House Democrats Oppose National-Park Carry: With a showdown looming, Rep. Norm Dicks says he's prepared to block any effort by the administration to lift the ban on carrying loaded weapons in national parks. It's not an idle threat. As chairman of the House Appropriations interior subcommittee, Dicks oversees the National Parks Service's annual budget and is in a position to prevent the administration from dropping the Reagan-era ban. While the Washington Democrat is usually reluctant to add legislative provisions to his spending bill, he is ready to make an exception in this case even if it prompts a presidential veto. --- West Virginia May Still May Make CCW Records Confidential: There are more than 2,800 people licensed to carry concealed weapons in Cabell County, and as of now their names are a matter of public record. But a proposal in the West Virginia Legislature aimed at closing those records still had some life as of Friday. The five-year weapon permits allow many law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed pistol or revolver. Those names are recorded at the Cabell County Courthouse and open for public review. House Bill 4026, which would limit access of that information to the permit holder, his or her attorney, guardians and law enforcement agencies, was placed Friday on the House's Special Calendar. Later it was tabled on third reading during the session, meaning it can be read a third time when the House returns on Monday. --- Concealed-Carry Applications Increase In West Virginia: More and more people are seeking permission to carry concealed weapons in Cabell County, according to an initial count from the Sheriff's Tax Department. The department's records indicate Cabell County has submitted more approvals to the state clearinghouse each year dating back to at least 2004. In fact, last year's tally more than doubled the amount of permits submitted to the State Police in 2004. Records show at least 329 permits were submitted in 2004; 475 permits in 2005; 546 permits in 2006 and 672 permits in 2007. --- Campus-Cary Drive Continues Nationwide: Along with books, laptop and cell phone, there is something else that Jeremy Clark thinks is essential to bring to class: his gun. The Villanova University law student said the sickening spate of campus shootings, from Virginia Tech to Northern Illinois University, left him feeling vulnerable without his Glock 9mm semiautomatic handgun...But Villanova, like nearly all colleges and universities nationwide, bans firearms on campus. A new group, called Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), would like to change that, arguing that concealed-carry permit holders should be able to bring weapons to school to defend themselves and their classmates against a deranged killer. --- Cornell Students Debate Campus Carry: At yesterday's Student Assembly meeting, Mark Coombs '08, director of elections, and Ahmed Salem '08, an S.A. representative at-large and chair of the Cornell College Republicans, presented Resolution 17, which calls for "Concealed Carry [of weapons] on Campus." ...If the resolution passes, Slicklen will ask the administration to do what it can to change current New York State law, which does not allow citizens to conceal and carry guns on college campuses. Citizens over 21 may conceal and carry guns on public property. (New Yorkers over 21 may legally conceal and carry guns if they live in a county that will grant them a permit to do so.) --- McCain Challenged To Repudiate BATFE Director: With the raid on Cavalry Arms by the ATF the other day, the question turns to a certain Arizona Senator who is running for President. McCain, in the past has alienated much of Second Amendment supporters and now needs their vote. It was McCain's own constituents that were harassed and in the state of Arizona the number of firearms dealers has dropped 75% since 1994. The Senator has not addressed the confirmation of Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan, whose confirmation has been held up for continuing to eliminate dealers which Congress has rebuked them for... --- Wise Words From A High-School Student: It can't be denied guns are dangerous. But, when handled properly, guns provide the security we're entitled to as citizens. According to "The Second Amendment Primer" by Les Adams, the Second Amendment to the Constitution reads, "A well, regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Imagine if the government or military had the power to take guns away from U.S. citizens. This kind of intrusion could easily turn our government to tyranny overnight and leave citizens vulnerable without a way to defend themselves. Worse yet, if another country attacked the United States, what could the unarmed citizen do? The Second Amendment prevents citizens from being helpless in situations like these... --- One Christian's Perspective On Self-Defense: I was on a talk show the other day defending the Second Amendment and discussing with my host the stupid, unconstitutional and woefully inadequate D.C. gun ban. I made it clear that I am a Christian who is extremely cool (to the point of being giddy) with our right to keep and bear arms. After we trounced the anti-gun lobby for their goofy, doe-eyed, John Lennon-like "Imagine" solutions to violent crime, we opened up the phone lines for folks to weigh in with their two cents. The first caller was a woman who asked if I thought Jesus would carry a weapon if He were here today, to which I quickly replied, yes, of course He would - especially if He lived in Miami and was driving down I-95 at four o'clock in the morning... --- NRA Trains Record Number Of Law-Enforcement Instructors: Since 1960, the National Rifle Association has supported law enforcement by providing firearms instruction to officers and training new firearms instructors through its Law Enforcement Activities Division (LEAD). To date, more than 50,000 instructors have been trained by the NRA. In 2007, the NRA trained 2061 law enforcement instructors, a new record. 2007 was the sixth straight year the NRA has topped itself in the number of law enforcement trainers they have trained. -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .