============================================================================= Epic Pinball * Instructions & Troubleshooting Info * Version 2.0 ============================================================================= Epic Pinball Requires: * A 386 or faster IBM-compatible PC * VGA graphics * Hard disk Also supports: * Sound Blaster, SB Pro, and compatible music cards * Gravis Ultrasound music card To start Epic Pinball: 1. Switch to the drive where the game is installed (C:) 2. Switch to the subdirectory where the game is installed (CD \PINBALL) 3. Type PINBALL. ============================================================================= Common problems and solutions ============================================================================= Running with WINDOWS ==================== To run this game under Windows, be sure to run the file "PINBALL.PIF" (not the file "PINBALL.EXE"). This should would very reliably under Windows on nearly all computers. If you encounter any problems running through Windows, please exit and run Epic Pinball through plain DOS instead. We appologize for the inconvenience. Making Epic games work through Windows is a top priority for us, and we're working to improve our Windows compatibility. Running with OS/2 ================= Though Epic Pinball will work reliably under OS/2 on some computers, we don't recommend this because it might result in the game locking up. Please run Epic Pinball through DOS or Windows instead. We tried to make this game compatible with OS/2, but alas we were not successful. NOT ENOUGH FREE MEMORY ====================== Problem: When I run Epic Pinball, the game refuses to start and gives me the message "You need (amount) of free memory to run this program". Solution: You need to free up more main (conventional) memory before starting Epic Pinball. Here are some solution tips: 1. If you are trying to run Epic Pinball from Windows, completely exit Windows and try running it from DOS. 2. If you are trying to run Epic Pinball from "DOSSHELL" or any other menu program, please exit from the menu program. Then, run Epic Pinball from the DOS prompt. Menu programs often occupy enough memory that there won't be enough left for Epic Pinball. If neither #1 or #2 solves the problem, do the following: 1. From the DOS prompt, type "MEM" and press Enter. 2. You'll see a lot of information about your computer's memory. Look at the number after the words "Largest Executable Program Size". This is how much memory you currently have available. Now you need to free up more main memory. Here are some tips: 1. If you're using DOS 6.0 or later, reboot your computer by pressing RESET or Ctrl-Alt-Del. Wait for the message "Starting MS-DOS..." to come up. Now press the [F5] key. This will cause DOS 6.0 to bypass all of your TSR's, memory managers, and other programs which normally occupy main memory. Now change into the Pinball directory and begin the game. 2. If you have a version of DOS earlier than 6.0: You need to create a "boot disk" to allow you to start your computer without loading all the TSR's and memory managers that take away main memory. Here's how. A. Put a blank disk in your A: drive and format it as a DOS disk. (Don't do this in your B: drive - it won't work!) To do this, type the following command: FORMAT A: /S B. Wait while your computer formats the disk. C. Label the disk "Boot Disk" and keep it handy. You'll need this disk whenever you want to start Epic Pinball. Now, you can reboot your computer and play Epic Pinball: A. Put the boot disk in your A: drive. B. Restart your computer, either by pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE, by hitting your reset button, or by turning it on. C. Wait while your computer boots from the boot disk. D. After a little while, your computer will stop and give you the A> prompt. E. Now change to your hard disk by typing "C:". F. Go into the pinball directory by typing "CD \PINBALL". G. Begin by typing "PINBALL". Note to owners of "Stacker", "Superstor", and other hard disk compression programs: If your C: drive is compressed and you need a boot disk to start Epic Pinball, you must install Pinball on a different, non-compressed drive. See your Stacker or Superstor manual for instructions on doing this. (This only applies to users of DOS version 5.0 or earlier). GENERAL PROBLEMS ================ Problem: When I run PINBALL, the computer locks up or reboots. Solution: Run SETUP and verify that your settings are correct. If you are not using a sound card, make sure that SETUP is set for "No Sound Card". If you are using a sound card, verify that: 1. The correct options are specified in SETUP. Check your address, IRQ, and DMA settings (most sound cards operate on DMA 1). If you don't know your card's address, IRQ, and DMA settings, consult your sound card manual for details on figuring them out. If your sound quality is set to "Ultra High Quality" or "Very High Quality", try setting it to just "High Quality". 2. Your sound card has no address, IRQ, or DMA conflicts with other cards in your system! If your sound card works properly with other games, you can assume that there are no conflicts. However, if your sound card does not work with other games, you have a conflict. See your sound card manual for details on resolving these conflicts. Problem: I notice a bit of flicker in the dotmation (dot animation). Solution: This will happen on slower computers (386, less than 33 mhz) when you have the music playing through your Sound Blaster. If you find this distracting, we recommend turning off the music. Problem: The music and sound effects sound OK when I start Epic Pinball, but they get cut off several seconds after a song begins. Solution: This is what happens when you select the wrong IRQ for your sound card! Run SETUP again and pick the correct IRQ. OTHER SOUND CARD NOTES ====================== Pro Audio Spectrum: Epic Pinball should work fine with the PAS, PAS+, and PAS-16 sound cards. You need to run SETUP and tell it that you have a Sound Blaster card (not a Sound Blaster Pro). Important! To run Epic Pinball on any Pro Audio Spectrum sound card, you need to have the PAS drivers loaded properly. Epic Pinball will only recognize your PAS card if the drivers are loaded. See your PAS manual for instructions on loading the right PAS drivers in your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. Gravis Ultrasound: By popular request, Epic Pinball supports the GUS! Just specify Gravis Ultrasound from within SETUP. If you have any problems, check your address, IRQ, and DMA settings. If you still have problems, boot clean and try running Epic Pinball without any GUS drivers loaded - these drivers (such as SBOS) might perhaps interfere with the game's direct, native GUS support. Other sound cards: Since new models of sound cards are always being manufactured and revised, here's how to contact the top sound card makers for information about sound card problems and obtaining the latest driver files. Company Sound Card Phone BBS CompuServe GO ------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- Media Vision Pro Audio Spectrum 800-638-2807 510-770-0527 MultiVen (12) Creative Labs Sound Blaster 405-742-6622 405-742-6660 Blaster Gravis Ultrasound 604-431-1708 604-431-5927 PcVenB (14) Note: Epic Pinball requires either a Gravis UltraSound or a genuine Sound Blaster card. If your sound card isn't 100% compatible with the Sound Blaster, unfortunately it's not going to work with Epic Pinball. CONTACTING EPIC'S TECH SUPPORT ============================== If you need further assistance, please call our tech support department at 301-983-9771 between 9AM and 5PM Eastern Standard Time, or fax us at 301-299-3841. If you have a complex question about how to run this game, please call while you're at your computer and we'll be able to help you more effectively. You can also contact us online: CompuServe: GO EPIC Internet Mail: 72662.1725@compuserve.com Internet FTP: ftp.ulowell.edu America Online: We answer questions posted in the "Games" area. GEnie: We answer questions in the Games Roundtable. Prodigy: Call 800-524-3388 voice for a free CompuServe signup kit. EXEC-PC BBS Contact: Epic MegaGames 2400 Baud: 414-789-4210 14.4K Baud: 414-789-4360