You have selected the Quest For Glory Series. 1 ... Quest For Glory I So You Want To Be a Hero? 2 ... Quest For Glory II Trial By Fire X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 2 This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 1 Problem: Advice on playing as a Fighter. Hint: To create a fighter, add more points to your Strength and Vitality, as well as your fighting skills. Read in your Advanced Adventuring Manual the section on "Advanced Fighting" and "The Land of Shapeir". A fighter needs a daily regimen of exercise to build up his abilities, so practice frequently with Uhura at the Guild Hall. He should learn about the monsters inhabiting the desert by talking to Uhura and Rakeesh. He should also learn something about desert survival by talking to the guard at the city gate. The fighter should seek out monsters in the desert to hone his fighting skills, once he is properly prepared for desert travel. Equipping with the finest available sword will increase his chances at survival, and wagering with Issur will help increase his strength. Problem: Advice on playing as a Magic User. Hint: To create a Magic User, add more points to your Intelligence and Agility, as well as your Magic skill. Read in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual the section on "Advanced Magic Using", "Basic Spell Usage" and "Advanced Spell Usage". Visit the Magic Shop to gain new spells and information about magic. Talk to the Enchantress to learn more about the magic of this land. Become a Wizard by finding the "Wizard's Institute of Technocery" and passing the entrance exams. Problem: Hints on becoming a Wizard. Hint: To become a Wizard, you must first find the "Wizard's Institute of Technocery". This is carefully concealed so only a Magic User can find it. Use your spells in the streets of Shapeir to locate and enter the "Wizard's Institute of Technocery". You might detect something worthwhile. Take the tests, but don't worry if you don't succeed at first. The practice in spell casting will help increase you skills. Problem: Advice on playing as a Thief. Hint: To create a Thief, add more points to your Agility, Vitality, and Luck, as well as to your Stealth and Lock Picking skills. Read the section upon Advanced Thieving Techniques in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual and make sure you are equipped with the latest in thieving technology. Make contact with your local Thief representative by making the "Sign", and learn the best places to use your particular talents. Practice your skills wherever possible, and never resist a good challenge. Problem: Hints on becoming a Journeyman Thief. Hint: To become a Journeyman Thief, you need first to practice your skills in Shapeir. Once you are in Raseir, you need to contact the head of the Thieves' Guild. He will ask you to "recover" an object for him through the use of your skills. Once you accomplish this mission, you will earn the respect and title of "Journeyman". Problem: Hints on becoming a Paladin. Hint: To become a Paladin, you must concentrate on doing things honorably. Read the section on Paladins under "Combat Careers" in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual, but remember, it is a bit biased. Talk to Rakeesh and Omar about Paladins and Heroes. Do good deeds wherever and whenever you can, and never attack an unarmed opponent. Always choose the most honorable way to do something. Problem: How do I Import a character? Hint: First play Quest For Glory I to the conclusion and follow the directions to create a character disk for transfer. Then, when you start "Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire", select the "Import a Hero" and follow the directions given. Problem: A little background on your character before this game. Hint: In "Quest for Glory I - So You Want to Be a Hero", you were a beginning adventurer fresh from the Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School for Heroes." You visited the land of Spielburg, drawn by a notice that the town was besieged by brigands. You helped rescue the son and daughter of the Baron Stefan von Spielburg, and drove Baba Yaga from the land. You also made many friends, including Shameen, Shema, Abdulla, and the eccentric Wizard Erasmus with his magical rat, Fenrus. For more information, talk to Abdulla and Shameen. Better yet, buy the game and play it - you'll like it! Problem: The plot of Trial By Fire. Hint: Read the section on the "Special Southern Supplement - The Land of Shapeir" in your "Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual". Talk to Rakeesh and listen to Omar's poetry readings at the Katta's Tail Inn on the evening of day three. Someone is behind the Emir's disappearance in Raseir, and is trying to take over all of Shapeir as well. Only a skilled and cunning Hero like yourself can overcome his deadly magic and solve the mystery of who is behind these actions. **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 2 Problem: How do I exchange my "old" money? Hint: Ask about the Money Changer. Harik Attar, Abdulla, and the Katta merchants all can help you. Use the map supplied with the game to figure out where in the city she should be, following the directions you have been given. Alichica's directions will also get you to the Money Changer's, but it is very hard to follow them. Problem: What should I do when I locate the Money Changer? Hint: The Money Changer will be overjoyed to exchange some money with you (for a slight commission, of course). You can get a better deal exchanging a little money at a time. Ask her about Raseir, money, and Sultan. She is an excellent source of information if you are a thief and approach her correctly. After you've done her a favor, show her your stuff and bargain about it. You'll get a better deal. She'll also tell you another place to use your skills. Problem: Help! I keep getting lost in Shapeir! Hint: Whenever you come to a passageway in the alleys, type "Look". This will give you the names of the streets you have come across. Locate the streets on the map supplied with the game to navigate around the city. As soon as you have some Dinars and Centimes, buy a map from Alichica and use it to help you get around. Problem: I need some tips on what to do in Shapier. Hint: Abdulla is a wealth of gossip when he is around, so ask him questions about what he is saying. Talking to everyone you meet and asking questions will give you a feel for what is going on in Shapeir. You can always go mongering for rumors. Go to the Guild Hall and read the "Quest Board" for things to do. If you really want some adventure, go out in the desert and fight some monsters. That should keep you busy. Just don't stay out too long, or you might not survive. Problem: What should I do in the bazaars? Hint: The Katta merchants in the bazaars will be happy to sell you things, some of which are crucial to your survival. Try bargaining with them if you are running short of money. They will also occasionally keep you informed about what is going on in the plazas. Everyone knows one another in the bazaars, and they are certainly keeping track of your actions. Problem: All the plazas are empty of merchants! What happened? Hint: If you enter a plaza and the merchants are gone and the scene is dark, then press the "control key" and the letter "D". This will give you the time of day. The merchants of the bazaar fold up their stands at night. If it is daytime and the merchants are not present, perhaps there is a good reason for this. See if any Elementals are around. Problem: I found something lying around in the fountain plaza. What should I do with it? Hint: Look at the object when you pick it up. There is a clue to its owner inside. You can keep it, take the money, or try to return it to the owner. This is entirely up to you and your character. **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 3 Problem: What should I do at the Katta's Tail Inn? Hint: The Katta's Tail Inn is a place to stay the night and get free meals, as well as a great source of information. Abdulla is a good source of gossip when he is around, so ask him about the Sultan, the Astrologer, the News, the Emir, and Raseir. Shema is the motherly type who tries to make sure you get a good meal. Sit down in the morning and evening to order some wonderful meals. For entertainment, watch her dance on the nights of her performance. For information, ask her about Raseir, rumors, Sharaf, and the Underground. Shameen will keep you informed about what goes on at the Inn and events in the city. Ask him about Raseir, the Sultan, and guest. When Omar performs, it is best to sit down and listen. Ask him about Dervish, Raseir, Paladin, and Enchantress. It is very rewarding to make a point of showing up on the evenings he is to perform. Shameen will remind you of the days he shows up. Problem: The Apothecary. Hint: The Apothecary is the source of pills which will help your survival. Harik Attar is a man obsessed with fire, and a good source for information on the subject. Ask him about Pills, Dispel Potions, Components, Raseir, Fruit of Compassion, and the Fire Elemental. Problem: The Magic Shop. Hint: The Magic Shop is the place for Magic Items and information. If you are a Magic User, you can get spells here. If you practice the arts of thieving, a crucial magic item can be purchased, providing you have obtained enough money. Keapon Laffin may be an airhead and overly fond of dropping names, but he does know a lot about magic and the magical things going on around Shapeir. Drop in to his store whenever you have a question. Ask him about magic, the enchantress, the dervish, spells, the Air Elemental and anything else that has to do with magic. Problem: The Weapons Shop. Hint: The Weapon Shop of Issur is the source for daggers and a good Sword. It also has an object which will be critical for the defeat of an elemental, but it isn't for sale. Issur is a bully and a braggart, but he is strong. Ask him about Arm Wrestling, and use him to help build up your strength. If you are a thief, this place can be profitable, but you need more information from the Money Changer first. Problem: The Guild Hall. Hint: Read about the Guild Hall in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual. Study the Quest Board for information on things that need to be done and how to make some money in the city. Make the Guild Hall a regular stop in your adventuring activities. You never know just what might be waiting for you there. Uhura knows a lot about fighting. Practice martial arts with her to increase your skills and chance at survival in the desert. Ask her about monsters, Rakeesh, Raseir, and the Sultan. Rakeesh is sometimes found around the Guild Hall. He works with the Sultan, and helps reward the virtuous. Ask him about Paladins, his leg, the demon, his kingdom, monsters, and power. He can be a big help to the fighter against an Earth Elemental. Problem: The Palace of Shapeir - Hint: The only way to get into the Palace of Shapeir is to win the game. The Hero Awards Ceremony is held there. **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 4 Problem: The Enchantress Aziza. Hint: The Enchantress Aziza knows much about the Magic of this land, especially Water-related Magic and Elemental lore, and is more than willing to share this with you, providing you approach her politely. Her house is located off the east end of Shmali Tarik on the side street called "Sitt Tarik". To visit her, do what one normally does when approaching a stranger's door and answer her questions truthfully. If you don't know who sent you, you can always reply, "Keapon Laffin", if you remember what element the shopkeeper of the Magic Shop has between his ears. As for the riddle she poses, think in terms of the alphabet. Aziza will give you crucial information about Magic, the Djinn, Iblis, the various Elementals, contrary elements, containers, and the Plant. Make a point of visiting her on day 16 as she requests. Problem: The Astrologer. Hint: The Astrologer lives at the south end of Tarik of Stars. He can give you information about astrology and the omens of the future, as long as you are honest with him. He will even foretell your future, if you are willing to tell him about yourself and return another day. If you want to be kind, ask him about money and follow up on what he says. Problem: The Wizard's Institute of Technocery. Hint: The Wizard's Institute of Technocrey is hidden so that only Magic Users can find it. Use one of your spells in the streets of Shapeir to find the way there. You will need someone to sponsor you at this prestigious school, so pick the Archmage from Spielburg (see "The Story Thus Far..." in your Technical Manual). His pre-test is pretty simple, use the Detect Magic, Fetch, and Trigger spells. Don't worry if you don't succeed at first - you are getting valuable practice, and you can always try again later. To pass the Wizard's test, you will need almost all the available spells purchase what you do not have from the Magic Shop. Stock up on Mana pills from the Apothecary. Try your spells against the challenges knowing that you are gaining experience as you use them. Problem: How to pass the Wizard's Test. Hint: The trick to the Air challenge is to stay above the problem once it comes to you. With the Earth challenge it helps to remember that what can be done can sometimes be undone. The Water challenge tries to teach you to only use a spell as long as it is effective, and by targeting your efforts where they will provide the most leverage. The Fire challenge is an open and shut puzzle. Air challenge - Fetch and Levitate. Earth challenge - Trigger and 2 Calms. Water or Ice challenge - Flame Dart, Force Bolt, and Open. Fire challenge - Open, Calm, Fetch, and Force Bolt. Don't take the easy way out once you are an initiate! Problem: The Eternal Order of Fighters. Hint: The Order will call on you once you have proven yourself as a Fighter. You will need high fighting skills to become a member so make sure you practice daily. Check the Guild Hall on days 13, 14, and 15 for more information. After sunset on day 15, go to the east end of Askeri Darb. You'll have to trust them, and prove yourself in battle. Use your dodging skills to obtain your weapon and shield. It will be your skills against their best warrior. Problem: The Break-in House (if you are a thief). Hint: First contact the Money Changer and follow her directions about when and where to go. Be fully equipped as the Money Changer suggests. When you find the right place at the right time, SAVE your game. Remember to use all your thieving skills here, and search the room carefully. Don't forget to look under the carpet. Be as quiet as you can, and when in doubt, hide. If you don't want to get caught, make sure you put the obvious things back the way you found them. Problem: Care and feeding of your Saurus. Hint: You must buy a Saurus if you want to win the game. You will have to deal with Ali Fakir on day 2 or so. Hold out for the best deal. 5 dinar is the least he will settle for. DON'T refuse the final offer. Once you own a saurus, type RIDE to get it out of the pen. You may also MOUNT and DISMOUNT. The saurus, at first, may seem to be a bad bargain, but this is a very special saurus. If you are lost in the desert, tell it to go home and it will take you directly to the stable. It will also allow you to travel faster and use less water. If the Saurus runs away from a monster, just defeat the monster, wander out of the room, then come back and your Saurus will be waiting. It really is very loyal. If you still can't find him, head back to town on your own. Your Saurus will eventually make its way back to the stable. The guard at the gate will take care of your saurus once you dismount. **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 5 Problem: Elemental information. Hint: Read the Section in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual on Elementals (page 20). Fortunately, you will never meet the most powerful Elemental mentioned, so don't be concerned about the anchovies. Talk to Aziza and Keapon Laffin to get some basic information. There are two parts to the defeat of an Elemental: Contrary Elements and Containers. There are also people in Shapeir who have an affinity for certain elements. Those are the ones to ask questions about a specific Elemental. Problem: Defeating the Fire Elemental. Hint: First talk to Aziza about Elementals, contrary elements, containers, and the Fire Elemental. Then talk to Harik at the Apothecary about the Fire Elemental and Flame. You will need to buy incense from him in order to lure the Elemental away from the plaza before you can capture it. Don't buy more than 1 packet of incense. You will also need water from the fountain as the Contrary Element and a proper container for fire (a lamp). You will need to lure the Fire Elemental, put the lamp down before you weaken it with its contrary Element, and capture it in the container. Problem: Defeating the Air Elemental. Hint: First talk to Aziza about Elementals, contrary elements, containers, and the Air Elemental. Then talk to Keapon Laffin. He will give you a very subtle clue about what is a proper container for air (a bellows). It hangs above the Weapon Shop. If you tell Issur about the Air Elemental, you can try to win it at arm wrestling if you are a very strong fighter-type. The thief will probably need to steal it at night, but will need the magic rope. The Magic User has a couple of ways to get it. The easiest is to use a spell at night. You can get the Contrary Element (dirt) in the Fountain Plaza from someone who uses it, or from Keapon if you ask about it. To use the Contrary Element against the Air Elemental, the fighter needs to use Strength and then drop the contrary element. The Thief can use his throwing skill to get it into the funnel. The Magic User needs to rise above the Elemental and drop the Contrary Element. Then you just capture Air Elemental in the container. Problem: Defeating the Earth Elemental. Hint: First talk to Aziza about Elementals, contrary elements, containers, and the Earth Elemental. You will need to wear down the Earth Elemental with the Contrary Element (fire) before you can capture it. Go talk to Rakeesh, the liontaur, for some ideas. If you are a Fighter, Rakeesh will be more than happy to loan you what you need. A thief should talk to Harik at the Apothecary about the Earth Elemental and Earth. You will have to bargain carefully for what you need. The Magic User is able to use one of his spells against the Earth Elemental, but it will take a lot of spells to weaken it. The container (cloth sack) can be purchased from a merchant in the Fighter's Plaza. Problem: Defeating the Water Elemental. Hint: Ask Aziza about the Water Elemental, Contrary Elements, and Containers. You already have a source for the Contrary Element (the bellows with air), as well as a container for the Water Elemental (a waterskin). Just don't get too close to the Water Elemental unless you have these ready. **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 5 Problem: Exploring the Desert. Hint: Read the desert survival section (page 14) in your Manual. Talk to the gate guard about preparations. It is also a wise idea to buy a compass from Alichica to keep from getting turned around. Healing pills and Vigor pills from the Apothecary will help you survive monster encounters. If you do get lost and you have your saurus, just say "go home" and the saurus will take you there. If you are lost without a saurus, remember the mountains are both north and south of the city of Shapeir, but the city rests in the northern mountains. To learn more about combat, read the combat section in your Technical Manual (page 9). Talk to Uhura and Rakeesh about monsters. Practice your fighting skills with Uhura and she will give you valuable tips on combatting the various monsters. Some monsters may be too tough for you when you are starting out, so don't forget to run away if your health points get low. Problem: Dealing with the Dervish. Hint: The Dervish is five screens south of Shapeir and three screens to the east in the Oasis. He is happy to talk to you, although he doesn't seem to say much. On day twelve, he will try to get you to visit him. Seems he has a puzzle for you to solve. Ask him for details about what he says. You will find the puzzle five screens west of the city of Shapeir and three screens down. You can also rest or sleep at the Oasis, but don't stay away from town too long! Problem: The Griffin. Hint: The Griffin nests along the cliff sides west of town. It is usually best to let sleeping Griffins lie. You may need a feather, though. If you are a Fighter and do some careful searching, you may uncover one. The Thief will need to do a fancy rope trick to get a feather. The Magic User should do something similar to the Thief, but with magic. Problem: The Plant Woman. Hint: The Plant Woman can be found along the mountains several screens to the east of the City of Shapeir. Talk to the Enchantress about the Plant Woman, and Aziza will tell you a sad story. She will also tell you how to help. Follow her instructions in order, pull some magic out of your sack, say her name, and the Plant Woman will give you a gift. Julanar may not yet be human, but your part in her story ends here. Once the tree blooms, she will provide some shade for resting. Problem: The Caged Beast. Hint: The Dervish asks some important questions about the Caged Beast to which you must learn the answers. Don't show too much pity for this monster, but remember nothing survives long in this desert without supplies. Talk to the Apothecary about Dispel Potions and Fruit of Compassion. Talk to Aziza about the Plant Woman. After you have the Fruit and the Feather, give them to Harik to make you a potion. You will need to add the final ingredient when you get back to the Beast. Distract it first before you try to get that its fur. Then give the Dispel Potion to the Beast, and see what happens. Problem: Fighting Jackalmen and Brigands. Hint: To learn more about combat, read the combat section in your Technical Manual (page 9). Talk to Uhura and Rakeesh about monsters. Practice your fighting skills with Uhura and she will give you valuable tips on combatting the various monsters. Remember to search the body of the brigand after you defeat him. The Jackalmen will try to overwhelm you by sheer numbers. Whenever you are low in Health Points, run away. Problem: Fighting scorpions. Hint: Before you fight a Scorpion, talk to Harik at the Apothecary about pills. He has some you'll need. Practice your dodging and blocking skills with Uhura. You don't want that Scorpion's tail to hit you. Make sure you take a pill before combat just in case. If in doubt whether you can win, run away. If you do defeat it, get the tail. Problem: Fighting Ghouls. Hint: The Ghouls only come out at night. Ask Uhura and Rakeesh about them. Unlike most monsters, they don't really hurt you, they just sap your will to live. If your Stamina gets low while fighting them - run away. Once a Ghoul drains all of your Stamina, you are finished. When you have destroyed the Ghoul, don't forget to collect its claws. Problem: Fighting Terrorsauruses (or is that sauri?). Hint: The Terrorsaurus is the toughest monster in the desert. Make sure you build up your combat skills before you try to face him. Run away if you have to, but remember, the Terrorsaurus is fast. You might not escape. Take some Healing and Stamina Pills if you get a chance. **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 7 Problem: How do I get to Raseir? Hint: The only way to get to Raseir is by caravan, and the caravan leaves Shapeir on day 17. Just get a good rest the night before at the Katta's Tail Inn, and you'll be on your way in the morning. One special note: if you are a thief, make sure you have a supply of oil before you leave! Problem: How do I obtain reservations at the Blue Parrot Inn? Hint: Senor Ferrari at the Blue Parrot Inn is a very important man, so it is important to follow his "suggestions". This will be the place you spend the night, assuming you stay on Ferrari's good side. He is a most influential man, and can introduce you to someone who knows things about you. Ask him about Raseir, the Inn, the Emir, and rumors. Your room is past the wall behind the bar, but you can only use it at night. Don't worry about paying for your room there. You will discover that you have already paid more than enough. Problem: What should I do when introduced to Ugarte? Hint: When you have been introduced to Ugarte, it is best to pay him for information. Ask him about service, water, someone, expected, lackeys, fountain, and prophecy. Problem: What should I do on my second day in Raseir? Hint: The natives are going out of their way to stage some entertainment for you, so be sure to visit the far southern end of the Fountain Plaza in Raseir. If you head back towards the Blue Parrot Inn afterwards, you will meet a mysterious stranger. Follow her and then follow the instructions given there. After that, you can explore the town some more, but keep track of the time of day. You'd better not be out after dark. Problem: How do I handle a Harem Girl? Hint: Give the Harem Girl what she wants, but first ask about Khaveen, marry, father, disguise, Ad Avis, Power, control, Harem, and magic. Problem: A Thief's Guide to Raseir. Hint: Make the thief sign at the Blue Parrot Inn when talking to Senor Ferrari. He will give you information about a little favor he wants you to do. Follow his instructions. You will need all your thief skills and equipment to handle this case. Use your stealth to travel at night, and your rope to get into the house. Be very patient, take your time. Don't make any more noise than you have to. If you do make noise, stop and wait a few moments before moving again. Before you can actually get the Bird, you will need to handle the hinges and the lock. Then quietly sneak out the way you came in. Problem: What should I do in the Dungeons of the Emir's Palace? Hint: There are three things you must do to escape the dungeon. Open the gate to the cell, get your equipment, and find the secret passage out. If you are a Magic User or a Fighter, use your natural skills to escape. If you are a thief, your equipment is missing. You will have to make do with what you can find. Check your inventory or the hay near the Katta prisoner. Get your stuff and search the room. Use your strength or a spell to open the secret passage. Then escape. Problem: What do I do my friend, Ad Avis? Hint: Ad Avis is a wonderful person, or so he says. Just do what he wants, and you will get along fine with him, if you survive. After all, you don't really have a choice! **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 8 Problem: How can I enter the city? Hint: When Ad Avis tells you to open the door, use what Zayishah gave you (check your inventory). Problem: I can't see in here! Hint: Rub the magic item you made earlier to see your way around. You will need to do something in the Water Room next door to stop the wind in this room. Problem: How can I make it over the river? Hint: Set the Arcade Difficulty Level in your Game menu to a level appropriate to your own skill. Save your game. To cross the water, try it near the waterfall. Jump on at the right time, then jump off when you get near land. Restore your game if you make a mistake. Both the Fighter and the Magic User need to apply Force here to stop the wind in the Air Room. The Thief needs to use his powers of observation and his Thief tools ("rock picks"?). Then climb the rocks to the left of the waterfall and cross back through the Air Room and into the Fire Room. Problem: How can I get past the geysers? Hint: Use water on yourself, time the fire geysers carefully, and move quickly but cautiously through this room. Problem: I'm in the room with the door, what should I do? Hint: When you enter here, it might be wise to take a Healing Pill after the Fire Room. A Thief uses his rope to get down off the ledge, a Magic User uses an up and down sort of spell, and the Fighter just has to be Macho. To open the door, you will need to say the name of the one who bound Iblis (Suleiman). Read the Land of Shapeir Background and History Section in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual. Problem: How can I get the Treasure? Hint: The entire Treasure room is a trap, so save as you come in if you want to check out ways to die. Otherwise, ignore the obvious and pass through safely. Please enter selection: n Problem: What should I do when I find the Statue of Iblis? Hint: As you head upward towards the glowing statue of Iblis, you will find yourself trapped by Ad Avis. After he leaves, use your lamp to see the way around, and you will find a very magical ring to help you escape. Problem: How do I handle the Genie of the Ring? Hint: Ask the Djinni about wishes, master, prophecy, ring, prowess, health, and teleport. Wish for the things he can give you, but don't waste all of the wishes. Use the final wish to "wish for transport", so you can escape the Forbidden City. **************************************************************** This is the Quest For Glory II hint section. Please select the area in which you are having trouble. 1 ... Getting Started 2 ... The City of Shapeir 3 ... The Inn, Guild, Palace, and Shops 4 ... Aziza, Astrologer, WIT, EOF, Break-in House, Saurus Lot 5 ... Elementals and the missing Emir of Raseir 6 ... Surviving the Desert 7 ... The City of Raseir 8 ... The Forbidden City 9 ... End Game (the Emir's Palace in Raseir) X ... eXit to Series Selection Menu Please enter selection: 9 Problem: How can I enter the Palace of the Emir of Raseir as a fighter? Hint: The fighter has no option but to fight the guards and force the door to get into the castle. Do it quickly before more guards arrive. Problem: How can I enter the Palace of the Emir of Raseir as a thief? Hint: The Thief needs to sneak in the shadows up to the Palace wall and uses his rope to go off left when the Eunuch guard is not watching. Problem: How can I enter the Palace of the Emir of Raseir as a Magic User? Hint: The Magic User must cast "Dazzle" at the guards, and then "Open" at the Palace gates, to enter. Problem: I am a Fighter. How can I get past Khaveen? Hint: Jump down from the Balcony and challenge Khaveen to a duel after the guard has gone. Never give up, but you will need to be a very skilled Fighter to defeat Khaveen. Get your weapon while you can. Take a Healing Pill after the battle if you can, and head for the door to the Ritual Chamber. You will take some damage opening the door. Problem: I am a Thief. How can I get past the Eunuch Guards? Hint: Timing is essential in this room. First hide behind the Fish fountain, and let the Harem Girl distract the one Eunuch Guard. Keep an eye on the roving guard, and be ready to move before he can see you. Hide behind the table next until the roving guard is out of the room, then quickly sneak across to the door outside. Problem: I am a Magic User. How can I get past Khaveen? Hint: The Magic User should use the Calm spell upon Khaveen after the guard is gone. You can then use a spell to get down, use a spell to prepare yourself for Ad Avis, use a spell to open the door to the Ritual Chamber and then go in. Problem: How do I defeat Ad Avis as a Fighter? Hint: You have no time to waste in this room. Avoid combat with the living statue, kick over a candle, then move to the left side of the screen. Run towards Ad Avis before he can cast too many spells. Don't let a little fire stop you from getting him. Problem: I am a Thief and I can't reach Ad Avis! Hint: You will need to use your rope to get to Ad Avis, and all your balancing skills. Once on the other side, throw something at one of the candles to stop the ritual. Carefully avoid the Spells Ad Avis is throwing at you. Move to the right pillar to get a direct line of sight at Ad Avis, and keep throwing daggers at him. Problem: How do I defeat Ad Avis as a Magic User? Hint: You have no time to waste here. Cast a spell to stop the living statue (remember the WIT "Earth" test?), make sure you have a protection spell going, and cast a spell at one of the unlit candles to keep Ad Avis from lighting it. Now you have made Ad Avis really mad. If you are protected, Ad Avis will not be able to cast a spell directly at you, but unfortunately, he has the same Protection. You will need to use an indirect spell against him before he figures out how to get you. Move a bit left, cast a spell to bounce off the wall and knock the brazier into Ad Avis to defeat him. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .