One Man to Become Source of Legal Handguns in DC: Residents here who buy a gun to keep legally at home, now that the Supreme Court has overturned the city's ban on handguns, will find that a bureaucratic maze leads them to an unmarked door on Good Hope Road Southeast where Charles W. Sykes Jr. does business. Mr. Sykes does not sell guns, but on Tuesday he is expected to become the only federally licensed dealer in Washington to serve as the transfer agent for the carefully controlled transactions that will put guns in the hands of district residents...There may be a few other holders of federal firearms licenses in the city, but according to the police, he will soon be the only one to offer this service... --- RKBA Advocate Arrested at Obama Rally: A Beaver County man who regularly wears a pistol on his hip says police violated his rights by arresting him before a rally featuring Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama...Mr. Noble, 50, of Industry, said he wore his Glock 19 in a holster when he entered Irvine Park in Beaver more than an hour before Mr. Obama arrived for a campaign appearance Friday night...State police in Beaver County referred questions about Mr. Noble's arrest to Trooper Shawn Schexnaildre,of New Castle, who was on the security detail in the park. He did not respond to calls for comment. Jim Gehr, agent in charge of the U.S. Secret Service field office in Pittsburgh, said the federal agency did not file any charges against Mr. Noble... A gun rights group is calling on Gov. Ed Rendell to "order a halt to unlawful police-state tactics at presidential campaign events" after a Beaver County man was arrested Friday for openly carrying a gun near where Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama later made an appearance. The group,, accused state police of suspending the right to bear arms in Beaver by arresting John Noble, 50, of Industry. State police said Noble would be charged with disorderly conduct for carrying a loaded, holstered and exposed 9 mm semiautomatic because he breached a secured perimeter of a presidential candidate rally, creating alarm and causing a breakdown in security... --- Kentucky Supremes to Weigh Retroactivity for Stand-Your-Ground Law: The Kentucky Supreme Court plans to review two cases involving the state's new self-defense law that allows people to shoot dangerous home invaders without fear of prosecution. The National Rifle Association had championed the measure enacted in 2006, saying it simply codified a rule of law already observed by judges in Kentucky and elsewhere: That people have a right to use deadly force to defend themselves and their families when their lives are in danger...Assistant Attorney General Perry Thomas Ryan argued against applying the law retroactively, in a legal brief he filed with the Supreme Court... --- Gustav Holdouts Turn to Knives, Guns, God: If the floodwaters rise and trap him in his home by the Mississippi River levee, carpenter Juan LeBoeuf plans to bust out through the roof with a knife. Bar owner Joann Guidos has a cache of guns to protect her place from looters who roam a city emptied by evacuations ahead of Hurricane Gustav. Window cleaner Julio Iglesia, who plans to stay in his rented home a block from the mighty Mississippi, is putting his faith in God...During Katrina, Guidos' Kajun's Pub stayed open, business boomed and the bar became something of a local landmark as well as a community center. The worst part was the looting, not the foot of water on the bar floor. Guidos has a pistol, a knife and an assortment of guns in her house next door to the bar, including a sniper's rifle... --- Number of CPL's Rises in Washington State: ..."As a parent, I am the first line of defense for my children," he said. "Not the police." ...Spurred by fear of a violent attack or because they have actually survived one more Washingtonians are getting a concealed pistol license. The license, or CPL, allows them to travel with a hidden gun among an unknowing public. License holders jumped from about 179,000 to 258,000, 43 percent, between 2003 and 2007. The state Department of Licensing says permit applications in Kitsap County jumped from 1,587 in 2004 to 3,339 in 2007... --- Texas Continues Teacher-Carry Debate: ...The school board's decision last year permitting teachers and staff to carry arms is ricocheting across the nation and beyond, with media crews from as far as Italy descending on this community. With Gov. Rick Perry giving an endorsement of sorts last week, saying all districts should have the power to decide who brings guns to schools, the issue is not likely to go away. Supporters say the district is taking proactive steps to protect students against the threat, unlikely as it may be, of some armed thug coming to campus to do harm. Detractors say the district is inviting into schools the dangers that exist outside school campuses... --- Author Responds to Firearms Indictment: Author Peter Manso was indicted on Friday by a Barnstable grand jury on gun charges. The charges are the result of the confiscation by Truro Police of weapons from Manso's home on Long Nook Drive. The police saw the weapons when they responded to a burglar alarm in late December, while Manso was in California. They returned the next day with a warrant and seized three unlicensed weapons - a snub nose .38 revolver, a .22 caliber rifle and a Colt AR15 government carbine, an assault weapon, with a 30-round clip. Possession of the assault weapon carries a possible 10-year prison sentence and up to a $10,000 fine...Manso said that originally there were six charges, charges he said were dismissed in the Orleans District Court. He said Cape & Islands District Attorney Michael O'Keefe's office revived the charges, and now he is indicted on 12 charges by the grand jury. "Who ever heard of a jail sentence for failure to renew a gun permit?" Under state law, he said, this is a misdemeanor and the Legislature recommends fines... -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .