Obama Hunter Ad Lies: ...The Ad Does Not Mention That In 2003, Obama Voted In Support Of Legislation That "Would Have Banned Most Of The Privately Held Hunting Shotguns, Target Rifles, And Black Powder Rifles" In Illinois. "[I]n 2003, Obama voted in support of SB1195, which, if passed, would have banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in the state. If the ban was enacted, law enforcement officials would have been authorized to forcibly enter private homes to confiscate newly banned firearms." (Illinois State Rifle Association, "ISRA Blasts Candidate Obama On His Record Of Hostility Toward Law-Abiding Firearm Owners," Press Release, 8/24/04)... http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/6046 --- AHSA President Stumps for Obama: American Hunters and Shooters Association President and former NFL star Ray Schoenke visited Coshocton's Democratic Headquarters on Tuesday. "We are very excited to have him and glad to see sportsmen supporting Obama," said Teresa Thorson, a campaign manager for the Coshocton County Democratic party. Schoenke is in the middle of a two-day tour of Ohio and was following his Coshocton visit with an evening trip to Zanesville. Over a dozen people listened to him speak in Coshocton, including a strong showing by the United Mine Workers Association... (As pointed out earlier, we now see why this Trojan-horse organization was created.) http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081008/NEWS03/810080319 --- It's No Secret to Me: ...When it comes to what Barack Obama really believes, however, no topic is more obscure than the Second Amendment. He claims he supports the Second Amendment, as he must in order to remain viable as a candidate. As with so many other issues however, with Obama these are merely words, crafted to tell his audience exactly what it wants to hear. His deeds tell another story. When the Supreme Court agreed to hear the Heller case regarding the District of Columbia handgun ban, Obama said "there is an individual right to bear arms, but it is subject to common-sense regulation just like most of our rights are subject to common-sense regulation." But when 55 senators signed a brief arguing that the handgun ban was unconstitutional, Obama was not one of them. By his action, Obama showed where he really stood on the issue... http://www.kxmd.com/getArticle.asp?ArticleId=283325 --- A Look at Nordyke v. King: ...Nordyke, it now appears, might help with the answer. Last week, four preeminent legal scholars - Michael Kent Curtis, Richard Aynes, Michael Lawrence, and William W. Van Alstyne - filed a friend of the court brief arguing that the 14th Amendment "and specifically its privileges or immunities clause were designed to forbid states from abridging fundamental rights of citizens, including those rights in the Bill of Rights." The Second Amendment, of course, is right there on that list...Indeed, the real trouble with Nordyke v. King is that the Alameda County ordinance seems to fall so comfortably within the range of acceptable gun control laws spelled out in Heller, including "laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms..." http://reason.com/news/show/129309.html --- Morton Grove Says "Yes But...": The village will continue to keep its handgun ordinance in line with state law after a U.S. District Court judge accepted a settlement in a lawsuit against Morton Grove by the National Rifle Association...But after trustees repealed the ban in Late July the NRA agreed to the settlement and dismissed its suit. Under the settlement each side paid its own attorney's fees. District Court Judge Harry D. Leinenwebe accepted the settlement Sept. 2. The suit was dismissed without prejudice, which allows the NRA to refile at a later time...Although the current village law does not include an provision for handgun registration Trustee Georgianne Brunner, the only board member to vote against the new ordinance, is considering bringing some type of registration proposal to the village board, possibly before the end of the year... http://www.pioneerlocal.com/mortongrove/news/1204980,mg-gunban-100608-s1.article --- VCDL Protests Harassment: More than 50 gun-rights advocates descended on the City Council on Tuesday night to complain that their rights have been violated by Norfolk police. Many wore pistols on their hips. They were spurred by a police confrontation involving a man carrying an unconcealed weapon, which is legal in Virginia. Members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League claim that Danladi Moore, a Peninsula resident, was recently harassed three times, the last time in September while attempting to ride an HRT bus with a gun. That was after the city paid Moore $10,000 in July to prevent what could have been long and costly litigation after he had been stopped by police the first two times... (A list member familiar with the case has described the incidents with the term "black man with a gun.") http://hamptonroads.com/2008/10/gun-advocates-say-rights-are-violated-police-officers --- The Sky Is Falling in Virginia: Last week week, Attorney General Bob McDonnell advised the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation that it does not have the authority to restrict firearms in state parks, potentially upending rules that have been in place at least 30 years. Contrary to what the opinion suggests, there's no crime wave at First Landing, Chippokes Plantation or Kiptopeke suggesting the need for such dramatic action. The last murder in a state park took place 20 years ago near Appomattox when a staffer was killed by her boyfriend. With 7 million visitors each year, that's a safety record worth boasting about... (How often is someone murdered in a Virginia state park? Just like anywhere else - only once.) http://hamptonroads.com/2008/10/keep-parks-safe-loaded-guns --- California Sheriff Questioned Over CCW Restriction: Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has come under fire from Orange County supervisors over her tightening of concealed weapons permits...But on Tuesday, Supervisor Pat Bates - a key supporter of Hutchens - told her she has problems with the new gun policy which Hutchens revised in response to charges Carona handed out the permits as political favors. Supervisors Bill Campbell, Janet Nguyen and Chris Norby all voiced concerns about new revisions which tighten restrictions on who could qualify to carry a concealed gun and which could require applicants to take a psychological exam or polygraph as part of their background check. Anyone with a previous felony or a misdemeanor conviction within the last five years is now ineligible... http://www.ocregister.com/articles/hutchens-carona-concealed-2183689-gun-county --- Bardot Unloads on Palin: French film legend-turned-activist Brigitte Bardot took a swipe at Sarah Palin on Tuesday, saying the US vice presidential candidate was a disgrace to women..."By denying the responsibility of man in global warming, by advocating gun rights and making statements that are disconcertingly stupid, you are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe," wrote Bardot... (Okay, I know that AHSA claims that the NRA is not doing its part for conservation but I fail to see how "gun rights" pose a threat to the environment.) http://www.newsmax.com/entertainment/bardot_palin_disgrace/2008/10/07/138185.html --- From The Huffington Post: ...In fact, Democrats have never challenged the right to own hunting or sports guns. Yet, in classic bait-and-switch fashion, leaders of the National Rifle Association incite the masses by raising the specter of Democratic "gun grabbers" confiscating citizens' "hunting" and "sports" guns - even as NRA leaders promote "sporting" events with automatic weapons and .50-caliber military sniper rifles (deadly at a mile, with a range of over four miles)... (Yes, even in Japan there are privately owned firearms - owned by those wealthy enough to belong to gun clubs, where they must be stored. These are "hunting or sporting guns.") http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michele-swenson/a-vote-for-guns-is-a-vote_b_132482.html --- Oops, Wrong House, Alabama Version: A burglary suspect remains in the hospital after a Crabtree Road resident shot him Sunday afternoon. Shawn Lincoln, 22, of York is suspected of trying to burglarize the home around 6:30 p.m. Sunday...Baker said Lincoln approached three people in a yard and asked whether they had drugs. Baker said they told him no, and Lincoln then pulled a gun and forced them into the home. The 22-year-old resident had armed himself by the time they came inside and gunfire was exchanged. Lincoln allegedly ran to a nearby home where he asked to call 911 because he had been shot in the arm and chest. His injuries were not life-threatening. Lincoln's bail is set at $20,000. http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20081002/NEWS/810026156/1007/NEWS02?Title=Burglary_suspect_shot_by_victim --- Oops, Wrong House, Georgia Version: The victim of an attempted Moultrie home invasion turned the tables and fired on the invaders before they could break into his home. Two of three men were sho[t] and now all three are charged with attempted armed robbery. Police were called to the Pineland Apartments Saturday. Ivan Hightower told police he was getting into the shower when he heard a noise. He grabbed his gun because he had been robbed before and looked out the window to find three men in dark colored hoodies with guns. Hightower then opened fire on the would-be robbers. The District Attorney is now looking at the case to see if Hightower will be charged... http://www.walb.com/Global/story.asp?S=9100863&nav=5kZQ --- Oops, Wrong House, Wisconsin Version: A Madison man shot at an armed intruder to his residence Tuesday morning but missed in what police said was not a random home invasion. Madison police said the incident happened about 10:53 a.m. at a residence in the 1800 block of Browning Road on the city's northeast side. Two residents at home, a man and a woman in their 20s, said the suspect, a male in his 20s, was carrying a handgun and forced his way in through a door. "The male victim grabbed a rifle, prompting the perpetrator to flee," said police spokesman Joel DeSpain. "The resident shot at him but missed." No one was injured. The case remains under investigation. http://www.madison.com/tct/news/stories/307289 --- Oops, Wrong Car: Police said a Riverview homeowner found a thief in his car in his carport and held him at bay with a shotgun. Lewis Card of Edgewood Circle said he heard his driveway alarm going off. He said he grabbed his shotgun and hurried outside. Mr. Card said he spotted a black male inside his vehicle. He said he held the shotgun on the intruder and ordered him outside the car. Then he directed him to lie down. The homeowner said the man told him he was just after some change. Then he patted his pocket, causing the change to jingle... http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_136265.asp --- Oops, Wrong Store: A store clerk and a robber shot at each other during an attempted robbery Thursday night, Winston-Salem police said yesterday. Police said that the store clerk, Soon Kwon, was outside the Liberty Street Grocery on Old Rural Hall Road about 8:40 p.m. when a man came up and pointed a gun at him. The two went inside, and, as Kwon was walking behind the counter to get money, he pushed the store's alarm and grabbed a gun. The robber shot at Kwon, missing him, and Kwon shot back, police said. It's not clear whether Kwon's shot hit the robber... http://www2.journalnow.com/content/2008/oct/04/clerk-robber-swap-shots-in-grocery/ --- Rule One, Rule Two Reminder: A police weapons specialist who shot himself in the hand is suing the PSNI. Peter Woods, 50, was dismantling a gun at a police facility in February last year when the accident happened. It is understood that he removed the magazine from a pistol, but a bullet in the chamber fired into his hand. He recovered from his injury...His legal team is arguing that a proper risk assessment was not carried out and a second person should have been present to reduce the accident risk. (Rule One: All firearms are always loaded. Rule Two: Don't let the muzzle cross anything you're not prepared to shoot. Some "specialist." Perhaps if a second person had been present, he could have been shot too.) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/7654926.stm --- Rule Five Reminder: A gun belonging to the Lorain [OH] Police Department was stolen from the home of a police detective during a burglary, according to the Lorain County Sheriff's Office. A sheriff's report stated the thief entered the home of Lorain police Detective Ralph Gonzalez through an unlocked rear door and stole three bottles of liquor, the gun and a brown leather holster. The theft occurred between 8 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. Friday. The gun was entered as a stolen weapon in a computer system used by police to track evidence including weapons. (Rule Five: Maintain Control of your firearm.) http://www.chroniclet.com/2008/10/07/detective%E2%80%99s-gun-taken-by-thieves_122/ --- Ruger Buys Back Own Shares: Firearm manufacturer Sturm, Ruger & Co. said Monday it spent $7.4 million in the third quarter to buy back 1.1 million shares. The amount represents 5.5 percent of shares outstanding in April, when the current $10 million buyback program was authorized. Sturm, Ruger said it repurchased the shares for an average price of $6.50 with cash on hand. At the end of the July-September period, the company said 19.5 million shares were outstanding, and that it had about $22 million in cash and no debt on its balance sheet. Sturm, Ruger's sank 45 cents, or 6.6 percent, to close at $6.37 amid a massive market sell-off Monday. The Dow Jones industrials closed under 10,000 for the first time in four years. http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/national-news/ap/2008/10/06/sturm-ruger-co-buys-back-11m-shares-in-3q --- Tangentially Related: The Supreme Court's Fourth Amendment cases can seem like endless variations on a single sad theme. The police search some luckless soul, his car or both; they find drugs, guns or both; and the defense argues that the evidence should be suppressed. The court heard two more such cases on Tuesday, and, as usual, the justices struggled to identify clear rules to separate lawful searches from unconstitutional ones... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/08/washington/08scotus.html?ref=washington --- From The Firearms Coalition: The Most Important Election in a Generation - Isn't for President It is absolutely imperative that GunVoters get busy and make electing a pro-gun congress our absolute top priority! McCain and Obama are both nightmares without a strong, pro-rights congress to keep them in line. Barack Obama scares the Hell out of me. He is a radical Socialist who has demonstrated a complete willingness to say or do anything, take any position, promise any reward, in order to get the votes he needs to win. He has a long and rather mysterious history of association with radical extremists - including Middle Eastern Muslim extremists. Much of his life is shrouded in mystery and it is unclear exactly who paid for his college, who his mentors and sponsors have been, and how he made his millions. There is even a question as to his eligibility to be President. Not just internet, conspiracy theory questions either. A prominent Pennsylvania Democrat - a former Assistant States Attorney and a Clinton supporter - has filed a suit claiming that he has proof that Obama was born in Africa and is not a natural-born citizen of the U.S. The judge is expected to issue a summary judgment any day on whether the case can go forward. Rather than simply present proof that he is a U.S. citizen, Obama's lawyers filed a motion for dismissal claiming that the guy suing doesn't have standing. That seems a little strange to me, but this is an issue that needs to be completely resolved BEFORE this guy is elected. On the other hand, McCain has proven that he doesn't understand or respect the Constitution of the United States. From campaign finance reform to his gun show bill to his pledge to buy up all of the defaulting mortgages, he clearly sees no constraints on the powers of the President or Congress. His "more government" solutions in the debate tonight prove that he is either too philosophically challenged or just plain too stupid to be president. Were it not for Sarah Palin, I would not give John McCain a second thought. I am impressed with her and think that she brings a lot to the table. I don't know if she would have enough influence over a President McCain to prevent the nominations of more judges and justices like Souter, Kennedy, and Stevens to the Supreme Court and the Federal benches, but she at least brings a glimmer of hope. The only hope we have of protecting out rights - not just gun rights, ALL Rights - is to throw the anti-rights, government is the answer, give us all your money and we'll see to it that it gets spent wisely, shut up and get back in line, privileged class politicians right out on their collective keisters and replace them with Constitutionally-minded, committed, pro-rights, citizen legislators. The nation has been distracted by this circus of a presidential election and the Nimrods on Capitol Hill are getting a free pass. That must be stopped. When it comes to incumbent politicians, the Devil you know is worse than the Devil you don't know. If you know the person you've got now is bad, throw them out - even if their opponent seems worse. At least the new guy will have to spend some time learning the ropes and you can replace them again in a couple of years. Occasionally the new guys realize who brought them to the dance and they will shift their position to try and keep your votes in the next election. The bottom line is that if the Representative you have now does not represent your values and beliefs - FIRE HIM! Imagine Obama with an anti-rights, Democrat-controlled Congress... Imagine McCain with an anti-rights, Democrat-controlled Congress... Neither is a good scenario. Both of these guys have the potential to be a terribly destructive force in the White House. The only thing we can do to suppress that potential is to elect a strong, pro-rights, pro-Constitution majority to Congress. If we don't, I'm afraid the downward spiral is going to continue - politically, economically, socially... I am not one for doom and gloom. I am optimistic about our nation and what we are capable of, but America could be on the brink of some very bleak times and neither man at the top of the ticket is up to the coming challenges. We must bring reinforcements to Congress and begin the long arduous process of rebuilding our economy and restoring the Republic. That process begins with you taking action. Do you know who is going to be on your ballot? Do you know where every one of those candidates stands on individual rights, the Constitution, and limited government? Does everyone you know - everyone at church, everyone at work, everyone at the VFW post, all of your neighbors, and everyone who reads the letters to the editor know who you're supporting and why? I can't answer "Yes" to those questions and you probably can't either, but that MUST change. We must educate ourselves and each other. That's what we created www.GunVoter.org for, to share information and get informed. If you can't find the information you need on GunVoter.org, find it somewhere else and then post it on GunVoter.org to help the next guy. Once we have the information we need, we must get involved; making phone calls, sending e-mails, writing letters to the editor, volunteering for campaigns, calling talk shows, talking to neighbors, friends, and colleagues. This absolutely could be the most important election in our lifetimes - and the Presidential Election isn't the one that matters most; it's Congress, Congress, CONGRESS!!! If you haven't yet registered at www.GunVoter.org, please do it now. Go to the area of the web site designated for your state (or any state you know something about) and see what information is available and whether you can add to it. If there isn't much info there, go find some to post so the next person from that state will have an easier time getting educated. Don't wait for someone else to do it, roll up your sleeves and, "Get 'er done!" Don't wait to see if the ship is really sinking before you start bailing. Get busy now. The first thing you can do to help is forward or post this message so others will see it too. Please support The Firearms Coalition. Follow this link to contribute: http://firearmscoalition.org/contribute/contribute.html All contributors who provide a mailing address will automatically receive a subscription to our bi-monthly newsletter, "The Hard Corps Report. Our subscriptions work on a donation basis - if you get value from the newsletter, please contribute to help us continue our work - if not, please let us know and we'll take you off the list. Yours for the Second Amendment, Jeff Knox Director, The Firearms Coalition -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .