Opposition to Sotomayor May Focus on RKBA: Senate Republicans vowed Wednesday to press Sonia Sotomayor on gun rights - a politically divisive issue that they hope could potentially weaken Democratic support for the Supreme Court nominee. While Republicans are a pronounced minority in both the House and Senate, they have used the gun issue to their advantage to divert the Democratic legislative agenda, forcing members from moderate and conservative states to take politically risky votes on gun provisions. Sotomayor's judicial record appears to provide the GOP with another opportunity to bring the issue to light. Since the Supreme Court decided in a landmark case last year that restrictive gun laws in Washington, D.C. - a federal entity - infringed on a constitutionally protected right to own a handgun, the legal debate over guns has shifted to whether that ruling also affected handgun-control laws in individual states... http://www.thehawkeye.com/Story/Sotomayor-062509 --- Gun Ban by Secret Lists: U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg has a point, to a point. The Democratic lawmaker from New Jersey says it "simply defies common sense" to allow gun sales to people suspected of being terrorists. He's right - until he proposes that the government's terrorism watch list should be the deciding factor of whether someone can buy a gun... That sounds outrageous, but consider this: The FBI refused to divulge details about who was able to buy a gun and what their connection to terrorism might be. That itself makes conclusions rather hard to draw. Then there's the watch list itself, which has a number of problems, the first being its size. At last count, the list had more than 1 million names representing 400,000 people, and it's growing quickly. Just four years ago, the list stood at one-fourth of its current size. It's also rife with errors. While much of the criticism can be attributed to cases of mistaken identity - such "false positives" have snared the likes of Sen. Ted Kennedy and members of the Federal Air Marshal Service - the list itself is also suspect... http://www.thenewstribune.com/opinion/editorials/story/789740.html ...Lists of suspicious people are being created by Homeland Security left and right (pardon the pun). Remember that they briefly said a Ron Paul bumper sticker was an early indicator of a domestic terrorist, and that returning vets were at risk of being recruited for their skills and experience. Recently, demonstrating in front of your local courthouse was defined as low level terrorism on a Department of Defense exam. Imagine the lists that will come out of the 4th of July Tea Parties! Any one of them, in the hands of the Attorney General could blackball you for buying a gun if your name is on it. You won't even know how or why your name was blacklisted... Nobody knows who all is on "The List" but Eric Holder and whoever adds to and maintains the list of "potential terrorists". This makes the office of the Attorney General the ultimate gatekeeper of who gets to own a gun or not, and nobody knows how they got on a list that denies them their rights, or how to get off. Even the courts can't help. Shoot down H.R. 2159 with a barrage of letters, e-mails, and phone calls to your representatives in Congress. Do it right now! http://www.examiner.com/x-2944-Denver-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m6d25-HR-2159-is-yet-another-grab-for-guns-by-the-government --- The "Gun Control" Agenda: Some years or decades ago I researched and reported on the Sullivan Act, one of America's first gun control laws. New York state senator Timothy Sullivan, a corrupt Tammany Hall politician, represented New York's Red Hook district. Commercial travelers passing through the district would be relieved of their valuables by armed robbers. In order to protect themselves and their property, travelers armed themselves. This raised the risk of, and reduced the profit from, robbery. Sullivan's outlaw constituents demanded that Sullivan introduce a law that would prohibit concealed carry of pistols, blackjacks, and daggers, thus reducing the risk to robbers from armed victims. The criminals, of course, were already breaking the law and had no intention of being deterred by the Sullivan Act from their business activity of armed robbery. Thus, the effect of the Sullivan Act was precisely what the criminals intended. It made their life of crime easier. As the first successful gun control advocates were criminals, I have often wondered what agenda lies behind the well-organized and propagandistic gun control organizations and their donors and sponsors in the US today. The propaganda issued by these organizations consists of transparent lies... http://www.lewrockwell.com/roberts/roberts269.html --- Heller, One Year Later: Has it really been one year since the United States Supreme Court in a disappointingly narrow 5-4 ruling struck down the Washington, D.C. handgun ban and affirmed once and for all that the Second Amendment protects an individual civil right to own a gun that has no connection with militia service? For some, it appears the ruling never happened at all. Even now, gun prohibitionists are loathe to acknowledge that they were wrong about the Second Amendment; that their own hostility toward the private ownership of firearms had led them to conclude - largely by misinterpreting and deliberately misrepresenting the high court's 1939 ruling in U.S. v. Miller - that the Second Amendment protected only some mythical "collective" right of the states to organize a militia... To paraphrase Barack Obama, these gun prohibitionists have become bitter, clinging to their gun control agenda as if it were a religion. http://www.examiner.com/x-4525-Seattle-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m6d25-The-Heller-ruling-one-year-later-antis-still-in-denial ...In ruling in this case, the SCOTUS made three determinations. 1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. 2. The Second Amendment right is not unlimited. 3. The District's total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of "arms" that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense and is in violation of the Second Amendment. All three of these are being spun by the opposition to favor their viewpoints... http://www.examiner.com/x-2206-Cleveland-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m6d25-Revisiting-the-DC-v-Heller-ruling--Part-I --- Big Brother and the RKBA - a Reminder: Barack Obama's presidential campaign has worked to assure uneasy gun owners that he believes the Constitution protects their rights and that he doesn't want to take away their guns. But before he became a national political figure, he sat on the board of a Chicago-based foundation that doled out at least nine grants totaling nearly $2.7 million to groups that advocated the opposite positions. The foundation funded legal scholarship advancing the theory that the Second Amendment does not protect individual gun owners' rights, as well as two groups that advocated handgun bans. And it paid to support a book called "Every Handgun Is Aimed at You: The Case for Banning Handguns." ... (This extensive article is old news but the link is furnished primarily for newer members of the list, who may not be familiar with all the details.) http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474977721774 --- What Works in Chicago...: We looked yesterday at efforts to spread the draconian gun laws of Chicago and Washington D.C. to the rest of the country- President Obama's "what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne" notwithstanding. Forget for a minute that as president (and in his last position as a United States senator), Obama deals with federal laws, which would apply in both Chicago and Cheyenne. Instead, let's take a look at how well Chicago's gun laws "work." So well, actually, that the city is literally running out of blood... This is the city with the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. All guns must be registered- and re-registered annually - with the Chicago Police Department. The vast majority of semi-automatic firearms, and all handguns, are "unregisterable" (and thus illegal), unless they were already registered in 1982 (and every year since then). And yet the city is bleeding to death... http://www.examiner.com/x-2581-St-Louis-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m6d25-Gun-free-Chicago-is-bleeding-out --- More on the 90% Lie: The statistic - 87 percent of firearms confiscated and traced in Mexico since 2005 lead back to the U.S. - has a different meaning when you consider that so few of the known total are being traced. That figure is even more complicated when you consider the vast number of guns that are surely not being traced, as the very nature of illicit trafficking, no matter what's being trafficked, is that it's underground. For all we know, most of Mexico's guns are coming from the small island nation of Nauru. Although federal officials stand by the report's statistics, Second Amendment enthusiasts worry that the data will be used to restrict gun ownership in the U.S. The report does find fault with current regulations governing the sale of "used" guns from one private party to another, which can be done without licenses or background checks. Law enforcement officials say these private sales give straw buyers a way to covertly acquire lots of weapons for criminal purposes and should therefore be more closely regulated and scrutinized - an idea that will surely outrage those who feel liberal "gun grabbers" are after their armories... http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009/jun/25/us-guns-are-crossing-border-how-many/ More than 70 billboards and other signs in the Houston area warn gun buyers against illegally smuggling weapons for the Mexican drug trade. The firearms industry-supported "Don't lie for the other Guy" campaign is expected to be expanded to El Paso, the Rio Grande Valley and Phoenix. The Houston Chronicle reports dozens [emphasis added] of guns purchased in Houston have been traced to kidnappings and murders in Mexico. Lawrence Keane with the National Shooting Sports Foundation says $500,000 will be spent over the next four months. The industry is responding to allegations that Houston stores have become the primary source for Mexican drug cartel weapons. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/tx/6496705.html http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6496359.html --- Kentucky Church to Celebrate RKBA: Ken Pagano, the pastor of the New Bethel Church here, is passionate about gun rights. He shoots regularly at the local firing range, and his sermon two weeks ago was on "God, Guns, Gospel and Geometry." And on Saturday night, he is inviting his congregation of 150 and others to wear or carry their firearms into the sanctuary to "celebrate our rights as Americans!" as a promotional flier for the "open carry celebration" puts it... The celebration will feature lessons in responsible gun ownership, Mr. Pagano said. Sheriff's deputies will be at the doors to check that openly carried firearms are unloaded, but they will not check for concealed weapons. "That's the whole point of concealed," Mr. Pagano said, adding that he was not worried because such owners require [sic] training. Mr. Pagano said the church's insurance company, which he would not identify, had canceled the church's policy for the day on Saturday and told him that it would cancel the policy for good at the end of the year. If he cannot find insurance for Saturday, people will not be allowed in openly carrying their guns... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/26/us/26guns.html?_r=1&em --- Ohio Radio to Air Open-Carry Debate: On Sunday, June 28th 2009, Jim Irvine, Chairman of the Buckeye Firearms Association will be discussing the pros and cons of open carry on his radio show which is carried by 1420 AM WHK News Talk in Cleveland, Ohio. The hour-long segment, which you may listen to live on the internet from 8 - 9PM Eastern Time, will feature Ohio Attorney-General Richard Cordray, famed instructor and author Massad Ayoob, and yours truly. Would you care to guess which one of us is arguing for open carry? ...I should start by stating that one of the issues I expect Mr. Ayoob to bring up immediately is the tactical aspects of open carry vs. concealed carry. He discussed this at some length when I attended his LFI-1 class (which I highly recommend) and I need to clearly demonstrate that this is not the issue at hand. Otherwise, those of us who are proponents of open carry would lose quite handily. I will readily concede that if your primary concern is tactical superiority, then you should carry concealed. However, the question that we, as pro-gun activists, should be asking is "What are the benefits to the gun-rights movement of my carrying openly?" ... http://www.examiner.com/x-3253-Minneapolis-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m6d25-Taking-to-the-air-in-defense-of-open-carry --- Open Carry Picnic in Michigan: Gun advocates have a bang-up idea for a picnic in Traverse City. A group called Michigan Open Carry Inc. plans to host a gun-toting picnic at Sunset Park on Saturday. It's part of the nonprofit's ongoing effort to promote the legal, open carry of firearms and the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Picnic attendees will walk around with pistols in hip holsters in a public park. Not everyone is thrilled with the idea. Virgilene Warren lives a few blocks from the park. She tells the Traverse City Record-Eagle she finds the picnic to be "a little disturbing." http://www.wlns.com/Global/story.asp?S=10593053&nav=0RbQ --- Arizona House Committee Expands Restaurant-Carry Bill: State lawmakers agreed Thursday to let some gun owners bring their weapons into restaurants - but not before they expanded the measure to also apply to bars. That change in SB 1113 came not at the behest of the National Rifle Association which crafted the bill but after a push from the organization that represents bar owners. Lobbyist Don Isaacson of the Arizona Licensed Beverage Association said there is no sharp definition in state law that spells out what is a restaurant and what is a bar. But Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, noted that NRA lobbyist Todd Rathner has argued all along that the legislation is aimed at providing relief to gun owners who simply wanted to get a bite to eat and did not want to leave their loaded weapons in their vehicles. She called extending that right to places where food isn't served "a dangerous cocktail." ... The same panel also agreed SB 1243 which would allow individuals to "display" their weapons when they feel in danger without risking prosecution on charges of intimidation... (I fear that the deletion of the requirement of a kitchen is a poison-pill amendment, such as we saw in 2003. The press will now launch an attack on the "guns in bars" bill.) http://www.azdailysun.com/articles/2009/06/26/news/state/20090626_arizo_198814.txt --- Oops, Wrong House: Nashville police say a 21-year-old home invasion robbery suspect was fatally wounded by 1 of his victims. Elijah Minnard's 17-year-old armed accomplice was apprehended after he fled the home, according to police. His charges include aggravated robbery and unlawful weapon possession. The two home invasion victims are Dennis Clay Nicholson, 22, and Lincoya Stephens, 25. Nicholson told police he was confronted by an armed Minnard and the 17-year-old as he arrived home early Wednesday. Minnard held Nicholson and Stephens, who was already at the residence, at gunpoint while the 17-year-old searched the home. The victims got the gun away from Minnard and Stephens pulled a pistol concealed in his waistband - fatally wounding Minnard. The 17-year-old is being held in juvenile detention pending a hearing. http://www.wmctv.com/global/story.asp?s=10589109 --- Father and Son Face Charges in Mistaken Raid: A father and son are furious after surviving a terrifying experience. They face criminal charges after police responded to their home by mistake. Murfreesboro officers responded to a 911 emergency call and somehow ended up at the wrong apartment. Roger and Justin Chilton woke to a pounding on their door at 3 a.m. Sunday. Justin - a decorated military policeman who had just returned from Iraq - answered the door holding his gun. The officers then arrested Justin and his father. "They held us at gunpoint, slammed us to the ground, stomped my hands and butted me in the back of the head with a shotgun," said Justin. The officers charged the Chilton's with resisting arrest and aggravated assault for the incident. Police did not drop the charges even after learning they responded to the wrong house. Murfreesboro police chief Glenn Chrisman has opened an internal investigation. http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=9915358 --- Oops, Wrong Store: Dominic Mathew had always felt it was better to give an armed robber what they asked for. His philosophy changed after his Food Pantry store on Lower Beaver Road was held up several times, one time with a thief behind the counter and holding a gun to his neck. He got a handgun. On Tuesday, the third time the store was held up, he and a robber were in a face-off with their weapons. "The guy came in from the side (of the store)" and walked in the front door, Mathew said. "That's where they usually come from. The guy came in with a hoodie on. It was awfully warm on Tuesday, too warm for a hoodie." Mathew, 30, already had his gun drawn when the robber walked in, he said. The suspect lowered his gun immediately upon seeing the handgun. The would-be robber ran out the door... http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20090625/NEWS/90625024/-1/NEWS04 --- Shooting of Dog Disputed: Tensions are high on a Saginaw street where the neighborhood watch president shot and killed his neighbor's dog. Jose Barajas, Southwest Saginaw Neighborhood Association president, told police he shot Onyx, a 50-plus-pound pit bull and shar-pei mix, with a 40-caliber Glock after the dog broke its chain and charged him at 1223 Maple on June 18. Barajas said he was working outside the house next door when he heard a resident crying for help. Diana M. Fick, 52, said she was mowing her backyard about 7:30 p.m. when neighbor Samantha A. Griffus' dog lunged at her. Fick said Onyx perched atop the tailgate shell and jumped off toward her, breaking his chain. She said she screamed for the owner and used the lawnmower as a buffer to keep the dog at bay. Griffus didn't hear her, but Barajas did. When the dog turned on him, he said he shot it two times... Saginaw police investigated and cleared Barajas... http://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/index.ssf/2009/06/neighborhood_watch_president_s.html --- Guilty Plea in Re-Enactment Shooting: With an apology and tears, North and South made peace again this week in a Virginia courtroom, ending the baffling case of a Bronx-born, costumed Yankee cavalryman wounded by a rebel's bullet in an all-too-vivid Civil War re-enactment last year. The victim, Thomas Lord, now 74, was shot in the back on Sept. 27 during a filmed restaging - supposedly with blank cartridges - of an 1864 skirmish in the trenches around Suffolk, Va. He has recovered. A suspect, Josh O. Silva, 29, of Norfolk, Va., who had swelled the Confederate ranks as an unofficial walk-on, was later identified with the help of film footage and indicted in January on a charge of reckless handling of a firearm - an 1860 Army Colt pistol - which is punishable by up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine... (The whole re-enactment concept violates Rule One - all firearms are always loaded. As with force-on-force training, rigorous measures are required to ensure that no live weapons enter the scene.) http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/26/nyregion/26reenact.html?ref=nyregion --- With Friends like This...: One month after graduating from Mountain View High School, Ashley DeWitte lay dead Wednesday on the doorstep of her Mesa home. Officials say that after shooting the 18-year-old lifeguard multiple times, her ex-boyfriend, Eric Serdechny, then shot and killed himself. He was 20. Officers say Serdechny was apparently angered by their recent breakup after dating six months... Serdechny's Facebook page revealed a darker portrait, of a young man who was fascinated by guns. One of his favorite quotes was "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." ... Detectives later learned that Serdechny's mother would allow him to use her gun for target practice, Melendez said. Police said they also learned that Serdechny was discharged from the Air Force but had not determined why... http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/local/articles/2009/06/26/20090626mesashooting0626.html --- From AzCDL: This morning (6/25/09) the House Judiciary Committee passed both SB 1113 (Restaurant Carry) and SB 1243 (Defensive Display) out of committee. SB 1113, the Restaurant Carry bill, passed by a vote of 6 to 2. It was amended in committee. The following summarizes key provisions in the current version of the bill: - "Open carry" is not allowed. The firearm must be concealed. - Only individuals with CCW permits may carry a concealed firearm where alcohol is served. - The individual legally carrying the firearm may not consume alcohol. - The requirement that the establishment serve food has been removed. - The penalty for violating the law is a class 3 misdemeanor. - Establishments may prohibit firearms by posting a sign in a specified location. - It is an "affirmative defense" if the person violating the law "was not informed of the notice," the sign had "fallen down," the person is not a resident of Arizona, or the posted sign has not been up for 30 days. - However, lack of knowledge (by Arizona residents only) that firearms are prohibited in establishments serving alcohol is no longer a valid defense. SB 1243, the AzCDL-requested bill that clarifies when a defensive display is justified, passed by a vote of 5 to 3. The next step for both bills is the House Rules Committee before being debated in the House Committee of the Whole (COW). Meanwhile the clock is ticking. Stay tuned! When critical legislation moves, we will notify you via these Alerts and Twitter. These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom http://www.azcdl.org/html/join_us_.html Copyright © 2009 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. AzCDL is being told that the Legislature is going to pack up and go home at the end of this fiscal year - June 30, 2009. That's less than a week from now! Subtract the weekend and that's just a few workdays to wrap up about 1,000 bills. It's not doable. Legislators are getting weary. In the Senate, SB 1270, the AzCDL-requested Constitutional Carry bill, passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 8, 2009. Unfortunately, the bill is being held in the Senate Rules committee due to a problem with the language concerning taking firearms across the border, and, due to the time constraints mentioned previously, it's effectively dead for the year. HB 2474, the "Parking Lot" bill, was reassigned to the Senate Retirement and Rural Development (RRD) Committee, and was heard on Thursday, June 25 where it passed by a 4 to 2 vote. In committee, Senator Rebecca Rios, a Democrat voted for HB 2474 while Senator John Huppenthal, a Republican, voted against HB 2474. It was also heard as a strike-everything amendment to SB 1168 in the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, June 24, where it passed, 7-4-0. From here, both versions must proceed through Rules, Caucus, COW, and Third Read in their respective chambers before going back to the other chamber for a Final Read, then up to the Governor, a difficult road. Over in the House, SB 1113 (Restaurant Carry) and SB 1243 (Defensive Display) passed out of the House Judiciary Committee today (6/25/09). Both bills must be reviewed in the House Rules Committee before proceeding. It will be difficult for SB 1113 and SB 1243 to make it through the process before June 30, 2009. The one bill that has the shortest path to take is HB 2439, which has been amended to include the "Petty Offense" (for carrying concealed without a permit) language that passed both chambers in the last two years. It has already been heard in the House. This afternoon (6/25/09) it passed out of the Senate Rules Committee, the last step before proceeding to Caucus and COW debate. From there, it's on to the Third Read floor vote before being sent back to the House for a concurrence vote (because of the Senate amendments), then on to the Governor. For the moment, our primary focus is the passage of HB 2439, and we need your help! We also need to remind the Senate that we're watching them. Boot up your computers and warm up those keyboards - it's time to be heard! We urge everyone to contact the Senate and politely urge them to support HB 2439. A personal letter is always best. Below is a cut-and-paste template you may use as an example. Following the template are email address lists of the Senate in both semi-colon and comma separated formats. Subject: Please support HB 2349 Dear Senator, I urge you to support HB 2439. As amended in the Senate Judiciary Committee, HB 2439 is a classic win-win situation for law-abiding citizens and law enforcement alike. The underlying bill provides for an alternative 4 hour concealed weapons (CCW) course for first time permit applicants, dealing only in legal issues, mental conditioning, and judgmental shooting decisions, for qualified individuals who can show proof of prior firearms training. This will be an incentive for experienced and trained individuals to obtain an Arizona CCW permit. Senator Pearce's amendment to HB 2439, added in the Senate Judiciary Committee, includes language from last year's HB 2630 which passed handily in both chambers of the Legislature. Under current law, it is a class 1 misdemeanor to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. In committee hearings, law enforcement representatives stated their support for statutory language that allows them to arrest people for CCW violations when there is no other evidence of a crime being committed. Unfortunately, because the 1994 Appellate Court decisions, there has been no clear, objective standard in statute that can be relied upon by the average citizen to know when he is in peril of violating a law, nor is there an objective statute by which officers can enforce the law. Wearing a gun openly in a vehicle can be considered concealed carry. Without a permit you may be subject to arrest, as most weapons can not be seen from outside a vehicle. Having a CCW permit and concealing a gun in a vehicle puts your non-CCW permit passengers at risk for being arrested for carrying concealed without a permit. Senator Pearce's amendment reduces the penalty for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit to a petty offense for otherwise law-abiding citizens attempting to comply with a statue clouded by court decisions. To aid law enforcement, the amendment increases the penalty to a class 6 felony for persons committing or attempting to commit a serious or violent crime. The passage of HB 2439 is very important to me, and as stated above, it produces a win-win situation. I urge you to support it. Sincerely, Your Name Street Address City, AZ zip-code telephone number Below are the email addresses of the Senate in both semi-colon and comma separated formats. Senators in semi-colon format: paboud@azleg.gov; aaguirre@azleg.gov; callen@azleg.gov; sallen@azleg.gov; malvarez@azleg.gov; rburns@azleg.gov; mburtoncahill@azleg.gov; kcheuvront@azleg.gov; jgarcia@azleg.gov; pgorman@azleg.gov; rgould@azleg.gov; cgray@azleg.gov; lgray@azleg.gov; ahale@azleg.gov; jharper@azleg.gov; jhuppenthal@azleg.gov; llandrumtaylor@azleg.gov; bleff@azleg.gov; llopez@azleg.gov; dmccunedavis@azleg.gov; amelvin@azleg.gov; rmiranda@azleg.gov; jnelson@azleg.gov; jpaton@azleg.gov; rpearce@azleg.gov; spierce@azleg.gov; rrios@azleg.gov; jtibshraeny@azleg.gov; tverschoor@azleg.gov; jwaring@azleg.gov Senators in comma format: paboud@azleg.gov, aaguirre@azleg.gov, callen@azleg.gov, sallen@azleg.gov, malvarez@azleg.gov, rburns@azleg.gov, mburtoncahill@azleg.gov, kcheuvront@azleg.gov, jgarcia@azleg.gov, pgorman@azleg.gov, rgould@azleg.gov, cgray@azleg.gov, lgray@azleg.gov, ahale@azleg.gov, jharper@azleg.gov, jhuppenthal@azleg.gov, llandrumtaylor@azleg.gov, bleff@azleg.gov, llopez@azleg.gov, dmccunedavis@azleg.gov, amelvin@azleg.gov, rmiranda@azleg.gov, jnelson@azleg.gov, jpaton@azleg.gov, rpearce@azleg.gov, spierce@azleg.gov, rrios@azleg.gov, jtibshraeny@azleg.gov, tverschoor@azleg.gov, jwaring@azleg.gov Stay tuned! When critical legislation moves, we will notify you via these Alerts and Twitter. These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom http://www.azcdl.org/html/join_us_.html Copyright © 2009 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .