Words versus Deeds: In speech after speech, Barack Obama has claimed he would "uphold the Second Amendment." Mr. Obama, of course, is a polished speaker who says "words matter." But records matter more. And while Mr. Obama is short on experience on most issues, he's long on anti-gun votes and even longer on rhetoric. Now's a good time to review both... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/oct/30/obama-and-guns/ --- Do Increased Gun Sales Predict an Obama Defeat?: ...In 2004, we don't remember hearing about anyone scared Kerry was going to take their guns away - and we worked Pennsylvania for Kerry (Pittsburgh area). There were a lot of gun shops and firing ranges there, and we never heard anything about people stocking up on guns because they were scared Kerry was going to try to take them away...In fact, the thought of Obama becoming president freaks these people out. So much so that they're stocking up on firearms. We just don't see how this can bode well for Obama. These are "Reagan Democrats" and Republicans. They're Clinton Democrats too. And they recoil at the thought of an Obama administration... http://hillbuzz.wordpress.com/2008/10/29/this-is-fascinating-gun-sales-increase-could-predict-obama-defeat/ --- On the Other Hand: ...Hal Goldstein, owner of the Armory gun shop in Annapolis, said, "People should be scared. Sales are definitely up," he said. "I've got people with Obama stickers on their cars coming in to buy. We're looking at possible a super- Democratic majority [in Congress], and a president who's going to do what's best for the collective. I don't want to sound paranoid, but the prices could go way out of sight..." http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/oct/30/gun-owners-air-worries-of-obama-white-house/ --- McCain Misses the Mark: ...Why wait, however? Putting aside the question of Sarah Palin for the moment, one of the McCain's biggest mistakes so far has been, in my opinion, his failure to exploit issues that Republicans usually do well with. Take gun ownership. Guns are a potent force in American politics. As I have pointed out before, had Al Gore won Tennessee, Arkansas or West Virginia - all winnable states - in 2000, he would not have had to win Florida, and he would have become president... http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/15045.html --- Gun Sales, Permits Rise in Tennessee: Gun stores are doing big business these days despite the sluggish economy. Sales may be slow for some retailers but there are two reasons why the registers have been ringing at gun stores. "I have personally never seen it like it has been this year," said Larry Baity at Gun City USA in Nashville. He has sold a record number of guns recently... and he knows why. When the economy goes south, it kind of goes hand in glove, crime increases...In Tennessee, handgun permits have skyrocketed. In September 2007, about 186,000 people had a carry permit. In July 2008, there were 196,000 people... http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=9263251 --- And in Florida...: Political views and ads are driving an increase interest in firearms. Gun sales and permit requests are up in many places, including here in Southwest Florida. These days Mike Christoff's Mobile Tactics gun shop and range is busier than normal. "There's a lot of people who never even considered carrying a weapon, but are thinking about just in case, obtaining a carry permit," Christoff says. Many of his customers worry that if Barack Obama wins the election, their right to bear arms could be reduced or taken away... http://www.winknews.com/news/local/33547804.html --- And in Kentucky...: Many Americans are cutting back on purchases these days, but federal data shows an increase in people buying firearms and ammunition. Some think campaign 2008 is influencing those numbers. Owners at JT's Gun & Pawn say gun and ammo sales have tripled in the weeks leading up to the presidential election and they say they don't think it's a coincidence. Bryan Wilson is a gun collector, but fears democratic talks of gun controls will make buying firearms more difficult after the upcoming election. "People are buying them because they are afraid they won't be able to get any and, you know, I guess they're scared like I am," gun owner Bryan Wilson said... http://www.wkyt.com/wymtnews/headlines/33591169.html --- And in Idaho...: Sales of firearms have increased in south-central Idaho, firearms dealers in the region say, because of fears of possible new gun control laws if Sen. Barack Obama is elected president. Ryan Horsley, manager of Red's Trading Post in Twin Falls, says gun owners are concerned that certain kinds of guns could be banned. Specifically, he said, sales of assault-type rifles, such as military-style AR-15s, have jumped, far outselling traditional, bolt-action hunting rifles. "We had a particular sale of them a little while ago (Oct. 10), and in one day our sales were over $20,000," Horsley said... http://www.2news.tv/news/33580904.html --- And in Colorado...: As polls show Democrat Sen. Barack Obama leading in his race with Republican Sen. John McCain for president of the United States, more and more Americans are arming themselves. Gun sales are up nationwide and in Colorado. "Probably an increase of 25 percent," said Richard Taylor, manager of the Firing Line in Aurora. Time and again, Taylor said customers, especially first-time buyers, say they're afraid an Obama White House would mean more gun control. "If Barack Obama gets in, people are concerned they might not be able to purchase certain types of firearms. So that has been driving a number of the sales," Taylor said... http://www.thedenverchannel.com/politics/17843159/detail.html --- And in Ohio...: Tough economic times and fear of increased gun control have firearms sales booming. Nationally, the industry has seen an 8-10 percent jump compared with 2007. James Dean, owner of Norton Sporting Goods, says he's seen sales increase between 10-15 percent since summer, thanks in part to a big jump in personal handguns. While economic downturn typically tends to loosely correlate with increased firearm sales, the presidential campaign could also play a big part for gun owners concerned about increased regulation, especially if Barack Obama is elected. Dean indicates a number of his customers have been buying guns "because they can", anticipating that Obama would augment restriction and gun control legislation... http://www.610wtvn.com/cc-common/news/sections/newsarticle.html?feed=268656&article=4503358 --- And in Oklahoma...: Oklahomans are purchasing more guns, and so is much of the rest of the United States. Some gun enthusiasts are concerned that if Senator Barack Obama is elected President, there will be a new restrictive legislation on particular types of guns. So, many gun buyers are going shopping before the election. Obama supports gun control measures of certain types of guns and a ban on assault weapon ownership. Gun shops say Tuesday's election is a hot topic among their customers, but the focus isn't on taxes or healthcare - it's all about guns. Gun owners are concerned about how the laws may change, depending upon who becomes President... http://www.kswo.com/Global/story.asp?S=9269133 --- And in Arizona...: ... Kirk Optepeke agrees, "they just talk about if Obama wins, some of our second amendment rights will be taken away from us." And as a result gun shops across the country are seeing a spike in sales. Nationwide, gun sales are up around 10 percent. Dealers say some buyers fear a bad economy will lead to more robberies - and are buying guns for self defense. But most we talked to say a possible Obama administration is driving sales. "Specifically the assault rifles they think are gonna be banned," Saridakis says... http://www.azfamily.com/news/homepagetopstory/stories/phoenix-local-news-103008-gun-sales.165dc77a6.html --- Illinois Residents Discuss CCW Referendum: Residents are urged to attend an informational meeting regarding the concealed carry law referendum that is on the Nov. 4 ballot. Benton Public Property Commissioner Ronnie Baumgarte said the meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. in the Benton Elks Lodge, 167 Industrial Park Road. Illinois Carry spokesperson Valinda Rowe said the town hall meeting would include a question-and-answer period... (Note that only a few of Illinois's 102 counties have similar referenda on their ballot this year.) http://www.bentoneveningnews.com/news/x1197766572/Q-A-meeting-set-on-concealed-carry-law --- Ohio Removes "No Guns" Signs: Buckeye Firearms Association has just received word from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) that the NO GUNS signs at state rest stops have been ordered removed. In the telephone call to Buckeye Firearms Association Leader and NRA Election Volunteer Coordinator Rick Jones, ODOT stated that their legal department has confirmed with multiple state departments that the signs are to be removed. This action is in response to passage and implementation of Senate Bill 184, which included several major fixes to Ohio's concealed handgun licensure law, including a change designed to allow patrons of rest stops to use the facilities without having to disarm... http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/6170 --- Rebuttal to Jeff Knox: Jeff Knox has this day penned a letter designed to calm his fellow sheep, entitled "Mutual Assured Destruction." You will find it here. He makes a number of assertions in it, which I will deal with below ad seriatim... http://westernrifleshooters.blogspot.com/2008/10/vanderboegh-destruction-yes-mutually.html --- More on Cooper Ouster: Montana gunsmith Dan Cooper has been ousted as chief executive of the rifle company that bears his name after pressure from gun owners who are angry that he is supporting Democrat Barack Obama...Cooper contributed $3,300 to Obama's presidential campaign, according to election records complied by the non-partisan CQ MoneyLine. The USA TODAY article sparked outrage from some gun owners and bloggers, including an open letter on a blog called Firearms and Freedom, urging people to boycott the company's products. Many gun enthusiasts believe Obama will try to restrict their right to bear arms, although he has said he respects the Second Amendment... (Yes, I'll still respect you in the morning.) http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-10-30-gun-ceo-ousted_N.htm --- Ruger Recalls Some LCP's: Ruger has recently received a small number of reports from the field indicating that LCP pistols can discharge when dropped onto a hard surface with a round in the chamber. We are firmly committed to safety and would like to retrofit all older LCP Pistols. The retrofit involves installation of an upgraded hammer mechanism at no charge to the customer. We want to remind gun users that, for maximum safety when carrying any pistol with a loaded magazine in place, the chamber should be empty, and the slide should be closed. Any gun may fire if dropped or struck... (A pistol with an empty chamber doesn't provide much safety if carried for self-defense. Long-term list members will recall being cautioned repeatedly not to purchase new models of firearms until they have been in production for at least one year.) http://www.ruger-firearms.com/LCPRecall/index.html --- Take That, You Evil Gun!: It takes seconds for a handgun or rifle to liquefy in the heat of a 2,000-degree furnace. Afterward, the molten metal can be transformed into many things. Iron pipe. A manhole cover. An anchor. It's a form of recycling that many local law enforcement agencies find particularly satisfying, because it ensures that those guns will never resurface in a criminal case. "We know they're gone forever," said Melissa Young, an investigator with the Camden County Prosecutor's Office, which yesterday melted down almost 300 guns in a secret location... http://www.philly.com/philly/news/local/20081030_Camden_County_melts_down_consfiscated_guns.html --- Caching Weapons: I don't believe in burying weapons. Still, I have received so many emails about this that I guess I need to mention something. Whatever you do, you need to keep at least one weapon set (pistol and rifle) with you along with the accompanying ammo. But for those with extensive arsenals who want to secure them better and outside of the "gun safe" method, read on... (Note the comments.) http://www.snubnose.info/wordpress/tactics/weapons-cache-101/ -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .