From GOA: The U.S. Senate must vote NO on Judge Sonia Sotomayor! In defending her decision that the states could enact any form of gun control they wished - with absolutely no regard to the Second Amendment - Judge Sonya Sotomayor has developed a new love for Nineteenth Century court opinions... But those were also the days when the Supreme Court held that the rights protected in the First Amendment did not apply to the states. Apparently, Sotomayor wants to base her anti-gun philosophy on antiquated decisions from an era when the U.S. Supreme Court was spitting out racist decisions. Her answers got even worse today when Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma asked her, point blank, "Is there a constitutional right to self-defense?" Sotomayor said that was an "abstract question" and that she couldn't think of a Supreme Court case that addressed that issue... (Link will generate your choice of a letter or an e-mail to your sentaors.) Coburn, Sotomayor Spar over Self-Defense: ..."Do I have a right to personal self-defense?" Coburn said. Sotomayor said she couldn't recall a single federal law that dealt with that issue. "Most criminal law statutes are passed by states," she said. "The issue of self-defense is usually defined in criminal statutes by state laws." "Is it okay to defend yourself in your home when you're under attack?" Coburn insisted. "Those are the kinds of things people would like you to answer." The Bronx-bred Sotomayor wasn't taking the bait. As she has throughout the hearing, she refused to express her opinion on any issue that may come before the high court... (Well, Judge, the federal law prohibiting handgun possession by juveniles has a specific exemption for self-defense and defense of another within the juvenile's home and the Supreme Court has addressed the issue of self-defense several times.) In a prickly exchange over gun control, Sen. Tom Coburn tried hard to get Sonia Sotomayor to explain what she actually thinks about the right to bear arms. "As a citizen of this country do you believe ... I have a right to personal self-defense?" he asked her. Sotomayor said she couldn't think of a Supreme Court case that had addressed the issue in that language. "Is there a constitutional right to self-defense?" she asked. " I can't think of one. I could be wrong." The Oklahoma Republican said he didn't want to know if there was a legal precedent that would answer his question - he wanted to know Sotomayor's personal opinion... To Vote "Yes" on Sotomayor...: ...But if you were a Republican senator, and wanted to vote in good faith to confirm Sotomayor, you would have to believe... that she genuinely does not have an opinion on whether citizens have a right to self-defense, and could not think of "a case where the Supreme Court has addressed that particular question," despite the fact that the Heller case decided last year declared, "The inherent right of self-defense has been central to the Second Amendment right." ... Where's the NRA?: ...So now that Sotomayor has spent two days dodging questions by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) on whether the Second Amendment affirms an individual right, and from Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) on whether individuals have a right to self defense, where is the NRA? Will the NRA pursue the same half-hearted opposition they displayed during confirmation hearings for anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder? (At least one gun rights insider relays consistent reports that the NRA not only failed to fully mobilize against Holder, but may have actually facilitated his confirmation.) Starkly underlining the NRA's inaction is the fact that one of its former officers, once-NRA president Sandra Froman, has said she will break from the organization to personally testify before Congress against the Sotomayor confirmation... NRA's LaPierre Takes an Editorial Stand: ...The Supreme Court is compelled to respect the Second and 14th Amendments and to interpret and apply them correctly. The cases in which Judge Sotomayor and her colleagues have mishandled these issues raise serious questions about her fitness to serve on the highest court in the land. (And what's the answer to the questions?) Is It All about Next Time?: As the two parties skirmish over the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor, some of their rhetorical fire is aimed not at her but at the next justice President Obama may get to pick. After three days of testimony, Judge Sotomayor appeared to have made no major mistakes that would jeopardize her confirmation in a Senate dominated by Democrats. So both sides are trying to use the Judiciary Committee hearings to define the parameters of an acceptable nomination in case another seat opens up during Mr. Obama's presidency. By forcing Judge Sotomayor to retreat from Mr. Obama's desire for justices with "empathy," Republicans have effectively set a new standard that future nominees will be pressed to meet. The Republicans hope their aggressive questioning of Judge Sotomayor on race discrimination, gun control and the death penalty will make it harder for Mr. Obama to choose a more outspoken liberal in the future... --- Open Carry in San Diego: ... First, I am given instructions on what to do if approached by the police. I brace myself as Nate explains. "What's going to happen is, they're going to want to do a 12031(e) unloaded check," he begins. "They'll say they want to check your weapon. You say, 'Are you requesting or demanding?' If they say, 'Demanding,' you say, 'I don't consent to any warrantless searches. But I'm not going to resist.' And then you stick your hands out, they check your weapon, and it's done." Sounds easy enough, I figure. I've got my tape recorder ready, as open carriers are urged, via websites like, to keep recording devices on them while carrying to capture any interactions with police (and civilians) they might have in case their rights are infringed upon... The nuances of gun laws in California, I find, are difficult. For example, concealed carrying is not legal in San Diego (and all of California) without a permit - that much is abundantly clear - and neither is carrying a loaded gun. Having ammunition situated next to a firearm, however, does not amount to "loaded," meaning that Nate, Sean, and Sam can carry full magazines on their belts... (I can't make up my mind if this is a futile gesture or a brave political statement. I remain concerned, however, that these people seem to carry openly in holsters with no serious retention devices, as evidenced by the ease with which the police inspect their handguns.) --- An Open-Carry Success?: ... It was almost 11:00 PM and the robber who rushed into Kassou's Jefferson Davis Highway store was surprised to find eight people inside. Surprise apparently turned to anger and the robber ordered the patrons to the floor and then opened fire on Kassou striking him twice. Kassou fell to the floor behind the cash register and waited for the gunman to finish him. And that was when the angel revealed himself. Unnoticed by the robber, one of the patrons in the store was openly armed. Reacting quickly, the patron drew his sidearm and ordered the robber to drop his gun. When the robber refused, the patron fired once wounding the robber and then disarmed him... (This incident has been touted as a positive example of open carry. However, note that the gun owner was successful precisely because he had gone unnoticed. In a jurisdiction where concealed carry is not an option, open carry is better than not carrying but concealed carry may offer a major advantage in not advertising "shoot me first.") --- Nashville Council to Debate Park Carry: ... The Tennessee legislature in its recently completed session voted to allow those with carry permits to bring guns into state and local parks. However, the bill provided a way that local governments could opt out of the provision, if they voted to specifically exclude guns from their city or county parks. The Metro Council is scheduled to debate the issue on July 21, having passed a measure on first reading last month to exclude guns from Metro Parks... Councilman Eric Crafton said allowing those with legal carry permits to bring guns into parks will decrease the potential for violence, saying criminals pay no heed to restrictions on carrying weapons... Crafton also said the issue of guns in parks has been overblown in the media, making it more controversial than it should be. "Other states have done this," he said. "I don't know that this is as big an issue as it is made to appear." --- Oops, Wrong House: Former Blinn College football player Paul Stephens was shot early Saturday morning after he allegedly tried to burglarize a local residence, according to a report by The Jonesboro Sun. Stephens, who was listed as the starting cornerback for Arkansas State University after earning the job during spring practices, was taken to St. Bernards Medical Center after being shot in the torso, The Sun reports. When police responded to an emergency call to investigate a burglary, 25-year-old Antonio Williams told them he shot an intruder at his apartment. Shortly thereafter, police were able to locate Stephens, who had a gunshot wound in his midsection... --- A Lesson in Poor Tactics: A Southcrest banquet hall owner charged with murder in the shooting death of a partygoer at the end of a girl's birthday celebration testified Tuesday that he pulled out his gun in self-defense when the victim punched him. Virgil Gordon, 73, taking the stand in his own defense, said he wouldn't have hit Silverio Rivera Cruz in the head with his .357-caliber Magnum had the victim not attacked him. Rivera Cruz, 39, was shot in the neck when he stepped back from the blow to the head, according to court testimony... Gordon is on trial for a second time. A jury last year acquitted the defendant of first-degree murder and prosecutors decided to retry the case on charges of second-degree murder, assault and negligent discharge of a firearm... (It sounds as though Mr. Gordon may have benefited from carrying a can of OC spray; at 73, I can see that he may not have been capable of going hand-to-hand. It also sounds as though the whole situation may have been provoked by an ethnic slur.) --- Rule Five Reminder: An off-duty Meridian Township police officer "inadvertently" left his handgun in a bathroom Sunday at Cooley Law School, police said. Meridian Township police Sgt. Scott Dawson, who is a Cooley student, left the weapon in a bathroom at about 11:30 a.m. while he was at the school for academic reasons, Lansing police Lt. Noel Garcia said. "We're very disappointed," Meridian Township police Chief David Hall said. "Certainly all officers know that they are responsible for their weapons." Dawson is still on active duty while Meridian Township police conduct an internal investigation "to determine if and what any violations of department operating procedures have occurred, and certainly we want to know if any school violations have occurred," Hall said... (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearms.) --- Ohio Troopers May Be Able to Purchase Own Carbines: According to reports out of Columbus, a new contract with the Ohio State Troopers Association that is nearing approval would give Ohio Highway Patrol troopers the option of purchasing a carbine rifle for use while on duty. Numerous stipulations apply, including that a committee be created to study and approve the make, model, and caliber of rifles that may be utilized. Mandatory qualification on the new carbines would be required, as is the case with other weapons and tools carried... --- Gun Shop Expands Educational Activities: Bogart's Gun Shop owner Jim Kelly is interested in doing more than just selling you a gun. He also wants to arm customers with information and education. Kelly recently launched a Website for his downtown Eagle shop - The site features information about handguns, long guns, ammunition and accessories in addition to links to various manufacturers. It also details the shooting class schedule offered through Bogart's. "Our classes have become a huge part of the business," said Kelly. Kelly and fellow instructor Jenna Gallen are National Rifle Association-certified in basic pistol and personal handgun instruction. Additionally, the Bogart's team is certified by the International Defensive Pistol Association. Students can sign up for Concealed Carry Weapon Clases, Firearms 101, Gun Safety and Information and Advanced Shooting Classes. According to Kelly, the Eagle County Sheriff's Office has reported a 290 percent increase in the number of concealed weapon applications it has received. Kelly believes that number alone demonstrates the local firearms education need... --- Commentary on the Culture Wars: ...To combat this it is imperative we point out insidious derogatory references to the great American way of life when we see them. It is important to teach our children and our children's children that freedom does not mean dragging down the rich heritage and culture that made America great. Teach them how to think critically about what they see in the movies, TV and print. Help them understand the biases that are introduced into each movie and television story line. Don't censor their viewing, but help them understand the disparity between fact and fiction, ideology and reality. It means influencing everyone you can about what message some of these shows and articles are really trying to say. Eventually, the majority will understand the difference between trash and treasure, perhaps even changing what movies and television shows they watch, thus hitting anti-gunners right in the wallet... --- Not Even Tangentially Related: The superintendent of the U.S. Capitol Grounds was in Springerville on Wednesday to find the next Capitol Christmas tree. Ted Bechtol reviewed 10 finalists in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests and will make the selection this weekend. It will be the first Capitol tree from Arizona. (Springerville is about 50 miles from my home and is about 7,000 feet above sea level. The mean elevation in Arizona is 4,000 feet above sea level and the state has seven national forests, if Apache-Sitgreaves is counted as two. Arizona is not all desert and is not all a suburb of Phoenix.) -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .