This article tells how to get a lot of stuff free. It is, however, very illegal, so proceed with caution. The first step is go to your local Radio Shack when they are closed (late at night and on Sundays) and go into the dumpster in the back of the store. You are looking for any pieces of carbon paper that were used in the middle of a charge card receipt. They are about 3 inches by 7 inches. There may be other pieces of carbon paper there fpom the receipts of cash and check purchases, but these are not any good for our purposes. Get as many of these carbon papers as you can. Take these home, and hold one up to the light. You will be able to read everything that was written on it. This is the information that you will need: A. The card number. They are like the following. VISA- XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX !!!! !!!! (these may be 3 digits) MC- XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (all must be 4 digits) AMX- XXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX (mqst be 4-6-5 digits) B. The expiration date of the card. This is right under the number to the right. C. The name, spelled exactly as it is on the card, including the middle name or initial, if there. D. If it is a Mastercard, then there will be an interbank number on the second line (under main number) to the left of the expiration date. There may also be a phone number written on the carbon paper by hand. It is a good idea to get this. This is why Radio Shack is such a god place to do this. They usually write down the phone number. Now, call the toll free number of a company that you want to order some- thing from. Tell them that your name is the name on the the card, and give them the rest of the card information. When you are asked for your address, give them the address of a house near you that you know that nobody is home at guring the day. It is also good if it has a porch that is not very visible from the street or any other house. Then, tell ask them when it will get there. When it gets there (by UPS truck), you have two options: A: The man will ring the doorbell, find nobody home, and leave the package on the porch if it is not too big or leave a receipt in the mailbox if it is reallt big or heavy. Wait until he leaves, and go up to the porch and get it or the receipt for it. With the receipt, go to the Post Office, give it to them, and they will give you the package (no ID needed). B: Be standing in front of the house, and when the man walks up to the house, tell him that you live there and ask him what he wants. Sign for the package (with the name on te package), and then walk toward the porch. When he drives off, you walk off with the package. This is VERY risky, so be cautious. Some of the things that you can order are printers, modems, cards, disks, videotapes, and books. The reason for having the phone number is that if you call a phone sex number, they get the phone number, call your local information, and see if tht number matches the name and address you gave them. If a company says that they will call you back in a few minutes to con- firm the order, give them the number of a phone booth neer your house. When they call back, they will call the booth, and assume that it is true. One more thing: a few places will ask for the bank that issued the card. Just give them the name of a large bank in your state. It may be right, but even if it isn't, it doesn't matter, for they don't use that bit of info. .