Louisiana Bill Would Ban Body Armor at Schools: Students in Louisiana schools should be prohibited from wearing bullet-proof vests and other body armor, legislation approved by a House committee says. Rep. Chris Hazel, R-Ball, author of House Bill 1153, told the committee he proposed the bill "trying to prevent a Columbine situation" at Louisiana schools, referring to the Colorado school massacre. The bill would help "capture the individual who is going to school with harm on his mind," he said. Rep. Roy Burrell, D-Shreveport, was one of only two members of the House Criminal Justice Committee to question the wisdom of passing such a state law. He said he found it an unusual move in a committee that recently approved carrying concealed weapons on college campuses. http://www.theadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080508/NEWS01/805080308/1001/NEWS --- Lou Dobbs Reviews Olofson Case: Earlier this year, the government tried and convicted David Olofson on the charge of transferring a machine gun. The Army veteran, Army reservist, husband and father of three contended that his gun was not a machine gun but simply a more than 20-year-old rifle that misfired. But instead of ordering him to repair the rifle, the government took Olofson to court. Now, Olofson, who had no prior criminal record, is facing five years in jail, and the loss of his position serving his country in the Army Reserve. His sentencing is on hold thanks to a defense motion to gain access to a government memo. The Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms memo was not admitted at trial, but it may be what Olofson needs to be exonorated or have another chance at a fair trial. Please watch our four-part report on this miscarriage of justice and serious threat to the Second Amendment. http://loudobbs.tv.cnn.com/2008/05/09/gun-owner-convicted-for-malfunction/ --- Back-Door Ammo Ban?: Since the Supreme Court seems to agree that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms, gun haters are trying a different tactic. They want to ban lead bullets on the false premise that they're a public health hazard and also hazardous to endangered bird species, like the California condor...That's the jab. Now for the hook. "New studies suggest that humans who eat game shot with lead ammunition may also be at risk," the release continued. Help me out here. How many centuries have people safely eaten gun-killed meat ? Regardless, the news release added that state health officials in North Dakota recently ordered food banks to discard donated venison because it "can" contain lead fragments... http://www.nwanews.com/adg/Sports/225428/ --- Illinois County Balks at Pro-RKBA Resolution: The Sangamon County Board is not going to vote on a resolution that asks Governor Rod Blagojevich and state lawmakers to abstain from adding any more gun laws to the books in Illinois. Ryan McCrady is the board's administrator. He says no members of the board want to sponsor the resolution because they have no jurisdiction over gun-rights questions. (So far, 81 of Illinois' 102 counties have passed the resolution - http://www.pro2aresolution.com/id12.html.) http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-il-gunrightsresoluti,0,5865239.story --- Wisconsin Columnist Enjoyed Pistol Course: ...We signed up for the class, which was held at Urban Middle School, through the community recreation department. The class was taught by NRA-certified members of the Sheboygan Rifle and Pistol club. There were about 20 participants, more than half of whom were women. Some signed up to learn more about guns so they could spend more time on the range with their spouses. A number of them wanted to know how to handle guns for self-defense. Some of the women, and men as well, were there to take it up as a hobby. One lady even had an encounter with a rabid raccoon on her property and decided it was time to get educated on gun use... http://www.sheboygan-press.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080511/SHE0204/805110555/1088 --- NYC Cops Lack Credibility in Gun Arrests: ...But a closer look at those prosecutions reveals something that has not been trumpeted: more than 20 cases in which judges found police officers' testimony to be unreliable, inconsistent, twisting the truth, or just plain false. The judges' language was often withering: "patently incredible," "riddled with exaggerations," "unworthy of belief." ...The judges' rulings emerge from what are called suppression hearings, in which defendants, before trial, can argue that evidence was seized illegally. The Fourth Amendment sets limits on the conditions that permit a search; if they are not met, judges must exclude the evidence, even if that means allowing a guilty person to go free... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/12/nyregion/12guns.html?ref=nyregion&pagewanted=all --- Law & Disorder: Dennis Farina, a former policeman who built a Hollywood career playing detectives, was arrested on Sunday at Los Angeles International Airport for carrying a loaded gun on his way to board a plane, police said...The actor was initially booked on one misdemeanor count of carrying a loaded firearm and bail was set at $25,000. The charge was upgraded later to a felony after police confirmed the gun was not registered, and bail was raised to $35,000. http://www.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idUSN1155919820080511?feedType=RSS&feedName=entertainmentNews&rpc=22&sp=true http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-farina12-2008may12,0,2445438.story --- Exploiting a Tragedy: The tragic death of Philadelphia police Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski is being used for shameless pandering by politicians and pundits in Philly...About a decade ago, Howard Cain was sentenced to 18 years behind bars. In spite of his criminal record, he got probation the first time he was eligible. Halfway into his 18-year sentence, he was back on the streets. The gun-control crowd is trying to say that a semi-auto ban would have somehow prevented Cain from obtaining a gun. But Cain was already subject to his own personal gun ban. As a convicted felon, it was illegal for him to own one bullet, much less a firearm. But to a guy like Cain, laws are meant for other people to obey. That's why he should have been behind bars... http://www.nranews.com/blogarticle.aspx?blogPostId=395 Related Commentary: http://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/diarypage.php?did=7322 --- Oops, Wrong House: A 24-year-old man shot and killed a teenage intruder Friday after the youth and some other juveniles tried to break into the his northwest Atlanta home, police said...Meadows said several juveniles tried break in through a back door. They had broken a glass window pane and were trying to kick in the door, said Sgt. Lisa Keyes, a police spokeswoman. It was not clear if the suspects got the door open before the resident, who was home alone, grabbed a handgun from his back bedroom and shot fired at least eight shots, hitting the 16-year-old at least once in the face, Meadows said. http://www.ajc.com/news/content/metro/atlanta/stories/2008/05/09/teendead_0510.html --- Oops, Wrong Donut Shop: Police said a man who tried to rob a donut store was shot and killed by a man who lives near the store Friday morning. The robber broke into the store in the 100 block of Roberts Cut Off Road in West Fort Worth and terrorized the woman who was working there, police said. Police said the woman, Angel Randle, ran out the back door screaming for help. The neighbor heard the pleas, grabbed his shotgun and then fatally shot the robber, police said. http://www.nbc5i.com/news/16210274/detail.html http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/051008dnmetshooting.e2af981b.html --- Glenn Beck's Gun Week: In honor of NRA's upcoming annual meeting and his keynote address to our annual banquet on Saturday May 17, Glenn Beck is holding "Gun Rights Week" on both his radio and T.V. shows. These shows will be broadcast on the Premiere Radio Network's 280 stations from 9 a.m. to noon, Eastern, and on CNN Headline News Network every night at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m...The toll free call-in number for Glenn's radio show is 1-888-727-BECK. So if you have a question or comment about the elections, Right-to-Carry, crime, the Supreme Court Heller case, Castle Doctrine, or any Second Amendment issue, CALL! http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/9860/ -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .