Too Early to Rise?: I must still have been partly asleep yesterday morning, when I commented that shots to an assailant's left leg were consistent with a right-handed shooter pushing low and to his non-dominant side. Assuming that the assailant was facing the defender, that would have been consistent for a left-handed shooter. --- Levy Responds to Criticism of Heller Decision: ...The trick, of course, is to distinguish proper from improper judicial intervention. That task is complicated by laws that are often unclear--either because the legislature has not done its job, or has intentionally left gaps for the courts to fill; or because the meaning of the law depends on the meaning of the Constitution, which can also be unclear. Members of the Court must, therefore, have a theory of the Constitution--in particular, a respect for limited government and individual rights. Those were the principles that the Framers applied in crafting the Constitution. The Heller opinion, true to that framework, upheld a right based solidly on the text, purpose, structure, and history of our founding documents. An Article on the Criticism: --- And the Spin Goes On: The U.S. Supreme Court's Second Amendment decision in D.C. v. Heller may have the "unintended consequence" of helping to enact stronger gun laws, according to a report issued today by the Legal Action Project of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence...The report, titled "Unintended Consequences: What The Supreme Court's Second Amendment Decision In D.C. V. Heller Means For The Future Of Gun Laws," comes four months after the Supreme Court's ruling and just a few weeks before the Court is scheduled to argue another case involving guns: specifically, the scope of the current federal law prohibiting spousal abusers from possessing firearms...{B4ACEBDB-A7F5-484E-9C11-87B351F2C25E}&dist=hppr --- Candidates, Gun Owners May Differ on Role of RKBA: The topic of gun control is traditionally a highly controversial issue, but in this year's presidential election, some say it's not much of an issue at all. John McCain and Barack Obama have both been suspiciously quiet on the the subject - so much so that even members of local interest groups who could possibly be personally affected by changes in gun laws said the topic has been neglected and they have heard little about the candidates' stances on gun control..."It's my right to have a weapon, but Obama wants to take away that personal freedom," said Kingwood resident Michael Adamoli as he attended a class to renew his concealed handgun license. "The main reason to have guns is not to kill Bambi; it's to keep an oppressive government from happening." Adamoli said the gun control issue, although not nearly talked about enough by either candidate, will affect his vote during the upcoming presidential election... --- AHSA Seeks Credibility in Ohio: Ray Schoenke, former Washington Redskins professional football player and current president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), will return to Coshocton County for a hands-on marksmanship demonstration at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21. The event will be held at Turkey Hollow Sporting Clays, 22840 Township Road 427, about 2 miles past Roscoe Village via Hill Street. Several local sportsmen will participate in the demonstration with Schoenke. Anyone in the community who is interested in shooting, watching or learning more about Ray and his organization, which is committed to supporting the right to keep and bear arms, is welcome to attend... (And the Pope is committed to defending access to abortions.) --- Ohio AG Race: ...Robert Owens, Independent: Owens wants to make sure law enforcement officers know that citizens have rights to carry concealed guns. A strong supporter of gun rights, he said he is the only candidate in the race with a concealed carry permit. Quote: "Protecting citizens' Second Amendment rights is so critical, because the right to bear arms is what protects all our other civil liberties..." (I suspect that most Ohio LEO's recognize a concealed-carry license; the current issue seems to be that many don't realize that open carry is legal and does not require a license.) --- Nevada Gun Owners Seek Vermont-Style Carry: Gun Owners of Nevada (GoNV) is continuing to support a "Vermont Style Carry" and is working with several Assemblymen to strengthen Nevada's "Castle Doctrine." At last weekend's gun show in Las Vegas Nevada (Cashman Center) Gun Owners of Nevada continued to sign up new volunteers and members and worked to inform other law abiding citizens of the need to stay vigilant. Strength comes with numbers, and the more concerned Nevadan's join Gun Owners of Nevada, the more we can do to protect the Second Amendment and our freedoms. (Vermont does not require a permit for concealed carry and, unlike Alaska, has no provision to issue one. Nevada is an open-carry state but doing so in Las Vegas can result in arrest for disturbing the peace.) --- Oops, Wrong House, Indiana Version: An apparent home invasion left both the Near-Eastside resident as well as the alleged intruder hospitalized with gunshot wounds, police said today. Jason Kennedy, 25, was listed in serious but stable condition at Wishard Memorial Hospital with a gunshot wound to the head. Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department investigators said that after being shot, Kennedy fired back at his alleged attacker, Thomas King, 29, of McCordsville. King was listed in critical condition at Wishard... (Note that the victim was still able to deliver effective fire after being shot in the head; no mention is made of caliber involved.) --- Oops, Wrong House, Louisiana Version: ...James Stanley was shot in the abdomen by a homeowner in the 4400 block of Kent Road where Stanley's wife had gone to seek refuge after a domestic argument, according to Caddo deputies...Stanley began banging on the door and was told to leave, which he did, but he soon returned. The homeowner warned Stanley he had a gun and ordered him to leave. Stanley continued to bang on the door and broke a window. The homeowner then fired a shot through the door with a 12-gauge shotgun, striking Stanley in the stomach. He was taken to LSU Hospital in Shreveport where he underwent surgery... --- Rule Five Reminder: ...Officers Farina and Maass approached Mr. Nunez, identified themselves as police officers and began to put handcuffs on him. The officers got one handcuff on Mr. Nunez, but he started struggling fiercely, and all three men fell to the floor. One of the officers' handguns came loose, and a witness said Mr. Nunez got to his feet with the gun and started firing. The gun was a Smith & Wesson 9-millimeter, but it was not clear whose it was. The officers were still on the platform floor when they were shot, Mr. Kelly said... (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm. This rule was initially put forth in terms of liability if a firearm is misused by an unauthorized user but, as this report demonstrates, it has a tactical side as well.) --- Interesting Competition Story: Imagine setting a new national record, shooting from 800, 900, and 1,000 yards without a scope on your rifle, only to find out that you must fire the course again. This is exactly what happened to Gunnery Sgt. Justin Skaret during the Arizona State Long Range Palma Championships in November 2007... --- From JPFO: Our educational film "2A Today for the USA" to save the Second Amendment is now on line. We encourage you to watch the streaming video options and also download the film to reach out to others with this powerful new freedom weapon while you can... --- 2008 Congressional Voter Guide: The GOA Political Victory Fund website is now hosting GOA's voter guide ratings. If you haven't checked out the ratings for the candidates who are running for Congress in your state, now is the time to do so...The election is now just two weeks away! And while most candidates are running from the gun issue, GOA's ratings hold their feet to the fire. You owe it to yourself to check out the record of those who are trying to represent you in Congress, and to encourage others you know to check out the ratings as well... --- Italian Values: A concert violinist has been given a gun permit so he can protect his £6 million Stradivarius violin. Matteo Fedeli, 36, travels all round Italy with his rare instrument and has been given police permission to protect it with a a 357 Smith and Wesson Magnum. He said he also has a team of bodyguards wherever he goes with the instrument who plan his route meticulously and make sure he is not followed. And he also has an armed escort as he travels to his concerts. "Thankfully I've never had to use my gun - but a 357 Magnum is certainly a useful deterrent," he said... -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .