HEROES OF KARN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have divided the solution into sections, each concluding with the discovery of one of the four heroes... Beren: (You begin to the east of a ruined cottage) W, GET TINDERBOX, E, S, E (the gypsy king tells you to find a mirror), E, E, GET BIBLE, W, W, W, W, S, KILL BARROWIGHT WITH BIBLE, GET MONEY, N, E, S (you are captured & locked up), GIVE MONEY TO GUARD (he unlocks the door *and* gives you a key. Nice guy!), GET KEY, E, GET HONEY, GET MEAT, E, E, N, GET CAGE, S, W, W, U, GET SPEAR, N, N, N, E, E, E, LIGHT GAS WITH TINDERBOX (the frog blows up!), GET FROG, KISS FROG (it turns out to be king Beren!) Istar: W, W, W, S, S, S, W, DROP TINDERBOX, BEREN;GET SWORD, E, N, N, N, E, E, E, E, GIVE HONEY TO BEAR (it falls asleep), E, E (you must carry the key for the doors to be open), S, GET FLUTE, W, S, BEREN;GET BIRD (in the cage), S, BEREN;ATTACK SERPENT WITH BIRD (the serpent dies), W, GET BOTTLE, E, DROP BOTTLE (to prevent that it shatters), W, PLAY FLUTE (the crystal shatters, freeing the wizard Istar) Haldir: E, N, W, N, DROP BIRD, GET SCROLL, ISTAR,READ SCROLL ("Orion" will transport you from the star room), DROP SCROLL, ISTAR;GET WAND, S, E, N, E, S, ISTAR;WAVE WAND (a crystal bridge is formed across the chasm but a balrog is blocking further progress), PLAY FLUTE (this kills the balrog), ISTAR;WAVE WAND (now you may safely get the bottle), DROP BIBLE, N, W, S, S, GET BOTTLE, N, N, E, S, S, D, GET MIRROR, N, N, KILL DRAGON WITH SWORD, DROP SWORD, GET SAPPHIRE, W, S, DROP FLUTE, GET WHITE POTION, DRINK WHITE POTION (the allows you to go through firegates), N, GET BOX, N, W, W, OPEN BOX (it emits a gust of wind that blows the smoke away - you find a ruby), DROP BOX, GET RUBY, S, GET WATER (from the waterfall), E, S, WATER ASHES (the phoenix won’t bother you now), N, W, GET WATER, E, S, S, ATTACK WITCH WITH WATER (she dies), N, N, W, GET WATER, E, S, S, W, WATER PLANT (it grows), E, N, N, W, GET WATER, E, S, S, W, WATER PLANT (now it’s climbable!), U, DROP COPPER KEY, GET COIN, D, E, N, N, W, N, W, ORION (you’re teleported to the cottage), DROP RUBY, DROP SAPPHIRE, E, E, S, GIVE MIRROR TO ANTON (he also wants some silver...), GIVE COIN TO ANTON (you must play an instrument in the hall of infinity), N, W, W, ORION (you return), E, E, E, GET ACID (in the bottle), W, W, W, S, W, W, ATTACK KNIGHT WITH ACID (he dies very painfully), W, N, GET MANDOLIN, S, E, E, N, ATTACK HYDRA WITH SPEAR (it dies), W, GET GOLD KEY, PLAY MANDOLIN (your vision clears - you may leave again), E, S, E, N, E, S, E, S, S, W, U (if you have the gold key the gates will be open), N, ISTAR;WAVE WAND (the spirit vanishes), W, S, GIVE MEAT TO FALCON (it’ll come with you), BEREN;GET FALCON, N, DROP WAND, GET CARPET (a key is underneath it), DROP CARPET, GET JEWELLED KEY, W, S, DROP MANDOLIN, GET DAGGER, GET PILLOW (you may teleport to the cottage from here), N, E, E, S, D, E, N, E, S, BEREN;ATTACK BAT WITH FALCON (the bat is killed), DROP SPEAR, GET CROSS, N, DROP GOLD KEY, GET FLUTE (which you dropped here earlier), N, N, W, GET OIL (in the bottle), W, W, S, W, W, W, OPEN COFFIN, ATTACK VAMPIRE WITH CROSS (you have found Haldir!) Khadim: N, DROP FALCON, DROP CROSS, GET LYRE, S, S, GET CROWBAR, N, E, DROP BOTTLE, E, DROP PILLOW, PLAY FLUTE (the jade flower lands unharmed on the pillow), GET FLOWER, W, GET BOTTLE, E, E, N, E, E, E, S, E, N (you can pass since the dragon is dead), HALDIR;PLAY LYRE (the spider slumbers off), OIL CHEST (you brought the bottle?), OPEN CHEST (the last hero, Khadim, climbs out!!) Finale: DROP BOTTLE, GET DIAMOND, S, W, W, S, W, W, W, KHADIM;KILL PIRATE WITH DAGGER, DROP LYRE, GET MAP, ISTAR;READ MAP (location of the emerald), DROP MAP, GET SHOVEL, E, S, OPEN CLAM WITH CROWBAR, DROP CROWBAR, GET PEARL, W, DIG (you find the final treasure!), DROP SHOVEL, GET EMERALD, W, U, N, N, N, W (returning with all four heroes, and the diamond, sapphire, pearl, emerald, ruby, and jade flower, you have won the game!!) Note: This solutions follows the Spectrum version. If you're playing the (insanely slow) C64 version, you should communicate with people in the following fashion: say to Name "bla bla bla" - the name should begin with a capital) Jacob Gunness - 1993 **NOTES*** C64 - say to Beren "set caged songbird on serpent" give bag of gold to Guard say to Beren "open clam" (may need to have crowbar on you) say to Istar "attack vampire with silver cross" say to Beren "set falcon on vampire bat" when back at cottage, drop pillow before dropping jade flower .