Feedback On S&W M&P: A list member reports: The M&P lost the contract to the Canadian Customs, drop test, 2m to concrete on muzzle, magazine flew out, full and till only one round was in it? Kept the Glock out by saying must have adjustable butt stock! Now went to Beretta. (The interchangeable back straps or "palm swells" are certainly an attractive feature for an agency that only wishes to issue or authorize on pistol.) --- What Was The Militia Of The Second Amendment?: ...The suggestion within the pleading is that state-regulated militia is the only kind of militia. It is not. For instance, The Militia Act of 1792 and The Militia Act of 1903 both came into being to absorb and effectively to silence the militia of the framing era because Militia was legally independent of the Military and Commander-in-Chief. It was also independent of any state. Militia was not the same as Military. Limiting the issue in D.C. v. Heller is to mislead the question by omission, refusing to divulge the unorganized militia of today... --- Briefs Filed In Ohio Preemption Suit: On Monday attorneys for Ohioans For Concealed Carry and the Ohio Attorney General's office filed Merit Briefs with the Ohio Supreme Court in our landmark case Ohioans For Concealed Carry v. City of Clyde. (Court of Appeals Case Nos. S-0-039, S-06-040) It's been nearly a decade since Ohioans For Concealed Carry has been a part of firearms litigation that has made it to the Ohio Supreme Court, last with Klein v. Leis, and we couldn't be more pleased with the merits of this case today...Those familiar with the case will recall that OFCC pursued litigation against the City of Clyde after their council enacted an emergency ordinance that prohibited concealed carry in their city parks shortly after concealed carry became law in Ohio... AG Asks Supremes To Toss Clyde's Case: Attorney General Marc Dann asked the Ohio Supreme Court on Monday to throw out the city of Clyde's challenge to a state law allowing people to carry hidden guns. The city's wish to ban concealed weapons in parks puts the entire state law at risk, according to a legal brief filed by Dann's office. The state Legislature refined Ohio's concealed-carry law in 2006 to prohibit communities from enacting restrictions tougher than state law. Then-Gov. Bob Taft vetoed the bill, but the Legislature overrode his veto. --- BATFE Acting Director Cozy With Prohibitionists: ...Sullivan in April 2007 touted the ATF's "outstanding relationship" with IACP-International Associations of Chiefs of Police. An organization that has been exposed by the NRA as being in the pockets of a large gun control group. Fitting enough Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan was one of the Keynote Speakers at IACP's Great Lakes States Summit on Gun Violence. Sullivan also served on a panel that included gun banners Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, Joyce Foundation President Ellen Alberding, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Professor David Hemenway... (Ironically, the S&W Chief Special revolver, a popular choice for concealed carry, was so named because it was introduced at an IACP convention.) --- Missouri Reports Highest Black-On-Black Homicide Rate: The homicide rate among blacks is higher in Missouri than any other state, according to a report released Tuesday by a nonprofit research group. The Violence Policy Center report said 32.79 deaths per 100,000 blacks in Missouri were the result of homicides. The report said the overwhelming majority of the deaths were caused by firearms, especially handguns. The Washington-based organization supports gun-control efforts. Messages seeking comment from the National Rifle Association were not returned. (It was the metropolitan areas of St. Louis and Kansas City, with their large black populations, that were responsible for defeating Proposition B, a ballot initiative to create licensed CCW in Missouri, back in 1999.) --- Oops, Wrong Yard: The Thurman family says after they were robbed twice, they got a security system and a gun. Now, they say, they've both come in handy. "As soon as [the motion sensor] went off, we were able to look out the window and see that he had opened the door to the truck," said Michael Thurman. He says he thought it was a burglar. So he grabbed his gun, ran downstairs and went outside. "When I saw him right here I said hey what are you doing?" Thurman said. An incident report shows the suspect, Jeffery Whitt, started to run to a dark part of the yard. Thurman says he couldn't see him and was afraid he might be going to get a gun. "Anything could've been in [the] area, so I did what I thought I needed to protect myself and my family. I fired a few shots," One of those shots into the dark hit the suspect in the leg. (I think I'd have stayed indoors.) --- Rule One, Rule Two, Rule Three Reminder: When City police were called to the aid of a gunshot victim Sunday night, they didn't have to look any farther to find the shooter. Police said Jacob Philips accidentally shot himself in the left leg with a Springfield .45-caliber handgun. Police were called to 60 Allen Street just after 8 p.m., where they found Phillips wounded. Phillips was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Police said they do not expect to find evidence of foul play, but will continue to investigate the situation. Police said Phillips did have a gun permit. (While it is unclear from the report if the pistol was a 1911 or an XD, the XD, like the Glock and the S&W Sigma, does require that the trigger be pressed in order to remove the slide from the frame. Shooting oneself in the left leg would be typical for a right-handed shooter disassembling the pistol while seated and failing to observe The Rules.) The Rules: --- New York City To Rejoin Great Britain?: Damn you, Osama bin Laden! Here's another rotten thing you've done to us: After 9/11, untold thousands of New Yorkers bought machines that detect traces of biological, chemical, and radiological weapons. But a lot of these machines didn't work right, and when they registered false alarms, the police had to spend millions of dollars chasing bad leads and throwing the public into a state of raw panic. OK, none of that has actually happened. But Richard Falkenrath, the NYPD's deputy commissioner for counterterrorism, knows that it's just a matter of time. That's why he and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have asked the City Council to pass a law requiring anyone who wants to own such detectors to get a permit from the police first...,thompson,78873,2.html -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .