____. _______________. ___ / \ ' CREDIT CARD FRAUD IDEAS!! ' | ! ! INFORMATION AND IDEAS BY : | | ' >> L.E. PIRATE << ' ' | | A CULT OF THE DEAD COW FILE ! ! ' | THANX TO THE xORG ! \_______.___ __.________ ___/ _ _ ((___)) [ x x ] -cDc- \ / -cDc- (@ ') (U) Hey there. L.E. Pirate here. Here's some ideas and info i've scrapped up over my carding days that might just help you. Everything contained here will work and has been tried recently to check to see if businesses are still ignorant. ORDERING =====- If you place an order to a big company (we'll use BEST as an example) from their catalog, they will ask for the catalog number. On the back of the catalog above the address there is an 6-8 digit number that has the info about the person who they sent the catalog to. If you received the catalog in the mail, this is not only foolish, but it can result in a terrible situation. All they have to do, is track down the owner of the catalog and nail them. If the catalog is sent to you under your parents name, or your name, then you are generally screwed and wouldn't even think about ordering from BEST if they demand your catalog id number. The solution is simple. tell the stupid shit operator that you picked up the catalog in a doctor's office or dentist, etc. and there is no number on the catalog. They will always believe you (they still believe in kissing the customer's ass). OBTAINING CARDS: A FEW WAYS ========================- subsection: Casing for cards ========================- If you need that new CD player, surfboard, etc. and you don't have the time to order it, and you want it the next day, go casing! (Read other xORG files on how to case). Go around looking for open cars or houses. Search the house for PLASTIC, yes, the actual plastic card. It will usually take the owner 24-48 hours to notice it is missing, even longer. Do not take any cards you don't need (like diner's club, etc...) take MAC/GEORGE/TOM's cards and write down their drivers license info, EVERYTHING on the license. You can later goto the ATM (automatic teller machine) and hack out the ID number and get cash (usually the number is a phone number (4 digits), etc). You might also want EXXON, SUNOCO, etc. gas cards to fuel up your car for the day or whatever. But only take what you need. Get a VISA or MC and head to the local store. Make sure you have another card for ID. Take a VISA to pay for it and a MC for identification. Use it quickly (like within 24 hours) before it is reported as stolen. -===========================- bsection: STUPID HOUSEWIVES ==========================- This is so easy. You go through someone's garbage and look for bank info and stuff like that. Anything that will have the name of their bank on it. The next day, take off school or work, whatever, and give the house a call. Make sure you get a house that the man goes to work and the wife stays home and cooks and cleans, like a real woman (very sexist, eh?). Call up and do this: B=BITCH Y=YOU RING,RING HELLO? HELLO THERE. THIS IS MARTY FINKLESTEIN FROM 1ST NATIONAL BUTTHOLE TRUST (or whatever their bank name is). IS THIS MRS. ABE DICKNOSE? YES? SORRY TO BOTHER YOU. WE HAVE HAD A MIXUP IN OUR COMPUTER RECORDS, IT SEEMS THAT YOUR CREDIT FILE HAS BEEN ACCIDENTLY WIPED OUT. OH MY. IS IT SERIOUS? NOT REALLY. WE NEED SOME HELP FROM YOU THOUGH. WE HAVE LOST YOUR CURRENT CREDIT CARD INFORMATION. IF YOU COULD PLEASE HELP TO MAKE THIS EASIER, YOU COULD EITHER STOP BY THE BANK TODAY OR TOMORROW OR YOU COULD GIVE ME YOUR CURRENT CREDIT CARD INFORMATION ON THE PHONE. WHICHEVER YOU PREFER. (if they want to stop by the bank, just set up a fake appointment and hang up.. they will, in most cases, be too busy to stop by, and give you the info right on the phone). This method has worked many times before. Try it out, it's a very easy and simple way to do it. -==================- bsection: TRASHING =================- Ugh. This is the dirtiest way to obtain info. Find a place that accepts cards and go into their garbage dumpsters. Try going to florists or places that don't put out messy shit. Don't goto food places, etc. you won't find anything you want there and most of the info will be covered with food and other crap. Try florists because all you have to sift through is sweet, lovely, colourful flowers (isn't that cute?). Look generally for black carbon paper or printouts. If you goto insurance places or car dealerships, this can land you computer printouts with TRW and CBI information and account numbers on it, which are very valuable to an experienced hacker. Look out for half-carbons. They are carbon paper that have perferated edges down them so they can easily be ripped in half and discarded. What most places do, is throw one side into 1 can and the other side into another... so take both bags and put them together at home. Sure it will take awhile, but it's worth it. The best time to trash is at night. It would be very handy to have a small, compact flashlight that you can use to go through the dumpster instead of feeling around, etc. If you see someone, keep down low in the trash. I have found myself in trashcans many times, and when I get caught in there, I go, "Uhhh, have you seen my baseball??".... They'll usually take you for stupid, or even act like a bum, that will work. -============================- bsection: INSIDE CONNECTIONS ===========================- Make a friend that works at a place that takes alot of cards. Instead of throwing them away, ask him for them. This guy I knew used to keep them all and give them away. If you can't find anyone, get yourself a job somewhere. The best place to work is a shoestore like Kinney Shoes or Athlete's Foot. CREDIT CHECKING ============- The simplest way to get credit checker numbers is go into record stores. last weekend I walked into a record store in Delaware and bought the new WarZone album. Right on the wall in big, girly, red letters was. "OUR MERCHANT NUMBER: XXXXXXXX. OUR 800 NUMBER: 1-800-XXX-XXXX" It had listings for VISA/MC/DISCOVER and just about everything else. I pulled out my trusty pen while the chick was opening the register and I wrote it on my hand. I had just enough time to copy down the VISA/MC one when she looked up. Try record places, army/navy stores, shoe stores, and places that need to check credit on cards. EXPLOITING -========- So, you found a driver's license laying in the street while walking downtown, eh? You think to yourself, "BIG DEAL." Nononononono. Go trash at an insurance place and get ahold of CBI and TRW printouts. The printouts will contain everything buffered when the person called CBI or TRW, it will even include an access port number. Call up CBI or TRW and enter exactly what is on the prinout except in place of the person's name on the printout, put the name of the person and address, etc. in the computer and buffer what is shown. Mail the information, her drivers license info, her address, card numbers, credit info, everything to the person. Find your own way to exploit it to your own advantage. CLOSING -=====- Well, that is just some short info on some various CCF things you can do and things that can help you. Hope it was educational and thrilling for you. -= L.E. Pirate =- Demon Roach Underground......[806/794-4362] Metal AE..PW=KILL..[201/879-6668] Ripco International..........[312/528-5020] Improve your life, call those!! ============================================================================== This has been a cDc (Cult of the Dead Cow) Presentation. 1989, All rights worth shit. Thanks to The x ORGanization (xORG). Written by L.E. Pirate .ooM ============================================================================ .