Oppose Literacy Test for RKBA: From the late 1890s through the mid-1960s, African-American citizens in the Deep South were systematically and egregiously denied their voting rights through the administration of so-called "literacy tests." It took an act of Congress and some Supreme Court rulings to abolish this despicable form of bigotry. But apparently history is lost on Congressman Bobby L. Rush, who represents the 1st District of Illinois. Astonishingly, this black congressman has introduced a gun control measure that would, among other things, require potential gun owners to first apply for a firearm license and before that license would be issued, they would have to present "a certificate attesting to the completion . . . of a written firearms examination." ... (Rush's bill is HR 45.) http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/daily/opinion/109312.php --- Brady Bunch Praises Holder Confirmation: ..."Eric Holder has been a long-time supporter of strong Brady criminal background checks to stop prohibited purchasers from buying guns, as well as other common sense gun measures to keep dangerous weapons from dangerous people. As Deputy Attorney General, he worked on many proposals to help protect our families and communities from gun criminals, using a coordinated approach that included both prevention and enforcement. America is fortunate now to have him as chief law enforcement officer. Though his nomination was strongly opposed by the gun lobby, I am gratified that the Senate agreed with the judgment of law enforcement, the civil rights community and gun violence prevention organizations and confirmed Mr. Holder by an overwhelming margin." ... http://www.bradycampaign.org/media/release.php?release=1104 --- Brady Bunch Decries "Loose" State Gun Laws: Most states have weak or non-existent gun laws that help feed the illegal gun market, allow the sale of guns without Brady background checks and put families and children at risk, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. But more and more states are pushing legislation to strengthen their gun laws. The organization's 2008 state scorecards, which rate each state on the strength of its gun laws, are being released today for all 50 states. "Once again, the scores for most states are abysmal. Most people don't realize how few laws we have on the books restricting easy access to guns. As a result, we continue to make it too easy for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons," says Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. "We need tougher federal laws, but action at the state level can halt gun violence and pave the way for common sense federal gun laws." ... (As I recall, there are about 20,000 gun laws, at the federal level and in the various states.) http://news.prnewswire.com/DisplayReleaseContent.aspx?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/02-04-2009/0004966133&EDATE= --- Virginia Gun-Show Bill Dead: The Virginia Senate killed legislation Wednesday that would have required private sellers at gun shows to run background checks on buyers after the bill's sponsor refused to allow it to be weakened. Senators shot down the bill on Tuesday, but then resurrected it, saying that changing it some could garner the three votes needed to pass it out of the Senate for the first time. The bill, which is proposed annually, usually dies before it even gets to the Senate floor. This time around, without discussion, senators killed the bill 21-19. The only vote to change was that of Sen. Charles J. Colgan, Manassas Democrat, who favored the bill, but accidentally voted against it on Tuesday... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/feb/05/refusal-to-amend-kills-gun-show-bill/ http://www.nbc29.com/Global/story.asp?S=9789751&nav=menu496_2_5 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/us/05virginia.html?ref=us --- Hope for Restaurant Carry: This week brought good news for Virginia gun owners. Yesterday the Virginia Senate passed SB 1035, patroned by Senator Emmett W. Hanger, Jr. (R - Mt. Solon), to repeal the hated restaurant ban. A matching bill, HB 1821 patroned by Delegate Joseph P. Johnson, Jr. (D - Abingdon), is pending action by the House of Delegates. Meanwhile New Mexico's House Business & Industry Committee unanimously recommended a bill to decriminalize gun carry in many or most restaurants serving alcohol, and a similar bill will be also considered by the Tennessee legislature this year... (Could this also be the year for Arizona, where two bills, SB 113 and HB 2171, are pending?) http://www.examiner.com/x-2782-DC-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2009m2d4-Virginia-Senate-passes-restaurant-carry-rejects-private-gun-sales-ban --- Good Press for GeorgiaCarry.org, Restaurant Carry: ...But members of the grassroots organization Georgiacarry.org say many statistics are twisted and guns can save lives if they're in the right hands. Tim Huett, a local soldier and licensed shooter said, "A lot of people think guns are the problems. Guns cause crimes. That's not the case; criminals cause crimes. Criminals kill people." He went on to say, "Guns save lives in the hands of law-abiding citizens...the people who get guns illegally are the people who need limitations. Not us." Georgiacarry.org began in 2006 and since they've gained support - signing up more than 3,400 members who fight for gun rights with them. They fought for the passage of House Bill 89 last year, which in short allows you to carry concealed guns in more places, like restaurants. To demonstrate responsible gun use, the members invited us to participate in an International Defense Pistol Association (IDPA) scenario with them. In today's scenario we were dining at a restaurant when a gunman walks in. We pull our pistol shoot him and his accomplices. Photojournalist Will Hammargren and I went through training, donned proper safety gear and then shot pistols for the first time... (Video accompanies article.) http://www.thecoastalsource.com/news/local/story/Grassroots-Group-Fights-For-More-Gun-Rights/WUL4mtYHi0CA6uttsY6_Kw.cspx --- Virginia Senate Committee Approves Online CCW Training: The Virginia Senate Committee for Courts of Justice moved forward a bill that allows an applicant for a concealed handgun permit to demonstrate competency with the weapon by taking an online, video or electronic course as long as it is taught by a state-certified or National Rifle Association-certified firearms instructor. In order to get a concealed handgun permit, Virginia residents are currently required to complete a hunting course or a firearms training and safety course with a National Rifle Association or criminal justice-trained instructor. Exceptions to this rule include people who can prove they are currently in the military, were honorably discharged from the military, participate in competitive rifle events, have formal training with government agencies or previously had a concealed handgun permit... http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?article=325160&paper=80&cat=104 --- Park Carry Legal in Pennsylvania: ...The issue of a section of Pennsylvania law came up for debate at a Lower Salford Parks Board meeting last month, and it brings to light how the law may affect other municipalities in the area... The law, enacted Jan. 30, 2007, and endorsed by 16 members of the state House basically says that anyone who is not prohibited from owning a firearm in the state can carry a handgun in public, no license required, and the gun must be visibly displayed, or not concealed. A municipality may not enact any ordinance or take any other action dealing with the regulation of the transfer, ownership, possession or transportation of a firearm. It can, however, enact an ordinance, upon approval in a public referendum, that regulates the discharge of firearms within its boundaries... http://www.thereporteronline.com/articles/2009/02/04/news/doc49898849c84e9760013759.txt --- Rule Five Reminder: A gun used to kill a woman last month on the Far West Side belonged to a Columbus [OH] police sergeant, and investigators are trying to figure out how the murder suspect got it. Sgt. Douglas Williams, a 31-year police veteran who works in the Strategic Response Bureau, has told homicide investigators that he didn't realize the gun was missing until detectives asked him about it. Williams, 56, told investigators the gun might have been displaced or lost during a recent move or taken when his unmarked police car was stolen in June, said Amanda Ford, a police spokeswoman... (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm.) http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/02/04/OFFICERGUN.ART_ART_02-04-09_B2_B9CPOPR.html?sid=101 --- Marine Corps Extends Colt Contract: West Hartford-based Colt Defense LLC has received a $9.49 million firm five-year contract for gun parts, according to the latest contract listings on the Defense Department's Web site. The contract is for 18,000 gun barrels and front assemblies, 13,600 hand guards, 7,100 heavy barrel assemblies, 22,000 receivers and cartridges, and 200,000 extractor spring assemblies, according to the listing... Colt in September also received $151 million for the purchase of nearly 89,000 M4 carbine rifles. Colt Defense is the military arms division of Colt's Manufacturing Inc., which makes hunting and sport shooting weapons. http://www.journalinquirer.com/articles/2009/02/03/business/doc498892780384d013812439.txt --- Tangentially Related: Four New Hampshire state legislators have introduced a resolution affirming Thomas Jefferson's defense of states' rights. House Concurrent Resolution 6 was recently introduced into the New Hampshire's State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee by Rep. Itse, Rep. Ingbretson, Rep. Comerford, and Sen. Denley. Interestingly, the authors of the New Hampshire Resolution took most of the language from the document commonly known as "Jefferson and Madison's Kentucky Resolutions of 1798." ... http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/02/the_shot_heard_round_new_hamps.html --- Tangentially Related: Forensic evidence that has helped convict thousands of defendants for nearly a century is often the product of shoddy scientific practices that should be upgraded and standardized, according to accounts of a draft report by the nation's pre-eminent scientific research group. The report by the National Academy of Sciences is to be released this month. People who have seen it say it is a sweeping critique of many forensic methods that the police and prosecutors rely on, including fingerprinting, firearms identification and analysis of bite marks, blood spatter, hair and handwriting... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/us/05forensics.html?_r=1&ref=us -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .