RETURN TO OZ U.S. Gold Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version) (Start in the farmyard, you must find Billina), LOOK WOMAN (it's Aunt Em), TALK AUNT (Did you find Billina?), LOOK COOP (this is where Billina lays eggs), SEARCH COOP, GET BILLINA, LOOK OLD KEY, GET OLD KEY, TALK AUNT ("Get your shoes... you must go to the hospital"), GET SHOES, LEAVE EAST (to hospital hallway), SEARCH BUREAU, GET TINDERBOX, LEAVE LEFT DOOR (to hospital bedroom), SEARCH CUPBOARD, TALK LADY ("This pumpkin is for you"), GET PUMPKIN, LEAVE EAST (to operating room), LOOK BED (it's a large electrical box with a glass door and it seems you are to be attached to it), TALK DOCTOR ("The scarecrow is in danger in Oz. Can he use the ruby slippers and make a wish like you did?), USE TINDERBOX, TALK LADY (you find yourself standing near the deadly desert). LOOK TREES (you see some fruit), LOOK SAND YACHT (it's magic), LEAVE TREES (you are near some lunchbox trees), LOOK ROAD (the yellow brick road is in ruins), SEARCH TREE, LOOK RED LUNCHBOX (the red fruit is good but the green cannot help you), GET RED LUNCHBOX, GET GREEN LUNCHBOX, LEAVE SOUTH (back to desert), LEAVE SAND YACHT (you are standing on the magic sand yacht), LEAVE SAND YACHT (you see the emerald city), LOOK SAND YACHT (the mast has collapsed), LOOK CITY (the emerald city is in ruins), LEAVE NORTH (to a beautiful green meadow), LOOK BLACK SACK (there's something in it), SEARCH SACK, GET LARGE COPPER KEY. LEAVE CITY (you are in the ruins of the Emerald City), LOOK STATUE (minus a head), LEAVE WEST, LOOK TIN MAN (carrying an axe), SEARCH TIN MAN, GET ROPE, LOOK WHEELER (has wheels for hands and feet), LEAVE WEST, LOOK SIGN, LOOK DEAD END (you see a keyhole in the stone), USE OLD KEY, LEAVE GATE (to a small dark room), LOOK COPPER MAN, SEARCH COPPER MAN, LOOK COPPER MAN (under the dust you see something written "wind-up..."), USE COPPER KEY, LEAVE SOUTH (he follows you), LEAVE WEST, LEAVE SOUTH, LEAVE NORTH, LEAVE NORTH (to near jade river), SEARCH GRID (it opens), LEAVE DOWN (to tunnel entrance). GET DUST, LEAVE NORTH, LEAVE NORTH, TALK COPPER MAN (he is attacked with a wooden handle), USE DUST, GET WOODEN HANDLE, LEAVE NORTH, LEAVE NORTH, LOOK CARROT (fire spurts from it's nose), USE BELLINA, LOOK CARROTS (they are dead), LEAVE NORTH, LOOK DOOR (it has a large keyhole - you can't enter yet), LEAVE NORTH, LOOK PIT (it's too wide to get across), LOOK WALL (see a crack), SEARCH CRACK, LOOK CRACK (you see a broken handle), USE WOODEN HANDLE, LOOK PIT (you now see a drawbridge), LEAVE NORTH (to in front of palace). GET STONE KEY, LEAVE DOOR (to mirror room), LOOK MIRROR (there is no reflection but you can see a bat, vase, book, bottle, bomb and brick inside it), LOOK PRINCESS (it is the Princess Mombi), TALK PRINCESS ("I will show you something"), LEAVE LEFT DOOR (to cabinet room), LOOK LEFT CABINET (you see the head of a beautiful woman), LOOK MIDDLE CABINET (it has a mirror door and you cannot see inside), LOOK RIGHT CABINET (you see the head of a beautiful woman), LOOK PRINCESS (she puts her head into an empty cabinet... she has a ruby key to open another cabinet and she take the head out and into her hands), TALK PRINCESS (she says "Go to the Tower Now"), LEAVE SOUTH (to tower room), LOOK WINDOW (you see the deadly desert), LOOK GUMP (has the head of a green camel with horns and a sofa for a body), LOOK PUMPKIN MAN, TALK PUMPKIN MAN (he is Jack Pumpkin and he tells you that you must get the powder of life from the mirror cabinet to help the gump), LEAVE SOUTH (to bedroom of princess Mombi), LOOK BED (she sleeps but has no head), DROP SHOES, SEARCH BED, GET RUBY KEY, GET SHOES, LEAVE RIGHT DOOR (to cabinet room), USE RUBY KEY (it opens the mirror cabinet), LOOK MIDDLE CABINET (it's a horrible head - there's something inside here), SEARCH MIDDLE CABINET, GET BOX OF THE POWDER OF LIFE, LEAVE SOUTH (to tower room), USE POWDER OF LIFE, LEAVE WINDOW (to mountain of the Nome King). LOOK CAVE (entrance to a tunnel), TALK PUMPKIN MAN (Billina will be warm inside my head), LEAVE CAVE (to tunnel - there is a pit of lava here with a door beyond but there is no way to cross it), LEAVE SOUTH, LEAVE SOUTH (a scorpion is here but ignore it for now), LEAVE SOUTH, SEARCH CUPBOARD, GET LADDER, LEAVE SOUTH, LOOK JEWELLERY BOX (there's something inside), SEARCH JEWELLERY BOX, LOOK MIRROR (the reflection is horrible), GET MIRROR, LEAVE SOUTH (the stone door is here), USE STONE KEY (this unlocks the stone door), LEAVE NORTH, LEAVE NORTH (to in front of palace), LEAVE NORTH, LOOK TREES (it's the wood that you can make the magic sand yacht from), LOOK HUT (belongs to the tin woodsman), SEARCH HUT, GET AXE, USE AXE, LOOK BRANCH (will make a new mast for the magic sand yacht - note however that this isn't necessary or in fact possible), GET BRANCH, LEAVE SOUTH (back to in front of palace), LEAVE DOWN, LEAVE SOUTH, LEAVE STONE DOOR, LEAVE NORTH, LEAVE NORTH, LOOK SCORPION, USE MIRROR, LOOK SCORPION (it has turned away in fear and there is no danger now), LEAVE NORTH, LEAVE NORTH, LOOK PIT. LOOK CRACK, USE LADDER, LEAVE LADDER (to mountain of the Nome King), USE BILLINA (you now see a crack), LOOK CRACK (it seems to go inside the mountain), LEAVE CRACK (you are standing in front of the Nome King), TALK NOME KING (you can go if you can find the ornament that the scarecrow has been turned into), TALK KING (Gump leaves), TALK KING (Pumpkin Head leaves), TALK KING (Royal Army of Oz leaves), TALK KING (your turn... you are in the ornament room), TALK VASE (the scarecrow appears), TALK SCARECROW ("You found me - we must get out of here"), LEAVE NORTH DOOR (back to Nome King), DROP BELLINA, LOOK BELLINA, TALK BELLINA ("Look at me! I have laid an egg"), SEARCH BELLINA, GET BELLINA, GET EGG, USE EGG, LOOK NOME KING (he is dead... now there is a pile of rubble, but there is something flickering in the stone), SEARCH RUBBLE, GET RUBY SLIPPERS, USE RUBY SLIPPERS, LEAVE SOUTH (to ballroom). LOOK MIRROR (there is no reflection... there is a pretty young girl inside... it is the girl from the hospital and she must get out), GET MIRROR, USE MIRROR (a beautiful young girl appears), TALK SCARECROW, TALK GIRL (I am Ozma, Queen of Oz and the Princess Mombi trapped me inside the mirror), DROP SLIPPERS, TALK GIRL (you will go back to Kansas but if you wish to return to Oz it will be and you will return here), LEAVE. Well done. You have saved Oz. .