Credit Fraud: By Smooth Criminal ------------------------------ Calll My Board---The Untouchables: 916-944-2808 2400/MNP5 Phreak/Hack/Phraud/Cards/Codes/Viruses/And all the good shit Credit Phraud......I get anything I wan't! You guys spend all of your time and hard earned money out there fuckin around with cards that belong to someone else when you can get all of the cardz you wan't, max em', and fuck em' (essentially!!!).... These are all proven and work! (At least in Ca and Nv) First you need to do a little Telemarketing.....goto your local white pages and find a common name....John Smith, William Johnson, Eric Williams, Steve White, James Johnson, etc....Call these people up and in a businesslike manner pretend you are giving the a Pre-Approved Credit Card and all you need are a few things to complete your application for there card... Questions: Name (You allready have it but get thier full name) Address (You should have that ) Work Phone Employer Years there and all the good shit....Just get a credit card application and fill in the blanks by just asking them the questions and mail the bitch in for the card....If they say they have bad credit just fucking hang up....but if they don't have to bad of credit then you may be approved..... Make sure you put your address or a PO to be safe as the address to mail the card to....When it comes....Charge your ass off.... I have obtained ID on the persons and people I have called by getting the birthplace and mothers maiden name.... If they are around my age and are my same race then I take thier info and order a copy of thier Birth Record from their Place of Birth's County Recorder through the mail or in person...Thiers nothing illegal about getting someone elses Birth Cert....Just don't give a real name when signing for it....Take the Birth record and apply for a duplicate card mailed to you from any social security office....All they need is the info on the Birth Record...When you get those two DMV (department of motor vehicles) And see if they have a liscnecs allready issued....In CA if you get a duplicate they make sure u are u by checking prints....(finger that is..) so in CA you are ass out....But I just take my shit to NV and get it there because they are more than likely not to have a NV Liscense if they were born in CA....Even if they did they don't keep records of prints in there computer like CA does... Once you have that you go to your local credit bureau and get a Credit report on the name and see what looks good or bad.... Memorize all of the important stuff like previous addresses and bills owed so u can fill these in when you go buy cars and get CASH loans and shit..... You have a new IDENTITY now and you can get all the shit IN that name you want!!! You can buy shit on credit in that persons name and your OK!!!!!... I've done it for the last 3 years.....And live in a $1000 mo apt and have a new car 2 motor cycles and a jet ski.... and havent needed to work 1 day!!! Try it.. Call my board...if you need indepth help with this scammmm "Another Untouchables SCAM!!!!" Smooth..... .