Holder Approved by Judiciary Committee: The Senate Judiciary Committee this morning approved the nomination of Eric H. Holder Jr. to serve as the nation's first African American attorney general. Holder, 58, ultimately won support from all of the Democrats on the panel; many cited his credentials and backing by 130 law enforcement groups. In a surprise, given comments over the past two months, several GOP lawmakers also cast their votes for Holder. Only two Republican senators, John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, voted "nay" on the nomination. Cornyn expressed concern about the nominee's role in controversial Clinton era pardons, Holder's view on terrorism issues and his approach to gun rights... Holder's nomination could be taken up by the full Senate over the next couple of days, aides said. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2009/01/28/holder_approved_by_judiciary_c.html?hpid=topnews http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/29/us/politics/29holder.html?_r=1&ref=washington http://www.examiner.com/x-1417-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m1d28-Holder-approved-by-Senate-Judiciary-Committee Second Oklahoma Senator to Vote "No" on Holder: U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., cites the right to bear arms, his preference for justice over patronage, and the war on terror as reasons he plans to vote against confirming Eric Holder as attorney general. Inhofe issued his statement in a news release, as well as on his blog and a YouTube video. The statement: "I wanted you to be the first to know I am going to vote against to the appointment of Eric Holder to be the next attorney general of the United States. I believe I am speaking on behalf of Americans who value their Second Amendment personal right to own their own firearms. I also believe I am speaking on behalf of Americans who favor justice over political patronage. Finally, I believe I am speaking on behalf of Americans who realize we are in a War on Terror and want to continue the strong efforts to bring terrorists to justice. I am opposed to the appointment of Eric Holder ..." http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/Inhofe_Holder_guns/2009/01/28/176043.html --- Gillibrand Faces Crossfire on Guns: ...Albany resident Joe Sullivan, a gun owner but not a hunter, expressed hope Tuesday that Schumer's assessment of Gillibrand is wrong. "They're going to put the pressure on her," said Sullivan, adding, "Let's get behind her and give her some support from upstate. I want to bring her back on track because I sense she's drifting away," said Sullivan of his perception that Gillibrand may compromise her gun rights positions to make herself electable downstate... http://www.dailygazette.com/news/2009/jan/28/0128_gilligun/ --- Republicans Need to Focus on RKBA: While the major media focus continues to be on the Obama administration's infancy, the choosy newsreader can also find a number of stories covering various aspects of the Republican party's attempts to "rebrand" itself in the wake of major losses at the ballot box, both in Ohio and nationally, over the past two election cycles. As party leaders continue their soul-searching, they need to consider the reasons for which they lost their hold on what has historically been one of the most loyal voter segments - gun owners and hunters - and make plans to regain their trust... http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/6451 --- Illinois Could See CCW Bill: A local lawmaker says a recent Supreme Court decision re enforces the need for a "conceal and carry" law in the state of Illinois. But others say getting the bill passed, could be a long shot. Bill Supporter, State Representative Bill Mitchell spoke in Pekin today about creating the Family and Personal Protection Act. The act would require an applicant wishing to carry concealed firearms to complete a training course in handgun use, safety, and marksmanship... http://www.week.com/news/local/38564042.html --- Virginia Assembly Committee Approves CCW in Restaurants: At the General Assembly Wednesday, a senate committee voted to expand the rights of concealed handgun permit holders. The committee voted nine to six to allow the concealed carry of guns into restaurants that sell alcohol. Under the proposal, firearms carriers are not allowed to consume alcohol. Supporters say it bolsters Second Amendment rights. Opponents claim booze and bullets don't mix. (It is currently legal to carry firearms in such restaurants in Virginia but they must be carried openly.) http://www.nbc29.com/Global/story.asp?S=9748130 --- Virginia Senate Committee Kills Local-Gun-Ban Bill: Guns are still allowed on government property in Virginia after a senate committee killed a proposed bill. The bill would have allowed localities to pass bans on carrying guns in libraries, parks and other property. Those in favor argued that the local governments should have the right to decide if they want guns out of their facilities, but opponents say the bill would create too many conflicting rules across the state. http://www.wmdt.com/topstory/displaystory.asp?id=11571 http://www.wsls.com/sls/news/state_regional/govtpolitics/article/state_senate_committee_kills_local_gun-ban_bill/25952/ --- Third Try for Colorado Self-Defense Bill: For the third year in a row, Sen. Ted Harvey, R-Highlands Ranch, and Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, are sponsoring a bill that would give employees and business owners the right to defend themselves, their property, and their fellow employees from intruders without fear of prosecution. Homeowners across the state already enjoy such protection as part of the Colorado's "Make My Day" law, which guarantees the right to self-defense in their own homes. According to Harvey, the bill has been killed in the past because it expanded the protection to any individual inside a business. In response to criticism that the language was too expansive, it has been narrowed to include just employees and business owners. Harvey hopes the tweaked language will help boost his bill out of committee... http://facethestate.com/articles/13715-third-times-charm-make-my-day --- New Hampshire Bill Would Reinstate Firing Squad: One state lawmaker is proposing a bill to expand the death penalty and force people convicted of homicide to face execution by a five-officer firing squad. New Hampshire State Rep. Delmar Burridge, D-Keene, is sponsoring H.B. 37, a bill providing for execution by firing squad for anyone who causes the death of another person by use of a firearm while engaged in the commission of a felony - an offense that would be considered capital murder under Burridge's plan... http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=87347 --- Permit Applications Rise in Atlanta Area: ...Word of the attack spread quickly through Atlanta's gentrifying intown neighborhoods. It became one of a string of violent crimes that together shook residents' sense of security. Some responded by forming neighborhood groups and calling for more police protection. Others enrolled in self-defense classes. Still others say they have armed themselves, and applications for new gun permits nearly doubled in Fulton and DeKalb counties from 2007 to 2008, according to statistics from the county probate courts... http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/metro/atlanta/stories/2009/01/27/atlanta_crime_response.html --- University of Texas Student Government Opposes Campus Carry: After 30 minutes of heated debate Tuesday night, Student Government voted 31 to 6, passing a resolution against allowing students to carry concealed handguns on campus. The legislation was drafted in response to a proposed bill that would change the current law and allow concealed handguns on university campuses in Texas. Similar resolutions passed unanimously in the Graduate Student Assembly last week and in the Senate of College Councils in December... http://www.dailytexanonline.com/1.1315242 --- Schools Should Provide Firearm-Safety Training: ...Therefore, since studies like the Utah one show that safety training decreases accidents, it should be a mandatory part of school curriculum. The Arizona statute outlines an excellent curriculum. 1. Instruction on the rules of gun safety 2. Instruction on the basic operation of firearms 3. Instruction on the history of firearms and marksmanship 4. Instruction on the role of firearms in preserving peace and freedom 5. Instruction on the constitutional roots of the right to keep and bear arms 6. Instruction on the use of clay targets 7. Practice time at a shooting range 8. Demonstration of competence with a firearm The only caveat is that this safety training must not be presented in a poor light and subject to anti-gun paranoia and propaganda. It should stick to the facts and be taught by qualified instructors... http://www.examiner.com/x-2206-Cleveland-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m1d28-Gun-safety-training-should-be-a-mandatory-part-of-school-curriculum --- Rule Two Reminder: A former Lodi Police officer who shot himself in the hand in March will receive $100,000 in a workers' compensation payment from the city. Sgt. Lance Hayden accidentally shot himself while he was alone at a shooting range in the basement of the former police station at 210 W. Elm St. He will not be able to return to duty. The Lodi City Council approved the settlement in a 4-1 vote Wednesday night in closed session. Councilwoman Susan Hitchcock was the dissenting vote. The money for the payment will come out of the city's Workers' Compensation Insurance fund, city spokesman Jeff Hood said. As of Nov 30, the fund had a balance of $4.8 million... (Rule Two: Don't let the muzzle cross anything you're not prepared to shoot.) http://www.lodinews.com/articles/2009/01/24/news/3_hayden_090124.txt --- Oops, Wrong Shed: A Sacramento resident confronted an alleged burglar in a back yard and fired a gunshot, but the intruder fled and it was not clear if anyone was hurt, police said. A police report said a resident of 2600 block of Ensenada Way saw someone with a flashlight in the home's yard shortly after 1 a.m. Friday. The resident told police he believed someone was trying to break into a shed behind the residence. Authorities said the resident grabbed a handgun and went outside to confront the intruder. The intruder cut the resident in the face with an unknown weapon and the resident responded by firing one shot in self-defense. The intruder left. Police said it was not known if the intruder was injured, adding that no blood trail was found. (Was anything in the shed worth the risk of leaving the relative safety of the home?) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28843895/ --- Charges Dropped in Home-Defense Shooting: Prosecutors have officially decided not to press charges against James Parsons for his role in a December shooting, deciding that Colorado's so-called "Make My Day" law justified his use of deadly force in defense of his home. According to The Gazette, on the night of Dec. 22, James Parsons and his girlfriend were relaxing inside his Colorado home when they heard a truck pull up. The man inside the vehicle, 22-year-old James Kennedy, then proceeded to get out of the truck, wander to the back of the house, smash open a window and begin to unlock the deadbolt. That's when Parson's opened fire, shooting Kennedy two times in the arm and torso with a revolver. Investigators later determined that Kennedy, who lived a block away from Parsons, had been drinking heavily and mistakenly believed he was breaking into his own home. Police were unsure whether charges should be filed against Parsons and had sent the case to the 4th Judicial District Attorney's Office for a full review... http://www.opposingviews.com/articles/news-charges-dropped-against-man-who-shot-drunken-intruder --- The Sturgis Incident, Part 2: As detailed in Part one, four peace officers from Washington State and a firefighter from Colorado - all members of the police motorcycle club the Iron Pigs - were involved in a controversial altercation at a roadhouse with members of the Hells Angels during the annual bike rally last August in Sturgis, S.D. One of the IP's, Seattle Det. Ronald Smith, as he was being choked and beaten, shot and seriously wounded one of the HAs. The outlaw biker he shot was indicted for aggravated assault. Much to their surprise, considering that they had not initiated the violent conflict, the officers and the fireman were indicted on criminal charges as well. We continue with our exclusive behind-the-scenes report... http://www.policeone.com/off-duty/articles/1774757-P1-Exclusive-Iron-Pigs-and-the-challenge-to-the-off-duty-carry-law-more-about-what-really-happened/ --- From AzCDL: Two more AzCDL-requested bills have been filed. SB 1243, clarifying when "Defensive Display" is justified, has 18 co-sponsors. This bill is similar to an AzCDL-requested bill filed last year that passed in the Legislature but was vetoed by our former anti-rights Governor. Defensive display includes: - Verbally informing another person that you have a firearm available. - Exposing or displaying a firearm in a manner that conveys you mean to protect yourself. - Placing your hand on your firearm while it is holstered or in a pocket, purse or other means of containment. HB 2439, with 22 co-sponsors, provides for an alternative 3 hour CCW course, dealing only in legal issues, for qualified individuals who can show proof of prior firearms training, such as: Completion of an NRA pistol course. - Completion of pistol related courses at the college level, or at places like Front Sight or Gunsite. - Completion of certain law enforcement training. - Current military service or an honorable discharge. - A competitive rating or ranking in an organized shooting competition. - A CCW permit from another jurisdiction that required training or testing to obtain. Even though the legislative session got underway on January 12th, the budget has become the center of focus at the Capitol, significantly slowing the filing and movement of non-budget related bills. We encourage you keep an eye on AzCDL's Legislative page for updates on legislation we are watching: http://www.azcdl.org/html/2009_bills.html . Stay tuned! When critical legislation comes before committees, we will notify you via these Alerts. These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom http://www.azcdl.org/html/join_us_.html Copyright © 2009 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .