Georgia House Approves Expanded-Carry Bill: Georgians with concealed weapons permits would have greater freedom in where they could carry their guns under a bill that passed in the Legislature's final hours. The legislation, backed by the National Rifle Association, permits firearms in public transportation, many restaurants and state parks. It would also allow employees to leave weapons in their car at work as long the employer said it was OK. Supporters said the expanded rights would only apply to those with permits, who are law-abiding citizens. Some Democrats objected, arguing that it is easy to obtain a concealed weapons permit in Georgia. The state does not require firearm safety training, as some other states require...The original bill would have also allowed guns in churches and public gatherings but that was stripped in the final version that won passage...The bill now heads to Gov. Sonny Perdue. --- Florida Senate Close to Appriving Parking-Lot-Storage Bill: The Senate is poised to give final approval next week to a bill allowing people with permits to carry guns to work regardless of their employers' wishes...The bill says private businesses cannot prevent customers or employees who hold concealed weapons permits from bringing their guns onto employers' property as long as the guns stay locked in cars. It also grants several exemptions, including places such as schools (although not child care centers or pre-schools), law enforcement facilities and jails, airports and defense contractors. Sen. Dave Aronberg, D-Greenacres, unsuccessfully proposed adding pharmacies as another spot that should have a ban. Had his amendment been accepted, it would have slowed the bill's progress. --- Florida Students Seek Campus Carry: Bill Bunting expects more than 40 University of Central Florida students to attend his gun class Saturday. In addition to a shared interest in guns, Bunting, chairman of the Pasco County Republican Club's executive committee, agrees that college students in Florida should be able to carry concealed handguns on campus if they hold the proper permit. Under state law it is illegal to bring a firearm onto a school campus. The students in Bunting's class are members of UCF's Republican club; some also are members of the Knight Rifle Association, a group of students who educate peers about Second Amendment rights and other gun-related issues. --- Pennsylvania Students to Attend "Handgun Violence" Symposium: Students in Clarion University's State and Local Government class will attend the "National Symposium on Handgun Violence" at Duquesne University on April 9. The course is taught by Dr. Kevan Yenerall, associate professor of political science. The historic symposium will address gun violence in schools, in cities, and directed at public officials. (The only obviously pro-RKBA panelist appears to be author and publisher Alan Korwin.) --- Oops, Wrong House: A southeast Houston homeowner shot a burglary suspect Thursday afternoon after he was victimized twice in a week, officials told KPRC Local 2...When the burglary suspect walked out of the garage with bolt cutters, Williamson said he grabbed his shotgun. "He came to the door and I went, 'Get on the ground. Get on the ground.' He got on the ground and I told him, 'Do not move,'" he said. "I was shaking. I had him on the ground with my shotgun and I told him, 'Do not move.' I was even yelling. I fired one shot in the ground just to show him I meant business." Williamson said he shot the man when he tried to run. The burglary suspect was taken to Ben Taub Hospital with a gunshot wound. His condition was not released. The District Attorney's Office said charges would probably not be filed because Williamson was protecting his property. (In most states deadly force is not justified in defense of mere property.) --- Oops, Wrong Store: A grand jury will decide whether a Houston convenience store owner was justified when he fatally shot one of two men who tried to rob his business late Thursday night, authorities said today. Peter Quang Dan fired at two men as they fled his store in southeast Houston, hitting one in the head, Houston Police said. The man's name has not been released. Police said he and another man entered the Colony Express Market at 2525 Broadway about 11 p.m. and robbed Dan, who was behind the cash register. (In most states the use of deadly force is no longer justified once the threat to the victim is over, such as when robbers are fleeing the scene.) --- Rule One Reminder: A rifle manufacturer asked arms dealers nationwide to make extra safety inspections after discovering it had accidentally shipped four guns loaded with live ammunition. Henry Repeating Arms, a maker of lever-action rifles like ones used in the 1860s and 1870s, said a thorough round of inventory checks revealed no other loaded weapons...As a rule, firearms are distributed unloaded to prevent potentially deadly accidents. Imperato said the company's mistake was related to one of its quality control measures. Every gun made by Henry Arms is test-fired before it is sold, a common practice in the industry. The rifles are then supposed to be checked to make sure no rounds remain, but Imperato said an error allowed a few guns to be distributed still loaded for the test firing procedure. (Rule One: All firearms are always loaded.) --- Rule Two, Rule Three Reminder: Portsmouth Police are investigating a shooting incident in the 2200 block of King Street in that city, where we're told a Portsmouth Sheriff's deputy accidentally shot another deputy. The deputies were reportedly clearing a house to be boarded up by the Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Police say they were there to make sure no one was inside doing drugs, for example. Then, they were going to board up the house. At some point, one of the deputies shot the other deputy. The bullet went through one of his legs and hit the other. The wounded deputy got on his radio and called for help. (Rule Two: Don't let the muzzle cross anything you're not prepared to shoot. Rule Three: Keep your finger out of the trigger guard, up on the frame, until your sights are on the target and you're prepared to fire.) --- Slain CHP Officers Memorialized: It was the 4 1/2 minutes that forever changed the California Highway Patrol. Thirty-eight years ago today, four CHP officers died in a fierce gunfight with a pair of heavily armed motorists outside a Valencia coffee shop after a seemingly routine traffic stop. On Friday, a five-mile stretch of Interstate 5 in Santa Clarita that runs past the shooting scene was renamed in honor of the dead officers as surviving family members and witnesses recalled what generations of CHP officers know as the "Newhall Incident." (The Newhall Incident is considered by many to have been the trigger for "street survival" training in American law enforcement, which, in turn, has provided a great deal of the basis for the tactical training for private citizens.),0,4858880,full.story --- NRA-ILA Alerts: Alerts for various states are posted on the NRA-ILA website. --- From AzCDL: Information on these bills and other legislation that AzCDL is tracking can be found at: . On Monday, April 7, 2008, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear the following important pro-rights bills that originated in the House: HB 2389, an AzCDL requested bill that clarifies that it is permissible to carry a weapon, without a CCW permit, visibly or concealed, anywhere within a means of transportation, excluding public transit. HB 2629, an AzCDL requested bill that clarifies when a defensive display of a firearm is justified. HB 2634, an AzCDL requested bill that clarifies that a person with an expunged or set-aside felony conviction, or one who has had their rights restored, may obtain a concealed weapons permit. Please take the time to send a polite note to the committee members urging them to vote for HB 2389, HB 2629, and HB 2634. Below are the email addresses of the committee members in both semi-colon and comma separation formats, along with a simple list of email addresses for those who encounter email address formatting problems. Use the list that is compatible with your email software. SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Semi-colon format:;;;;;; Comma format:,,,,,, In other news, SB 1132, Senator Harper's "Restaurant Carry" bill, passed out of the Senate on April 3, 2008, by a vote of 18-10 with 2 members not voting, and has been transmitted to the House. SB 1132 would permit the carrying of firearms in certain restaurants provided signs are posted permitting firearms and the person possessing the firearm does not consume alcohol. Stay tuned! As relevant legislation progresses, we will keep you up to date via these Alerts: . These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2008 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. We were expecting SB 1214, an AzCDL requested bill that would allow adults with Concealed Weapons (CCW) permits to carry concealed firearms on public college and university property, to be debated in the Senate Committee of the Whole (COW) on Thursday, April 3, 2008. However, the Senate Republican leadership kept the bill off the calendar because the votes weren't there to ensure passage, even with the amendment that added storage requirements and an additional skills test for campus carry permit holders. Our last opportunity to get SB 1214 heard in the Senate COW will be Monday, April 7, 2008. If it doesn't get heard then, it is dead for this session. AzCDL's full-time, volunteer lobbyists, Dave Kopp (President) and John Wentling (Vice-President), are haunting the Senate hallways, meeting with every Senator they can find, and counting votes. They found some Democrat Senators who may be willing to vote for SB 1214, along with a couple of their colleagues that could use a little prodding. But, sadly, the key hold-outs are a handful of Republicans. It's time to let them know that we're not going to let them hide when it comes to the safety of students. The following Senators especially need to hear from you: Senator Carolyn Allen Room 303 602-926-4480 (phone) 602-417-3155 (Fax) Senator Allen has indicated her opposition to SB 1214 from the beginning. Senator Jake Flake Room 307 602-626-5219 (phone) 602-417-3224 (Fax) We're learning that Senator Flake doesn't want to support SB 1214. Senator John Huppenthal Room 212 602-926-5261 (phone) 602-417-3157 (Fax) Senator Huppenthal has indicated that he will not support SB 1214. Senator Tom O'Halleran Room 303A 602-926-5584 (phone) 602-417-3101 (Fax) The amendment was crafted to appease Senator O'Halleran. He now has his amendment, but should still be reminded to vote for SB 1214. Senator Rebecca Rios Room 310 602-926-5685 (phone) 602-417-3167 (Fax) A typically pro-gun Democrat, who, unlike many of her colleagues, might actually be persuaded to vote for SB 1214. Senator Victor Soltero Room 312 602-926-5342 (phone) 602-417-3169 (Fax) Another Democrat who could be nudged with the right approach. Senator Jay Tibshraeny Room 306 602-926-4481 (phone) 602-417-3252 (Fax) We're hearing that Senator Tibshraeny won't support SB 1214. We strongly encourage you to contact these Senators and let them know you expect them to vote for SB 1214 in the Senate COW and during Third Read. If they represent your district, be sure to remind them how their abandonment of SB 1214 will affect your vote when they are up for reelection. It's always better to write your own letters, but we have provided a sample letter for guidance. Please be sure to always include your own name, address, and phone number. Following the letter are the email addresses of the Senators grouped together in both semi-colon and comma separated formats. Use the format that is compatible with your email software. Dear Senator: The Arizona Citizens Defense League has informed me that you are considering voting against SB 1214, which would allow adults with Concealed Weapons (CCW) permits to carry concealed firearms on public college and university property. It is unconscionable that you would consider voting against a bill that would protect students from harm. Voting for SB 1214 is the sensible thing to do. Federal law already provides an exception, for concealed weapons (CCW) permit holders, on the restriction regarding the possession of firearms on school property. SB 1214 complies with Federal law by removing the current restrictions on public college and university property. Arizona law requires that CCW permit holders be ADULTS over 21 years, who must satisfy State mandated firearms training requirements, which include a written and skills test, and undergo routine background checks by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to verify that they are the most law-abiding of the citizenry. SB 1214 does not involve political risk on your part. "Campus Carry" is a proven crime deterrent. Since the fall of 2006, state law in Utah has allowed licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on the campuses of all public colleges. Also, concealed carry has been allowed for several years at both Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO) and Blue Ridge Community College (Weyers Cave, VA). This has yet to result in a single act of violence at any of these schools. Opponents of SB 1214 will claim that law enforcement won't be able to tell the difference between armed defenders and armed assailants when they eventually arrive on the scene. This has not been an issue with concealed carry permit holders in other walks of life, for several reasons. First, real-world shootouts are typically localized and over very quickly. Police rarely encounter an ongoing shootout between assailants and armed citizens. Second, police are also trained to expect both armed bad guys and armed good guys, from off-duty/undercover police officers to armed citizens, in tactical scenarios. Finally, concealed weapon permit holders are trained to use their firearms for self-defense, respond properly to a police presence, and not run through buildings looking for bad guys. The biggest distinction between the armed assailants and the armed citizens is that the armed assailants would be running around shooting unarmed victims. Senator, if your son or daughter was faced with a choice of defending themselves with a firearm, or trying to call 9-1-1, what would YOU tell them to do? Is a murdered student morally superior to one who can forcefully stop her assailant? A person being attacked is the real "first responder." Without any means of self-defense at their disposal, they are easy targets for anyone willing to disregard the law. This easily corrected vulnerability could place them in a morgue, instead of home with their families where they belong. Is that what you would want to happen to someone dear to you? There is no rational alternative here. SB 1214 must become the law in Arizona. Support SB 1214 in the Senate Committee of the Whole and vote FOR the bill during Third Read. Sincerely, Your Name Your Address City, State, zip telephone number Semi-colon formatted email list:;;;;;; Comma separate email list:,,,,,, Stay tuned! As relevant legislation is introduced and progresses, we will keep you up to date via these Alerts: These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2008 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .