View Files... [Select File #, or ?]:23 xXx cDc xXx DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND xXx cDc xXx DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ^__ __] Masters Of The Inner Posse: Overdose ^ ___[___ [___\ ] The Grim Reaper ^ [^ ]_ [ \_ \\ \\ \\ ] Writers: Black Wizzard ^ [^\]\ [_ \_\_\ _\ ^\\ ] PoSSe HQ: Tgr 2600 313.645.3660 NUP: [SLAYER] ^ [^ ]\ [ _\_\\_\\_^\\ ] The PoSSe: Dedicated to Bringing You The ^\\ \\] Best... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD The PoSSe Text File #1 05/04/91 The Art of Carding DM 0verdose DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Table of Contents Disclaimer Preface I. Introduction II. Getting Cards III. Setting Up A Drop Site IV. Ordering V. Delivery VI. Pick-Up VII. Aftermath VIII. Live with Parents? IX. What to Card? X. Fucked Up? XI. Miscellaneous Notes XII. BBS's to call -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DISCLAIMER - Read This First!!! This file is Strictly for informational purposes only. The writer of this text file and group affiliated with him are not responsible for the actions of the reader dealing with this subject. This file was written with the intent of giving the reader knowledge of Computer related crimes. Neither the author nor the BBS's that carry this file are responsible for any consequences of the readers' actions. By reading this file, you take responsibility for your own action. I do not endorse the using of this information in any illegal manner. Now that this shit's out of the way, we can get down to the nitty gritty of carding! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- PREFACE I have read many text files on the carding and I have found that none of them really capture the full essence of the carding chain. I found that the majority of textfiles contain most of the same info in different words. I have put my personal methods and experimenting in here along with the traditional things. I hope that this file helps you *LEARN* about carding. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. Introduction I'll skip all the bullshit and get to the facts... Credit Card fraud is simply using someone else's credit card to buy shit for yourself. Enough said!! There are many ways to use a cc such as ordering by mail, getting cash from Western Union, Order and go pick it up, etc. The possibilities are endless. This file concentrates on the mail order aspect of carding. Before you start you should consider the risks: Contrary to popular belief cc fraud is relatively safe. I'm sure you've never heard anywhere in the media that a person was caught and sent to jail because there aren't many. But for everyone that's caught, there are twenty people who get away with it. They don't publicize it because everyone would do it. Now consider the possibilities that there are... Just about anything that you could want you can get illegally. And for all you dudes that are scared of the *FEDS*, realize this: Feds have other more important things to do than waste their time trying to bust a guy that's carding a watch a house that is targeted as a dropsite when there are real criminals out there! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. Getting Card There are a couple of good ways to get cards... 1. Trashing Trashing is simply going to a stores trash bins to get Credit card transaction carbons. I suggest that you hit the trash after a big holiday like Christmas or something like that. You can get enough in one day to last three months. This can get messy and I prefer to use other means of attaining card numbers. 2. Raiding Mailboxes The advantage you have with mail boxing is you get the cc bill with the account number, billing address and credit limit but not the exp. date. The expiration date is not necessary, if you don't believe me, substitute 6/92. Go to a condo complex or the like and walk casually to the doors and pretend to look for a friends place while opening mailboxes. Look for anything with a return address of a bank (ie. Citibank, First National, Comerica). 3. Inside Link If you have a friend that works at a store which accepts credit cards, ask him to write down the info before they are logged and stored in files. Of the three I have found mail boxing is the easiest and most rewarding. I have found blank checks, department store card #'s and once I found an actual card which I put back in to ensure future jackpots. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= III. Setting Up A Drop Site It is essential that you have a GOOD drop site. This is the most crucial point of the carding so choose wisely. This is the only place you can be physically caught. There are many good dropsites. Find a home where the people are out for the week or work all day. Make sure they will be out when they "receive" what "they" ordered. Make sure you find out the persons name so that the address matches up with the phone number. The best place in my opinion is an apartment complex. Go to the door and say your a new tenant in 1D and Dad sent a package to 10D by accident. Ask if they could sign for it and you'll come pick it up later. This also works very well in old folks homes. Another drop site I am experimenting with now is as follows. Go to a street that has a vacant home or two on it. Look around and find out if some old dorks live on the block. When you have found a block come back the following Monday. Go up to the old ass's door and tell them that you are moving a week from Friday and you just wanted to get to know the neighbors. Be REALLY nice and tell them how you're moving from Germany where you're dad was stationed. Finally slip in the deal with the package and it would be Swell if they would take the package for you. This never fails, also give them a current address (Resident's inn or the whatever) and a bullshit phone number. Tell them to call you when you it comes in. You already know exactly when it will come in and wait until it comes and get it 20 minutes later. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. Ordering When ordering the merchandise, it is important to keep cool. There are two kinds of credit checks. First they will verify the card credit line on the CBI. The CBI doesn't have the Exp. date because there are simply too many cards in the U.S. The second way they check is either call you at home (if it's something like a 486 base system). But this costs a lot of money and they will more likely call the area's information (xxx-555-1212) and make sure that the name matches the address. I have found that if you want computer shit, you should buy a copy of Byte or the like and look in the classified for small companies without an 800 order number. These companies won't spend as much money as larger companies. When you call up, ask all sorts of questions about the product like about the warranty, reliability, compatibility, years before obsolescence, etc. Like you were making a big investment. Act like you would if you were actually spending your own hard earned money. Ask about all the products' differences and finally say something like "I sold on that one..." or some bullshit line like that. Make friends with him/her and talk to him with his first name. When you 'decide' what you want, order in one sentence. She'll ask you what the billing address is, mailing address, daytime phone number, who you want to ship it to, card type, name as it appears on the card, account number, exp. date. This is in no particular order. Dialogue: Act mature! Salesperson: Hello, J&R MusicWorld, Jane speaking. You: Hello Jane, I would like some information on the Casio B.O.S.S. calculator, do you sell that? Salesperson: Yes we have several models in stock, which one are you interested in? You: I'm not sure, one of my co-workers has one and I was really impressed with it. He referred me to this company for the lowest prices, payment plans, more bullshit... Salesperson: Models we have ETC..... You: Bullshit now in prices, value, etc. Salesperson: What model are you interested in? You: The 666 model... Salesperson: How will you be paying for this purchase? You: Mastercard, is there any surcharge? Salesperson: Not for MC (never for visa or MC), what's your last name? You: MY name is (card name) address is... cc# is 4000 0000, exp. date is 4/99, I want it sent to 666 Mark Twaine Rd. Parts unknown, Michigan, 48036, My daytime fone is 313-666-0000, etc Salesperson: How would you like to get this delivered? You: Ups overnight. Salesperson: Thank you for purchasing from J&R MusicWorld. You: Thank you Jane, I'll call you to tell you how I like it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. Delivery There seems to be some misconceptions about Federal Express and UPS delivery. I will clear up the facts regarding these companies. Federal Express offers overnight and economy delivery service. Both services require signatures accepting the delivery. The delivery men will leave packages on the porch if there is a note with a signature on it to accept it. United Parcel Service on the other hand requires a signature only for overnight delivery, not for 2nd day delivery. This is always my choice and if possible, I will avoid Fed Ex only companies such as Hard Disks International ( I tried to get a 100 megger from those bastards). For overnight just leave note saying that you have to work today. Another thing that you have to consider is: if the delivery man thinks that it is unsafe to leave the package, he won't because UPS would be responsible. Again, just leave a note. The overnight deliveries are guaranteed there by 10:00. The Economy Service can be delivered any time in the business day (9-5). On saturdays UPS now delivers for more money. This will ensure that the regular delivery boy will not deliver and a sub will do the route in his place. If you have an empty house you can remove the for sale sign and get it delivered there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI. Pick-up Dress normally, the chances are greater that someone will notice you and remember your looks if you are wearing a sombrero and sun glasses. It wouldn't be a bad idea to wear something that identifies you as a member of a group like Boy Scouts or some shit like that. Go to the house early, about and hour in advance. Watch the deliveryman drop off the package. Go to the door about 20 minutes later. Carry a big box with a smaller one in it. Walk up to the house normally. Pretend to knock on the door, take the small box your carrying out of the big box and exchange it with the carded items. This will deter any nosy bitch neighbors. Try not to touch anything unnecessary like the doorknob. Don't order it to a place that is not highly visible... The most important thing though is if you see ANYTHING that's vary suspicious or out of the ordinary, Do NOT pick it up, wait and if the situation doesn't change leave immediately. When I started carding I knew a guy that carried mace or an electric stun gun with him (No really, I'm not BSin). This seems a bit extreme, but if an asshole wants to take you to the police station, what is better? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII. Aftermath Lay Low for a while, if you were careful, the chances are that they will not come to you. Stash the merchandise at a friends home or in a locker somewhere for at least a week. Let the area cool off, the card owner will not find out until the end of the month when he/she gets the bill. At first they will probably think it's a glitch and try to straighten things out with the company while you are enjoying your new HST. It is always better when you sell what you card and buy the shit legally. And computer shit is 10 times harder to card so card shit like two tennis racquets, or a Wizzard, or CD's or blank tapes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VIII. Live with parents? If your parents know anything about your system then this poses a problem. You can over come this by telling them that a local underground BBS that John is on went down and he is selling his HST or whatever for 100 bux and that you have the money saved up. You are going to buy it and you want to let them know. This usually works for me. Or tell them that a friend is going to Mexico for the summer to visit relatives and since he won't need it he is letting you have it for a while. Or tell them that a SysOp of a PD board is the owner of a computer store and he is having a toilet bowl (bullshit) sale which means prices over 60% off! He'll give you another 20% off! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IX. What to Card? The hardest thing to card is computer equipment, as a rule, just get something else. Your chances are doubled when you card say.. a tape deck. I recommend you card something that someone else needs. example... A friend needs a new racquet but doesn't have much money, Card a couple $200 dollar racquets that your "cousin" wants to sell. That way the carded shit won't collect dust, You make a quick $150 for two days. Things I recommend carding because of their resale value... 1. Blank Disk ( lots of 50, get 300) 2. Compact Disks ( Top 40 and Classic Rock sell VERY Well) 3. Porno Tapes ( Kids love them) 4. Sports Clothing ( Pistons Starter Jackets, etc.) 5. Stereo Equipment ( Tape Decks, Discmans, Walk mans) 6. Sports Equipment ( Tennis Racquets, Shoes) 7. Office Supplies ( Telephones, Fax Machines) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- X. Fucked Up? If you get caught (God forbid), just say that you found the card number in a parking lot at so & so and hate those people. You had no intention of keeping the stuff and it was just a cruel, malicious "joke". This scenario shouldn't occur if your careful, but if it does, you didn't think that it would work and they would just be hassled. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XI. Miscellaneous Notes Computer equipment is the hardest thing to card. I don't card computer equipment and have only done it twice successfully because all the computer geeks that get a hold of a text file will try and get a 200 megger and a HST. The majority of carders have nothing to do with computers. I got started well before I got my modem and my first H/P/C/A access level on a BBS. Take that into consideration. Never keep card numbers on disk. That way If you get caught, they can't confiscate your computer. Hide them in the garage or basement. I tape the info to the back of a poster. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- I hope this file gives you new insight and sharpens your carding skills. If you have any questions, call Tgr 2600 and E-Mail Overdose. This has been a PoSSe text release. Look for other great PoSSe text releases and information files coming soon. Thanx to Tgr for getting me to write this file. The PoSSe 1991 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ^__ __] Masters Of The Inner Posse: Overdose ^ ___[___ [___\ ] The Grim Reaper ^ [^ ]_ [ \_ \\ \\ \\ ] Writers: Black Wizzard ^ [^\]\ [_ \_\_\ _\ ^\\ ] PoSSe HQ: Tgr 2600 313.645.3660 NUP: [SLAYER] ^ [^ ]\ [ _\_\\_\\_^\\ ] The PoSSe: Dedicated to Bringing You The ^\\ \\] Best... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD C) 1991 - The PoSSe. All Rights Reserved. Any alteration of this file is an infringement of international copyright law [32](>View Files... [Select File #, or ?]:25 xXx cDc xXx DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND xXx cDc xXx How to Phuck with Radio Shack "A View From The Inside" NOTE:The information in this phile is for entertainment purposes ONLY! The author claims NO responsibility WHATSOEVER for the actions of the reader. OK.....I used to work for Radio Shack as a Sales Associate, which meant I got paid $4.25 an hour, and I had to kiss a lotta people's asses to make any commission at all. After the Christmas rush, I was transferred to the shittiest store in our sales district. Which was OK, because my manager was stupider than SHIT! And I had a cool co-worker that showed me a few tricks. Well, I expanded upon those tricks, and I came up with a few kick-ass ways to get some free shit! METHOD 1: The Fake Return ------------------------- This is probably the most effective method, but it can also backfire the worst. You want to be sure that your manager DOES NOT count the stock after an item has been returned, like he is supposed to. This can get you in a lot of hot water in a hurry. Ok...Your manager is supposed to keep all of the old daily reports. Find where he keeps the most current reports, and randomly pick one day. Now, look through all of the sales tickets for a fairly good sized sale (around $35.00 or so). Some things to look for when choosing a ticket: 1: Look for something with more than 1 item on it. 2: Look for someone that the manager does not know well. Next, either send your co-worker on a lunch break, or wait until he goes to lunch (either way, get him out of the store). Next, write up a refund, just as you would for any other customer. When the POS asks you for the customer's phone number, do 1 of 2 things: 1: Enter a fake number, using the area code and last four digits that are on the ticket. If you don't, the District Secretary OR your store manager could see the mis-match, and your ass will be under investigation! 2: Enter no number, and say that the customer refused to give you a number. Now, after you print the ticket, sign it with your BEST forging possible (you may want to practices before you do the fake refund), and put the tickets in the basket, or whatever you keep the reciepts in. If you are asked why you did not keep the customer's receipt, calmly say that "They had other items on that reciept, and wanted to keep it." Timing is very important, too. You don't want to do this right before the store takes inventory, because the loss will show up. The best time is right after or even DURING an inventory period, because then you can blame it on a computer error (yes, there are a LOT of things that can go wrong the the Radio Shack P.O.S. system). I did this for a period of 1 month solid, getting about 35.00 a day (I was the only employee for that period of time). I quit, because I thought that I was under investigation, and I had another job anyway. Next time I write a phile, I'll describe how to figure out if Tandy Security is on to you. Questor NOTE: I apologize if this is sloppy by some standards, this is my first phile. Any comments can be made to me on the Blitzkrieg BBS. [31](>View Files... [Select File #, or ?]:27 xXx cDc xXx DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND xXx cDc xXx How To Make Your Own VALID American Express Numbers In One Easy Step Written and Created By: Saturday Knight Note: This Text file contains >>>Extremely<<< damaging material about the American Express account making algorithm. I do not commit credit card fraud. I just made up this scheme because I was bored. However, I do possess some morals. I called American Express to see if they'd have a reward for anyone finding a loophole in there system. I was going to tell them the loophole, get a reward and keep my mouth shut about what I found. Well American Express didn't seem to interested in what I discovered. In fact there "Special Investigation Division" didn't even believe me. Now that really burns me. In fact that got me really pissed. Since AMEX didn't seem to interested in this information, I thought that all you junior credit card frauders would. As for AMEX, they can kiss my ass. Sorry about 'Xing' out all the account numbers in this file. But I just want to keep myself out of legal hassles. About the System: My system for making cards is the ONLY system that IS 100 PERCENT EFFECTIVE. Out of the 22 cards I made, all worked. 2 cards did not pass the authorization. This was because they were reported as lost after the date on my cancellation bulletin. But the 2 cards would have been good had they not have been lost. Materials Needed: - American Express "Cancellation Bulletin" (You can get these from almost any store. If you're really into carding, I suggest even attempting to BUY the book from an employee. ) - Brain (You don't need much of one to follow my system) About all these other card hacker programs: In a nutshell: THEY DON'T WORK! If you have one of these programs, throw it away. All these programs do is spit out a randomly generated number that doesn't mean shit. How AMEX makes there cards: American Express made a big fuckup in there account algorithm. Let me demonstrate. 37XX XX XXXX 61006 37XX XX XXXX 01007 37XX XX XXXX 71007 37XX XX XXXX 81000 37XX XX XXXX 81012 Notice the last FIVE digits in the numbers. You'll see that the second number is almost always a 1 followed by two zeros. In other words the number 100 is almost ALWAYS in the middle of the series of five numbers. But look at the last number. In the middle you have a 101 and not a 100. Why is that? Let me tell you why. It's because AMEX made a bad mistake which I picked up on... Card A 37XX XX XXXX 81007 ^^^ Card B 37XX XX XXXX 81015 ^^^ Notice these two numbers. They are almost identical except for the last 2 digits. You see AMEX can't have two identical card numbers can they? Of course not because then who would they bill? What AMEX did instead was this... 37XX XX XXXX 81015 ^ They changed the damn zero to a 1 and made a new check digit for the end!! If you don't know what a check digit is. Get Dr. Cyclops file on the "Mod 10" method of check digits. If you can't get a hold of the file you can still make a valid card number. Here's what you do... Look in your cancellation book for a number similar to the one above. Make sure that within the last 5 digits the number 101 is in the middle. Now do this.... Before - 37XX XX XXXX 81015 After - 37XX XX XXXX 81005 ^ Change the 1 to a 0. Now to the number on the .