======================================= = The Disk Jockey = = presents: = = = = Advanced Carding = = Part VIII: = = In-person carding = ======================================= Call: The Free World 916-682-7789 Atlantis 215-844-8836 Preface: -------- This is another file in the carding series and this and all other files in this series are NOT meant for novice carders. This is by-far the most DANGEROUS trick to do, but I have done it, and I wouldn't write about anything that I haven't done myself first. In-person: ---------- This is buying something over the phone and going down to pick it up yourself. This is the most risky because you must go down yourself to pick the stuff up, but it rewards with instant equipment, no waiting whatsoever. I'll tell you how I got a IIe starter system, and you can use the same method in your proceedings. The Call: --------- I called the local apple store through an 800 extender, with connections that were TERRIBLE. This gave the effect that I was calling from across the country. Here is the conversation: "Hello, this is John Doe, (or whatever name you are gonna use) and I'm calling long distance. My son is a student in your town, and feels the need for a computer. He gave me your number as his local computer dealer." "What type of systems is he interested in?" "An Apple IIe Starter System" "That system is $1200, and includes (blah, blah, blah)" "OK then, thats what I want. If he has any trouble with the unit, he can bring it to you then, right?" "Right, we have a in-house repair staff of (etc...)" "OK, I would like to put this on my VISA and have my son come in and pick it up." "Ok, I need you name, address, phone number, and card number then." "Ok, John Doe, 1214 Lawndale, Trenton New Jersey, (zip) VISA 4460-2424-1134-9722 exp. 3/87" "Ok then, do you want us to call your son then?" "Hmmm...No, he is supposed to call later today with his grades, so I will tell him then. When can he come down?" "Anytime." "Ok, thank you, bye." "Thank you for your purchase Mr. Doe" -Click- I then went down there (in a very big sweat) and said "Hi, I am Mike Doe, my dad said he bought me a computer here." They were all really cool about it all, and gave me everything I needed. Luckily the car I had was leased from New Jersey (lucky for me) cause some stock-boy helped helped me carry the stuff out to the car and said "you brought your car all the way from New Jersey?" I hadn't even thought of that when I ordered the stuff, but yet he noticed the license plates. Needless to say, I never went back to that place. Once I did the EXACT same thing, in a different town, different store, but this time when I went inside they acted really odd towards me, and told me that they were "out of disk drives" but I could come back tomorrow. I sat and bitched very loud (I'm sure everyone in the store could here me) about how my dad paid $1200 bucks for this, and you don't even have the damn disk drive! For some reason though, I was getting some bad feelings from this guy, like he knew what was going on. I then said "why don't you let me have the rest of the system then and I will come by tomorrow and get the disk drive." This kind of took the guy off guard, and he said "well, ah, it wouldn't be very useful to you without the drive,"I said "My dad paid you for a computer, and I want the computer!" I was really losing my temper at this point, and a lot of the people in the store had stopped and were watching this, which was making him very nervous. No matter what I would say, there was no way he was going to let me walk out of there with any part of a computer, but the next day I could come in and pick up everything. I could smell a trap. I then said "I'll be in when you open tomorrow." Of course, I never went back, but my point is, be careful, and be confident. I'm sure the guy lost several buyers in there because I was yelling about how in-efficient they and about all the money my dad paid and they can't give me a single thing. I was so scared though, I was totally wet with sweat by the time I left, I knew this guy was trying to set me up. Be careful and good luck. -The Disk Jockey Typed:8-10-86 GATES OF HELL +64-9-5757765 FOR THE LATEST IN P/H/C/V/A Current Newuser PW://ANTIPIG .