Information on how to card! First of all, you need a good drop site. A drop site is a place where you are going to have the package shipped to. The best places are usally private homes where people work during the day. A easy to way to get one, walk out your house and look around. Find any house,write down the street address. Open up a yellow pages,look for the fone #. Then call up the house, usally during morning time. If there is no answer,well you got a drop site. Next,you need a card. Humm, usally the best way to get cards is trough CBI or TRW. I used to use a program called checksum. Its a program that makes CC's. Then I would call 800 # card checker. Put a $150 ammount on the card,if it was aproved then you got a real card. I am not going to tell ya how to get cards. Next, open up any computer realated magazine. Look for small ads, preferbly in the west coast. Call 'em up, see if you sound like chinks, if they do then you may have found a good place. Once you have the neccesery items you are ready to CARD. The following things are needed to get away with carding. 1. A good unused card. 2. Drop site. 3. Cheap copmany to order from. 4. A code to call them with. 5. A loop for reciving fone calls. Ok. you call up the fuckers. And you talk to some rep. I am going to help ya all get 14.4's. When you talk to the rep. use the following lines to why you need a 14.4 1. My modem was fried by lighting,and I am in need of very importent docs. 2. I am looking to upgrade the modem at the office,I only have a 1200 baud. 3. Its a holiday,birthday whatever. You want to get a gift for you son. Ok. Next, make sure you ask for the price,any discounts on it,what does it come with. Also make sure you tell them that you want to know what you can do incase the modem doesnt work. Ok,Then say "Ok, I will order this now". Then she starts asking questions. Usally they ask for the name first. Now, I never ONCE had a real name for all my cards. Thats why I told you to order from small companies. Make up any name in the fuckin world. But write it down to remember it later on. Then they will ask you for a shipping address. Give them the address of the drop site. Say thats were you live and you are sending it to your house. Next, they will ask for the card #. Geeeeee, Give them the card #. Now, they will want an experation date. People tell me that need a experation date. BULLSHIT!!. You do not need an exp. date at all. Give them, any thing. But make sure its with in a year or two. Not 1/96. use like 1/91 1/92 etc.. OH yeah. When they ask for the card #. I allwayes say "Hold on, lemme get my wallet out". That makes it look like you are getting the card out from you wallet,GEEE. Humm,Now they want a fone #. This is a bitch. Up untill a few months ago, I used to give them a BBS thats allwayes busy. That works sometimes , but the best is to use the following methood. Get a LOOP. And say you are currently at a hotel in the loops area code. Then say you want to go out and play raquetball or something at the hotel. So you are not going to be around. Then ask them when are they going to call back and shit. Sometimes if you are sure the card is going to work, you can say if everything is ok, then ship it. I sometimes use this; I say "My wife got a hold of my card and went shopping, so I am not sure if the limit on the card can hold it." then I say "Can you check to see if it gets approved while I'll wait online". Most of the time they will "OK, hold on". Sometimes they can say it takes a while. Who cares, just say "I am stepping out to lunch now, can I give you a call back to check if every- thing is ok". And they say thats fine. Make sure you dont fuck up. And dont try to card if you have the voice of a 13 year old. My friend has the voice of a kid and he got caught HIS FIRST TIME CARDING BY THE FEDZ!!!!. So do not card if you are a little kid. After you are done giving the bitch all the info. Ask to have it shipped NEXT DAY SERVICE (RED LABEL). That way you dont have to wait a week or so. And then you have more time hidding and shit. Its a little bit more,but who gives a fuck. Make sure you ask how much is for everything!!!. And when you are about to hang up. Make sure you say thank you, Have a good day. it makes a good impresion of them. And remember try NOT to order from 800's. Allwayes CALL WITH A CODE. That way if you get fucked, they cant prove you called the place and shit. Well, I am done for now. I think, I dunno. Remember if you use this file and get shit, lemme know. I want to know if I helped people card shit. Hehehehehhe. Me personaly have carded more shit then your parents make in a year and shit. And still do. I dident get caught yet. But I am going to be 18 so ,and then I will be of probation (Not for carding). So , if you are under 16 card card card! they cant do shit to you.... Well I'm gone, Later. Written by the master carder "Tripin Face" Call my board. If you know me, you know the name and #. PEACE - BEATLES RULE!! .