Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure. ------------------------------------ Circuits of time phone directory: Dial a number in the phone booth to travel. Antoinette, Marie - 1793 Arc, Joan of - 1429 Beethoven, Ludvig von - 1810 Bonaparte, Napolean - 1805 Einstein, Albert - 1915 Freud, Sigmund - 1901 Khan, Genghis - 1209 Kid, Billy the - 1878 Lincoln, Abraham - 1863 Michelangelo - 1509 Nero - 0064 Socrates - 9410 Circle K - 1989 Desert - 1632 Iceage - 0000 One million B.C. - 0010 San Dimas Mall - 1990 Collect Historically important people in San Dimas Mall. You can make them follow you by doing something, or giving them something. The Idea is simple : you travel everywhere, collecting objects and then you just try to use them variously. INS - Pick up object or do something. Space - gives you access to object list. Choose what you think is right and press enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .