Holiday Gifts: For those who may be considering inexpensive gifts for like-minded friends and relatives, Here are two suggestions: My book, Defensive Use of Firearms Women & Guns Magazine --- Knocking Heller: ... The fact that the D.C. court is so lonely in its viewpoint feeds the suspicion that it was aiming for a certain result. Only the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agrees, and even its ruling didn't actually strike down a gun law. Could it be that the two D.C. judges who did so, one a George W. Bush appointee and the other a Ronald Reagan choice, were substituting their own views for those of the District's lawmakers? That would be the very definition of judicial activism... --- CNN Lies, Again: CNN is up to its old tricks again. They're repeating the claims of "CBS Evening News" that bad guys in the Miami area are arming themselves with fully automatic machine guns. And because of that, the story goes, the cops are upgrading to semi-automatic rifles...Let me speak simply here, in hopes that the journalists at CNN will understand. I doubt that fully automatic machine guns are appearing on the streets of Florida, but if they are, it's not because of the expiration of the Clinton Gun Ban. That ban dealt only with semi-automatic firearms... --- Meanwhile, In Ohio: ...On Thursday the 15th, I was contacted by Eric Flack of WLWT Channel 5 News in Cincinnati. He told me he was doing a story on criminals obtaining guns at gun shows and wanted someone to come down and talk with them. We talked for several minutes and finally agreed that I would come down around 8PM for a studio interview. I had my apprehensions about doing this: The media rarely gives gun owners a fair shake, and sadly this was no exception. In a four minute report, I was on air for ten seconds at best... --- Thompson To Campaign At Gun Show: When Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson walks down the aisles of a gun show Saturday in Charleston, the game he's hunting won't be hard to spot. The former senator and actor is looking to differentiate himself from rivals Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney - and use his appeal as a "country boy from Tennessee" who knows NASCAR and hunting to portray the city slickers as out of step with this early voting state's residents... --- Philadelphia Prohibitionists Still Hopeful: Some might consider Tuesday's House Judiciary Committee vote on the handgun-control laws a defeat. We don't. Bills that would limit handgun purchases to one per month (HB22) and allow cities to enact their own gun laws (HB 18) failed to make it out of the committee, despite a sound, emotional plea from Gov. Rendell. But a law that requires gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms to police (HB 29) was tabled. We see this as progress. For years the environment in Harrisburg has been intolerant to handgun-safety legislation. So a bill tabled rather than dismissed is a sign to us that a climate change is in the works. Related Article: -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .