Short Mailing Today: The Show Low area experienced a snowstorm last night that interrupted cable service, hence my internet access, until about an hour and a half beyond when I usually start working on the daily mailing. On top of that, does not appear to have posted news items yet for today --- Illinois CCW Push Gains Steam: Several members of the General Assembly say they will again try to pass legislation allowing Illinois residents to carry concealed weapons. The legislators say the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last summer overturning a handgun ban in Washington D.C. and an endorsement of concealed carry by the Illinois Sheriffs' Association gives a boost to their efforts. Republican state Rep. Bill Mitchell says he wants concealed weapons legislation to finally get a hearing in the House. Supporters of such legislation say the bill would allow citizens to get permits to carry concealed firearms, but only after gun owners complete an extensive application process, including training courses in handgun use, safety and marksmanship. Democratic Rep. Frank Mautino of Spring Valley said Monday he is doubtful legislation will go very far in the Legislature. --- BLM to Restrict Outdoor Shooting near Phoenix: I attended the BLM "public input" session on Feb. 3, 2009, concerning planned land closures at Table Mesa Road, one of the last remaining sites for outdoor marksmanship in the area north of Phoenix. About 75 people attended, half concerned with being able to drive the area, and many of the rest seeking to preserve land for desert marksmanship. It doesn't look good for shooting outdoors... --- Good Advice: ... Basic Concept - Gun Owners and shooters are demonized by the media to the point where the public doesn't really know us. We're the good guys and good gals who own and use guns responsibly. Point Two - We all have gun magazines around the house. I'm talking about the kind you read, not the kind you load with ammunition. What to do with them? Action Item - Give them away. Think of it as "house clearing," and it's a form of "missionary" work. Waiting rooms are perfect. Doctor offices, hair dressers, barber shops, or anywhere there are stacks of magazines for people to read. I suggest crossing out or cutting off your name and address from the cover. Don't ask for permission. Just add a couple (or more) to the pile... (Some of us have been doing this for years, at the urging of the Second Amendment Foundation.) --- For Academic Discussion Only: The linked article discusses the theoretical option of manufacturing one's own firearms in the face of enhanced infringements of the RKBA. Note that doing so requires a tax payment and approval by BATFE ( --- Tangentially Related: ... Yet it is inevitable that the Obama administration will hasten its preparation -already under way before her illness - for a possible Supreme Court vacancy. Because Ginsburg is the only woman on the Court, the list of names being gathered will be dominated by females... Names that are already gaining attention include appeals court judges Sonia Sotomayor of the 2nd Circuit and Diane Wood of the 7th. Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) and Homeland Security Secretary-designate Janet Napolitano are also possibilities, having served as attorney generals of Michigan and Arizona, respectively. Former Harvard Law School dean Elena Kagan, already nominated as solicitor general, would also be well-positioned for a higher post... (It seems like we should all pray for Justice Ginsburg's speedy and full recovery.) -- Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .