NRA vs. Obama: ...The NRA is right to go after this gun grabber. And while political pundits continue to highlight Obama's dangerous associations with vile humans like Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers, the NRA will be one of the few outlets reminding you that Obama has some equally dangerous anti-gun associations as well. They'll trumpet the fact that "the Brady Campaign (formerly Handgun Control, Incorporated), [has] endorsed Obama for president." Which means he can now boast of being endorsed by the same gun control organization that also endorsed "Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), John Conyers (D-N.Y.), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), and, of course, John Kerry (D-Mass.), to name [but] a few..." --- Chuck Norris Speaks for the NRA: The NRA is going up in 10 battleground states with an featuring a tough-talking Chuck Norris touting the Second Amendment and warning against those unnamed politicians who have not supported gun rights. "He's an American badass," said Chris Cox, the NRA's chief lobbyist, of Norris. Cox wouldn't say how much they were spending on the ad, but that it would be on broadcast and cable, cycled into a seven-figure buy they have up now. They'll air the spot in Colorado, Nevada, Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota and Wisconsin... --- NRA Spends Money, Manpower in Nevada: The National Rifle Association is pouring money and manpower into Nevada - the state's 3rd Congressional District in particular - in hopes of defeating Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and carrying Republican Rep. Jon Porter to a fourth term in Congress. The group is spending $40 million nationwide this election season to tell its 4 million members - and tens of millions more gun owners - Obama would be the most anti-gun president in history. In Southern Nevada, the NRA has organized 60 volunteers to promote early voting and absentee balloting. Through last week, they had made 3,800 phone calls, visited 1,800 households and dropped 11,500 pieces of campaign literature throughout the Las Vegas Valley... --- Obama Finds Shills in New Hampshire: ..."I believe that hunting, fishing and spending time in the outdoors is a valuable experience for all generations - young and old," said Clinton King of Berlin. "An Obama administration will protect those rights, allowing national lands to stay open and continuing to allow gun owners to use our firearms, especially for hunting. As president, Obama will stand up for conservation, preserving national forest lands and ensuring that our wildlife is protected..." --- Obama Could Computerize Firearm Records: The Outdoor Wire has confirmed from confidential sources that the "transition team" for the Democratic candidate has already begun looking into the current approval system for firearms transactions. It seems the digital recordkeeping approval recently granted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has piqued their curiosity. With a virtual Form 4473 in existence, we should be on the lookout for a new record-keeping initiative that will "simplify" the hassles of off-site digital record storage by allowing FFLs to, say, store the information on secure governmental servers. Of course, the government will never access the information. (This paragraph appears about two-thirds of the way down the page.) --- Obama Specter Boosts Sales of EBR's: With nine days left until the election, people aren't only lining up to vote early; they are also apparently heading to sporting goods stores and gun shops as owners have reported an increase in business...Target Master, a gun store in Garland, used to sell a couple of assault weapons, such as AR15s and AK47s, every week. But now, a little more than a week away from the election, sales have tripled. "I had a customer today who came in and bought an AR15," Mannewitz said. "He said he had always wanted one and he was afraid if Obama got elected there wouldn't be anymore." At least ten other gun stores in North Texas, contacted by News 8, have reported a recent spike on sales of assault weapons... (EBR: Evil Black Rifle) --- Falwell's University to Consider Campus Carry: Students at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., have successfully petitioned the college to consider lifting a ban on carrying guns on campus. Members of Liberty's Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, or SCCC, brought the matter before the school's chancellor, Jerry Falwell, Jr...Falwell, who said he has no opinion on the issue, told the newspaper that the board of trustees will consider the merits of lifting the college's ban on allowing people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on campus at its March 2009 meeting... --- Oops, Wrong House, Kentucky Version: A home invasion ended with the intruder shot and killed after the homeowner said it was kill or be killed Sunday morning in the Pleasure Ridge Park area. Shooter Joseph McCoy is not facing charges because police said it appears he fired in self-defense. But the victim's family has another opinion about what happened. "I kind of panicked," said McCoy. "It was obvious he was trying to kill us. So I did what I had to do to protect me and my family..." ("I kind of panicked..." is not a wise statement in the wake of a shooting - it implies that one did not make a rational assessment and decision.) --- Oops, Wrong House, Texas Version: An Arlington homeowner shot and killed a masked intruder late Monday night and police continue their search for another man. According to reports, the homeowner starting shooting when the pair entered a home in the 900 block of Carthage Way about 10:35 p.m. He killed one of the men. The other man - who was taller than 6 feet and also wore a ski mask - got away. He wore a white sweater with crowns on it, blue jeans and purple gloves at the time of the crime, police said. Authorities did not say if the pair were armed, but said the homeowner had not been charged as of 6 a.m. (Under Texas law, I don't think it would matter whether or not the burglars were armed.) --- Oops, Wrong Pet Shop: Cleveland Police believe a shop owner who shot a robbery suspect Monday acted in self-defense...According to police, the 86-year-old shop owner, whose name police did not release, was in the back room of the shop when the robber entered. Police said there was one clerk working in the front of the shop. "The robber set upon him, immediately put a knife to his throat and ordered him to open the cash register," Stacho said. Police said the shop owner came out the back room with a gun and asked the robber to leave. "He ordered the robber to leave; the robber did not; he approached him in a menacing manner and the second man fired one round striking the man in the chest killing him," Stacho said... --- First Rule in a Gunfight - Have a Gun: ...None of the four people injured during the shooting - including a 41-year-old off-duty police officer with the 76th Precinct - had life-threatening injuries, the authorities said. The officer, who was getting her hair done and was unarmed, was shot in the foot, and each of the other three in both legs, the police said. One of the men, who had just emerged from a different hair salon, was shot outdoors... --- More Airsoft Guns Used in Crime: ...The Delaware State Police have noticed a worrisome increase in real crimes involving the toy lookalike weapons. It's easy see why. Only the plastic orange tip mounted to the end of the barrel marks the M-4 carbine as an Airsoft gun, but the tip is removable or easily covered over with paint. Their sales are unregulated - cash and carry - with no background check, age requirement or scrutiny from an experienced gun dealer. And pointed across the counter of a convenience store, they're as menacing as the real thing... --- Ballistic Evidence Clears Shooter at Trial: A Snohomish County jury has acquitted a Central Washington University student accused of killing another man during a scuffle outside a Mill Creek Halloween party...Prosecutors had claimed that Chandler was shot when he tried to break up a fight in which Fortier was engaged. Police said in court documents that Chandler attempted to rush Fortier when he saw that the man was armed. Forensic evidence, Mazzone said, told a different story. Mazzone said he believes the jury was swayed by ballistic evidence that showed Chandler was attacking Fortier when Fortier fired his pistol. Fortier took the stand in his own defense, offering testimony that was corroborated by the evidence... --- Free Gun Stuff:, in celebration of the Second Amendment and the wisdom of the United State's Founders who granted that Right, will offer all eligible United States citizens the opportunity to win firearms and firearm accessories by entering a frequently updated online contest on its website (Sorry boys, you've got it wrong. Neither the Founders nor the Second Amendment grant "the Right." The Founders believed that the RKBA is a Natural right and the Second Amendment was intended to ensure that it would not be infringed.){D7D600F2-5276-48A8-959C-4C975CC28983}&dist=hppr --- Tangentially Related: One of the biggest and most long-lasting "change" to expect if Barack Obama becomes President of the United States is in the kinds of federal judges he appoints. These include Supreme Court justices, as well as other federal justices all across the country, all of whom will have lifetime tenure. Senator Obama has stated very clearly what kinds of Supreme Court justices he wants - those with "the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old..." -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .