It's really quite easy to use just about any old wireless, portable phone with a Model 100 or 200 for truly* portable computing. Using RS's acoustic coupler cups, simply attach the mouthpiece cup over the microphone and the earphone over the earphone, using some hefty rubber bands. Even though the cups don't even remotely match the contours of most portable phones, this technique still works very well. Apparently the signals thrown out and detected by the 100/200s are strong enough to overcome strange sorts of line noise in normal circumstances, and this makes for a good margin for error in receiving conditions with wireless phones. I've found that, even when the portable phone is in a marginal receiving area where normal conversation would be rough, still the modem tones come through strong and data is clean. Wireless phones can be had for as little as $50 (less in some areas and when on sale). Try it out and see how you like it! -- Thom Hartmann .