[Sword of Sudan] [AM/ST] An ST version is in the works. The aim of this game is to avenge the death of your father. To to this you have to enter the city of Zora. Zora is the name of the guy who also killed your father. There are all sorts of bad guys, monsters, and traps to get through. You also have the pain of having to jump over barrels at times during the game. You will note, I am sure that the enemy don't have to jump over the barrels. The most impressive part of this game is the size of the characters and the animation. These characters look good! The sound is appropriate and excellent. This is a hack & slay game. You have a choice of a male or female, it doesn't seem to matter which you chose, they both have the same capabilities. The three basic manuvers are hit high, hit medium height, hit low. You also have the ability to dodge. Pick up the small items you find for they will assist you in providing you a smart bomb, magic shield and increase your hit points. Be careful of the traps. It is quite a scene seeing your character impaled on a spike! There is no time limit to complete this game, so take your time, except when using magic that loses its effect after a period of time. Try and not use your potions in the early portions of the game (those under level 6). You will need them more for the end game. Some creatures can only be hit either at medium height or low height. Some men, like the giants require hitting at the high height for full impact and damage. When barrels roll onto the screen, back off enough so you can jump the barrel without having to deal with the fighter also. The bridge section is very tough. Be careful and watch ahead for patterns of when the spikes come up. Don't be afraid to "push" the enemy backward. Level 1: Go forward till you hear the guard speak to you. Then move as close to him as possible so you won't get hit by the spears. Attack him and continue till he and his cronies are dead. Level 2: Everyone tries to chase the guard and usualy get impailed on the spikes. Instead, just move forward into the space between the spikes. Wait for him to approach you. When he backs up, make sure he is far away and then jump forward to the next space between the spikes. Level 3: When you use the overhead blow, the men will approach you, then go to the kneeling blow and take them out. Go after the giant with the overhead blow and don't get too close or jump into him. Level 4: These guys are easy. Just use the kneeling blows to take them out. Level 5: Stay down! Attack with the kneeling blow and you will avoid their blows and slime attacks. Level 6: You can avoid the traps by using the SHIELD spell. Attack the man and follow him if he runs. Level 7: Walk to the right till you find you are even with the body on the wall. Kill the flying monsters with an overhead blow. Then use the MAGIC ZAPPER to kill the man. Level 8: Jump over the fire like you had to do with the logs. Watch the top of your screen and you will get a small warning when the ceiling is going to fall down on you, then jump back. When the steel spikes appear the fire will quit. Spend your time worrying about the spikes and ignore the wall at this time. When you get to the lava pit, wait till the first block is almost at the edge and jump forward onto it. Do the same for the second block. When you are on the third block, time you jump very carefully because the floor will crumble if you jump too soon. Keep it up till you reach the stone skull. Kick it and it will slide backwards. Level 9: Use the overhead blows to take out the first four monsters. Jump over the catipillar creature when its head is down. Go past the potion and you will see a bird follow you. Now go back to the monster and the bird will eat it. When it is done, walk forwards till the water starts rising. When the water is just below the birds mouth, jump. Continue jumping till the water is above the birds mouth. The wall will now dissapear and you can continue. By the way, you can get more hit points by using the overhead blow and take out the monsters that are on the wall. Attack the fire balls. The wall will soon crumble. Level 10: Use the MAGIC ZAPPER when you first enter this level. Then use the SHIELD spell and jump forward to the man. Hit him and jump to the right. Level 11: Take on the monster (hope your shield spell is still on) till he dies. Jump over the lightining bolts the wizard shoots at you. Use MAGIC ZAPPERS twice on him and one SHIELD spell. He can now be taken out with 3-5 hits. Continue to the right to your rightfull end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW THE BACKDOOR: To activate cheat: 1. Start game and die on first level. 2. When asked if you want to replay or start new, start new. 3. Select same character. Keep pressing the return key till game loads. 4. Press the return key and an exclamation point should appear where your lives are. You should now have infinite lives. 5. To go to the next level just press return. or try When the game ends, use R for the replay option. When the replay starts, exit the game and start a new game you should have unlimited lives. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .