Remembering the Deacons for Defense: In November 1964, a group of black American citizens in Jonesboro, Louisiana led by Earnest "Chilly Willy" Thomas and Frederick Douglas Kirkpatrick founded a militia to protect civil rights workers against the violence of the Ku Klux Klan. They called it the Deacons for Defense and Justice. Most of them were war veterans with combat experience from the Korean War and World War II, and they armed themselves with military pattern semi-automatic rifles, carbines and pistols. Ironically, these are the same types of firearms that liberal politicians (including Barack Obama) are seeking to ban today as so-called "assault weapons." ... --- National Buy a Gun Day?: On the eve of the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, an ad has appeared in local newspapers promoting Tuesday as "National Buy A Gun Day." That message is being echoed in online postings as well. The ad also claims the Obama administration could be the most anti-gun rights team ever elected to the White House. Those behind the ad have been visiting local gun shops to trumpet that message as well. "He said he was going to place an ad to make a statement about the Second Amendment and people's right to keep and bear arms," said Dan Mumaugh, who works at Ozark Armory, a gun shop in Springdale... In Virginia...: Concern over possible new gun-control measures imposed by Barack Obama's incoming administration is driving up firearm sales in Virginia and locally. Gun sales are "absolutely" going up in Virginia, said David Adams, president of the Virginia Shooting Sports Association, the official state association of the National Rifle Association. Gun shows in Virginia after the election were packed, and stores selling firearms have mostly reported higher sales. Adams noted that gun sales typically go up at this time of year because of hunting season, but it's more than usual this year. Firearms perceived to be at highest risk for being banned by the Obama administration are selling best, Adams said. These include military-style tactical rifles and semiautomatic pistols that can hold more than 10 rounds... --- Is the RKBA Facing a Perfect Storm?: Gun owners now face what appears to be the seeming inevitability of nationwide gun registration and ammunition registration. Many longtime pro-gun advocates, even in their most fitful dreams, had not foreseen the immensely somber showdown we are confronting. One writer (Bob Unruh in World Net Daily) appropriately used the phrase "perfect storm" to describe what American gun owners face at this moment in history. All the elemental societal and political forces seem to have conjoined to form an immense "low pressure" zone of impending anti-gun legislation. The goal: Confiscation... Related Articles: --- Gary Lawsuit Could Be Landmark: One by one, local governments have filed lawsuits that try to hold firearms manufacturers responsible for gun violence on city streets. And, one by one, the lawsuits have either been dismissed by courts or dropped. Until last week. n what gun control advocates quickly hailed as a landmark decision, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled last week that a lawsuit filed by the city of Gary can proceed toward trial. That leaves Gary as the last plaintiff standing among more than 30 cities and states that have sued the gun industry over the past decade - and at the epicenter of a contentious debate... But if it is ultimately a landmark case, that won't be because it sets an important precedent but because it gives gun-rights advocates another chance to argue their case... --- The Sky Is Falling in Northern California: Local environmentalists and others are expressing surprise and disappointment over a change in federal law this month that makes it legal to bring concealed weapons into Muir Woods National Monument, Point Reyes National Seashore and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. To many, the idea of guns being brought to Muir Woods seems at odds with its tranquil character, where people come to escape urban life to feel at one with nature... Under the new rule that took effect Jan. 9, visitors can legally carry a loaded gun into a park or wildlife refuge - but only if the person has a permit for a concealed weapon and if the state where the park or refuge is located also allows concealed firearms. California does allow concealed weapons. "If you can carry (a gun) on Main Street, you are allowed to carry in a national park," said Chris Paolino, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of the Interior... (Apparently, there was no problem with concealed weapons in these parks, so long as they were carried illegally. And yes, several northern California counties do issue CWP's.) --- When Guns Are Outlawed...: I've written before about how, when I was a New York City resident, I tired of the endless, intrusive and insulting process of applying for a pistol permit. Disgusted, I purchased a banned "assault weapon" on the black market. What I haven't written is that I also bought two pistols without a permit or registration -- perfectly legally. It was a purchase that would probably have never taken place without the perverse incentives inevitably created by restrictive laws... I didn't buy my cap-and-ball guns at the store, because the frustration set in while I was at home. Besides, I wasn't going to pay New York prices if I could help it. So I mail-ordered what I wanted with no fuss... --- Oops, Wrong House: A man was shot by a resident of a home he was allegedly invading on the West Side late Sunday. About 10 p.m., a man in his 20s was allegedly committing a home invasion and a resident inside the home at 4453 W. Cortez St. shot him, according to a Harrison District police lieutenant. Charges were pending Monday morning against the man shot, who was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital in an unidentified condition. Police have not ruled out the possibility that the shooter would face charges also. Harrison Area detectives are investigating. (Why would the resident also face charges? Could it be Chicago's virtual ban on privately owned handguns?),w-man-shot-home-invasion-chicago-011908.article -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .