Happy Anniversary to Me!: Today marks the tenth anniversary of the posting of my website, "~spwenger's Defensive Use of Firearms." Like my book, it probably bears an occasional re-reading, not to mention the fact that I update it from time to time. Why do I think it bears re-reading? A few times a year I get questions from list members whom I refer to one or another page on the website so that I don't have to re-type the material. http://www.spw-duf.info --- JPFO Defends Criticism of NRA: ... Clearly, you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written. While it's become popular to say it has nothing to do with duck hunting - and that's true as far as it goes - very few people understand that it has nothing to do with defending yourself from muggers, burglars, or rapists, either, although that's a surely welcome side-benefit. The Second Amendment was written specifically to ensure that the people would always possess the physical means to intimidate the government, to keep it in line, or, failing that, to overthrow it at need and, as Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, "provide new guards for their future security". http://www.jpfo.org/smith/smith-leo-straight.htm --- Framed in Muskets: The next time you look at the American Flag waving proud and free over at the courthouse, or perhaps the short time it takes to put your hand over your heart at a sporting event, you may very well ask yourself this question. How did this all come about, and what lets it endure? ...To the amazement of our adversaries, those who oppose or disagree are allowed to speak freely within our borders, as well as everyone else. Through this we learn rather than to silence. Then we can write about it, walk with our head up with equality, trade freely and go home and pray to our god. And when we get home, we can be secure. Why? Because behind every kitchen door, under a cash register, near a night table or another quick and handy place lies the reason. Plain and simple, we are armed to the last man... http://www.leesvilledailyleader.com/articles/2008/05/23/sports/sports1.txt --- Yes, the Second Amendment Is Also About Duck Hunting: Sure! I know what the bumper sticker says: "The Second Amendment Isn't About Duck Hunting." But hunting of all game - from little pests and varmints to record-book big game - is more relevant to the Second Amendment than many people may appreciate. Hunting is just one of the many individual legal purposes for which firearms possession and use are guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution - and the constitutions of most of the individual states. But that's not the only reason it has a special connection to the right to keep and bear arms... http://www.hawaiireporter.com/story.aspx?972d97af-60e1-4302-8956-4ec0136a3a65 --- Ohio Castle-Doctrine Bill Scheduled for May 27 Vote: House Criminal Justice committee Chairman John White (R-38) has rescheduled SB184 for a fourth hearing next week. Once again, the Chairman has indicated that an amendment may be offered before a possible vote. The meeting is scheduled for for Tuesday, May 27 at 1:00 p.m. in Statehouse Room 121. PLEASE use our Write to Legislators website feature NOW to contact your legislators and ask them not to give in to the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police union leaders' full assault aimed at derailing this bill. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/5704 --- Police Hit by Rising Ammo Prices: Rising fuel prices aren't the only problem putting a financial squeeze on Ohio law enforcement agencies. The cost of ammunition is also on the rise. Prices for ammunition have doubled in the past year, and police departments across the state have little choice but to bite bullet, so to speak, ONN's Stephanie Mennecke reported...The rising cost for metal and increased demand by the military are blamed for the higher prices. http://www.wbns10tv.com/live/content/onnnews/stories/2008/05/22/ammo.html? --- NYPD Officers to Use Vacation Time for Firearms Training: For New York police officers, a day at the firing range has traditionally been a day away from the rigors of patrol. Officers shoot their guns, learn new techniques, meet colleagues and often get to go home a little early, a perquisite known in police jargon as "an early blow." Oh, and they get paid, too. But as of July 1 that will no longer always be the case. Buried in an arbitration panel's award on Tuesday for the 23,000 members of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association is a measure meant to offset some of the costs of their new pay raises: Officers must now use one vacation day a year for mandatory gun training... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/24/nyregion/24training.html?_r=1&ref=nyregion&oref=slogin --- Can Your Spouse and Kids Shoot?: On April 19th I attended my first on-site rifle training course. I've had loads of pistol training but if you're in a gunfight a knife is better than nothing, a pistol is better than a knife, but a rifle is best to have. A rifle can reach out and touch someone and do so far more accurately than the other weapons...Who do the odds say will be by your side if a situation breaks out? If you're married your spouse is the person most likely to be at your side when a situation breaks out. In spite of Annie Oakley, gun training is overwhelmingly attended by men so let me address you. You are responsible, not your wife, for her safety... http://www.lewrockwell.com/perry/perry43.html -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .