beretta semiautomatic pistol. Only when one gets close to the sign to read the small print is it apparent that the posters carry what might constitute as a "disclaimer" by noting, "Get Caught Carrying an Illegal Gun, Get 3 1/2 Years in Prison." The posters were sponsored by the Citizens Crime Commission of New York City, headed by Richard Aborn, past president of Handgun Control, Inc. --- Firearm Purchases Enter New York Driver License Debate: Motor Vehicles Commissioner David Swarts added yet another confusing twist to the hot-button issue of driver's licenses for illegal immigrants Wednesday, suggesting the licenses could be used to buy guns...When state Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Vincent Leibell (R-Brewster) asked flatly if the licenses could be used to buy guns, Swarts appeared to have been caught off-guard. He started to answer, stopped, then said, "Yeah, I guess it proves who they are." But Spitzer's office explained that potential gun buyers must complete a form that calls for a valid Social Security number or Citizenship and Immigration Services number. (Of course, with all of New York's restrictions, one can be sure that illegal aliens will attempt to purchase firearms through legal channels.) --- Second Amendment Is Not For Silencing The Press: A report in Thursday's edition of The Hill suggests that Hillary Clinton supporters have little or no understanding of either the First or Second Amendments, after a Clinton backer reportedly said in a conference call that NBC's Tim Russert "should be shot" for asking tough questions, the Second Amendment Foundation said today...Incredible," observed SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. "This unidentified supporter of candidate Clinton - whose extreme anti-gun record is well known - would misuse a firearm to silence a journalist, simply because he did his job and put a politician on the spot with her own words. What a remarkable comment to come from the mouth of someone who is most likely an ardent supporter of restrictive gun laws. --- Roanoke Times Policy Angers NRA, VCDL: The National Rifle Association is telling its members, and anyone else who will listen, that The Roanoke Times "is once again up to its anti-gun antics." The NRA and other pro-gun advocates are angry that the newspaper has tightened its policy on firearms advertising and will accept gun and accessory ads from licensed firearm's dealers only. That meant no ads for last weekend's popular Roanoke Valley Gun Show held in the Roanoke Civic Center. While most guns sold at such shows involve federally licensed dealers and background checks, there are some personal collection deals between individuals apart from licensed dealers. These escape background checks... --- How The DC Gun Ban Functions: ...I think it's worth acknowledging the primary functions of the law as it's used by prosecutors in DC: the gun ban is both a preventive detention statute and an intelligence-gathering tool. At one time when I was a prosecutor, we were prohibited from extending a plea offer in gun cases unless the defendant agreed to come into the office (with his attorney, of course) and be "debriefed" about his knowledge of criminal activity in the city. The statute was also a mechanism for locking up individuals perceived as violent, but against whom other cases could not be brought for whatever reason... --- New Hampshire Man To Appeal Permit Denial: Calling it "an important case for the people of New Hampshire," a former city employee is appealing the June denial of his license to carry a concealed weapon to the state Supreme Court. After 18 years of having a valid license to carry concealed, Lee Roseberry's application was denied by Police Chief Michael Magnant, who cited the former sewer worker's troubled work history as reason for the denial. Roseberry lost a subsequent appeal at the local district court after testifying about his lack of criminal history, his 13 years as an officer of the Piscataqua Fish & Game Club and certification as a firearms instructor. --- Brady Bunch Lies About CCW: To bolster their claims, Brady's report contains an appendix of stories where alleged CCW licensees broke the law. Of the two cases researched so far, both of these incidents have proven to be self-defense, while Brady insinuates both cases were murder...A Fort Lauderdale Police Department press release corroborated the basic facts of the case, and also contained contact information within the department. A phone call to their Media Relations officer resulted in her statement that the case was ruled a "justifiable shooting." --- Brady Bunch Endorses Virginia Candidates: The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and its Virginia Million Mom March Chapters have endorsed numerous state legislative candidates in Virginia who support common sense efforts to combat gun violence. "The shootings at Virginia Tech on April 16 showed the need to make it harder for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons," said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. "The candidates we're endorsing support common-sense gun measures to help strengthen Virginia law enforcement and make Virginia communities safer." --- Bringing The Gun Debate Back To Campus: ...In truth, Protest Easy Guns isn't the only post-Virginia-Tech movement that's spread across college campuses. The concealed-carry organization, which has student chapters at about 125 campuses nationwide, organized an "empty holster" protest last week to demonstrate that those with a license to carry concealed weapons are "left defenseless ... when they walk on college campuses" that do not allow guns on their premises, said W. Scott Lewis, a spokesman. "Our opinion is that concealed handgun licenses are the perfect compromise between what the gun control advocates and the gun rights advocates support," said Lewis, 27, who has a concealed weapon license for the State of Texas. --- Knives Have Been Weapons Of Choice On Campus: More than 3 percent of 17 million crimes reported from 2000 through 2004 occurred at schools, colleges and universities, with knives being the most commonly used weapon, according to an FBI study released yesterday..."I didn't realize how significant that discrepancy was" between knives and guns, said Dave Resch, the FBI's unit chief of behavior analysis. He said that finding surprised him the most. "These kids aren't building these knives in shop class. . . . These knives are coming from somewhere." --- Oops, Wrong Feed Store: Two brothers are behind bars after one of them was shot while allegedly trying to break into an Enterprise (AL) business Tuesday night...Both have been charged with burglary. They are accused of trying to kick in a side-door at Fred's feed and seed on Park Avenue just before midnight. But the owner was inside and opened fire with a shotgun. --- Oops, Wrong Grocery Store: Miami-Dade police Wednesday were investigating the death of an armed, ski-masked man who was shot by the owner of a South Miami-Dade grocery store, apparently while trying to rob the store...The would-be robber pointed the gun at the store clerk at Diaz Groceries at the corner of Southwest 268th Street and 135th Avenue, according to Miami Herald news partner WFOR-CBS4 The grocery store owner, who was nearby, pulled out a firearm and shot the man, according to police reports. The man died on his way to Jackson Memorial Hospital. --- Oops, Wrong Car: ...In the latest incident overnight, a man sitting in a car alongside a woman was confronted by a man dressed all in black, wearing a ski mask and carrying a gun. He demanded money - and to see the woman strip naked, Miami police said. The man in the car, a security guard from a nearby Food Giant, pulled his own gun and exchanged gunfire with the man in the mask. The robber ran, threw his gun down in the mud and collapsed. The intended victims were unharmed. The would-be robber was dead. --- Clear Message For Carjackers: ...When Bates took Bobbie Gray's car and fled, leaving her behind, Keith Gray followed in his car. The chase crossed the state line into Tennessee and ended after Gray, wielding a handgun, shot at his mother's car, with Bates at the wheel, as the two drove side by side through a neighborhood... --- Case Could Weaken Arizona Self-Defense Law: The man who shot and killed Edward Duran in his home on Oct. 22 told a neighbor by phone that Duran was at his home 20 minutes before the killing. The neighbor also told police investigators that the shooter told him that he owed Duran drug money, according to a search warrant served on the shooter's home...After the investigation is complete, the case will be sent to the Coconino County Attorney's Office for review to determine if any criminal charges will be filed. In April 2006, a new self-defense law went into effect. It shifts the burden of proof to the prosecution to prove a person did not act in self-defense. Prior to the bill becoming law, state statute required that residents claiming self-defense had to prove they had justification. (Arizona's history of legislation from the bench certainly supports the dictum that bad cases make bad law.) --- Former NRA Lobbyist's Book Generates Controversy: ...In addition to his NRA stint, Feldman served as a director of the American Shooting Sports Council, only to be ousted after compromising with former President Bill Clinton on child safety locks. His iconoclastic take on the subject has left him a knowledgeable insider who's been banished outside. And he's extremely outspoken... "It's fascinating to watch Rudy Giuliani, who's been an opponent of what the NRA stands for during his entire professional life, from his days at the Justice Department through his two mayoral terms in New York," says Feldman. "I don't know whether he's seen the light or just felt the heat. He's hard to read." Related Commentary: --- Arizona Community Could Get Multi-Discipline Range: If a newly formed group of shooting enthusiasts realize their dreams, a proposed multi-use shooting range in the Show Low area could be more than just a shot in the dark. Members of the White Mountain Shooters Association, composed of enthusiasts from a variety of shooting disciplines, was recently formed with the purpose of getting a range in the White Mountains. It has a board of directors and tax-exempt status. They envision a facility which is an "all-sport" shooting range, according to Seth Nadel, a member of the WMSA as well as the White Mountain Practical Shooters Association. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .