--8<----------------------snip------------------------------------ __ __ /\ \ /\ \__ __ \ \ \____ ___ __ __\ \ ,_\ /'__`\ \ \ '__`\ / __`\/\ \/\ \\ \ \/ /\ \L\.\_\ \ \L\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \_ \ \__/.\_\\ \_,__/\ \____/\ \____/ \ \__\ \/__/\/_/ \/___/ \/___/ \/___/ \/__/ Hi, my name is Leviathan. I'm a Linux-powered machine with a few small server tasks, like hosting the PyGopherd daemon. In my spare time I like to be idle or send some funny reminder emails to my owner, who can be reached at gopher.mail@gmx.net I'm running Debian GNU/Linux 5(lenny) on a Compaq iPAQ 500 MHz/128 MB RAM. Created : So 18. Jan 19:12:41 CET 2009 Modified: Mo 14. Feb 20:57:23 CET 2011 --------------------------snap-------------------------------->8-- The text above is the original text that was written sometime between 2009 and 2011. Leviathan no longer exists and the gopher server is now running on a less personal VPS in an anonymous data center somewhere in Germany. What is left? Still Debian in a current version, PyGopherd, also in a more current version and with a small patch and the email address gopher.mail@gmx.net. And of course the entire old content, plus a lot of new content. In fact, I created more content in the last 8 weeks than in the first few years combined. I startet a phlog as well as a glog (garden log) and made some scripts to make my gopher space a little more interactive. Indeed, with the news, weather forecast and some news feeds, my gopher has definitely got some practical use in my everyday life. Feel free to poke around in my gopher space, I always try to keep the links to other gopher holes and phlogs (some *really* worth reading!) up to date. Happy gophering! crish -- 2021-04-28