Subject: A GUIDE to CARDING for the dumbass Date: Fri, 9 Jun 95 23:18:52 -0500 Ill upload one of these files I wrote not too long ago for all you new young fuck novices who want to learn... you think you know it alls might as well read on yourslef because most of you dont know jack shit either about ccfraud.. lets see if you agree, here... CARDING 101 The Basics - THE REAL DEAL by DARK GRIF >From time to time after I got my kicks and my cash I share a good scam or two with you that is still fresh and profitable for you, Now is one of those times. This file goes out to this bullshit little punk ass smart ass calling himself the unknown asshole who uploaded a file on here called CARDTRUE.ZIP I downloaded this bullshit just to see what the fuck this punk ass motherfucker had do say and as I expected all this little punkass twerp was doing is talking out of his fucking asshole. This punk ass built up a whole anger inside him talking about how sick and tired he was of reading other carding files by people who never carded anything talking a bunch of bullshit then this little punkass mother fucker writes up the biggest bull shit I ever heard about the fucking subject. This punk ass motherfucker told us to call up a mail order outlet and tell them to send to the cardholders address and then have you go drive 1000 miles down to Kansas where the motherfucker lives and pick up the shit hoping the mother fucker is at work. This little punkass was just talking about playing with his fucking balls in his whole dam post. Now I write this post to all you young novices who want the deal on carding and to all you vetrans who want to or should already know whats up at this 4/16/95 date of writing. How to get card numbers is simple. You can find the carbons or the receipts on just about every corner. But chances are those people who don't give a shit about anyone finding their reciepts have no credit other than a $300 secured card anyway. So to get some decent card #'s with people who have credit goto fine resturants and either get your ass filthy in their trash with shit chicken grease and sauce all over the place and hope you find 2 or 3 or you can do what I do I watch where the dumb ass bitch waitress keeps her creditcard receipts for the day and I take them all, but I understand that this may look like a risky situtation to some of you so you can just look around the tables and floors and trash and hope to get lucky. But the point is there are a lot of fine resturants where ever the hell you live and access to their credit card receipts are right at your fingertips, go check it out and see for yourself. Resturants are where you get card numbers not hardware or departments stores what fucking good is a Macy's card gonna do you in Kmart. Resturants are the ticket. Now as you read on mother fuckers you will find there are more creative ways to obtain card numbers. Ok mother fuckers you got a card number, a name, and a expiration date, and possibly a phone #. You dont have the person's billing adress and your not going to get it nor do you need it. Now listen , you are limited to what you can do with this credit card # because you don't have the credit card itself you only have a number. Ill tell you how to get credit cards in a minute. The days of UPS delevery FEDX and all that bullshit to vacant houses or anything like that is no long worth your time. What you could do with you card number is what I do almost everyday for lunch. I call up winkydinky chinese resturants and order take out then go in and sign as if I am picking it up for the boss. No hassels from the chinamen I am a 28 year old professional grifter. Perhaps if you are the age of 12 when I started to do this shit you might not beable to get away with such things so your pretty much limited to just using your credit card # to make long distance phone calls from payphones, 900#'s, and a little mail orders if your lucky. So to the mail orderer... Obtain a voice mail box and mail service from the same company. This should set up back anywhere from $30-50 bucks of your own cash. I DO NOT ADVISE YOU TO USE THE CREDIT CARD # FOR THIS! You can use it to get other voice mail boxes if you want whenever the hell you want that's no problem but for this one with the mail service do not use to credit card because you should go into the voice mail center to make the payment in cash because you want the people who work there to know who you are (whatever name you give them) so you won't be asked to show ID when its time for you to pick up your mail. Call them up on the phone and tell them you want a voice mail box and mail service, they give you the number and their address and you tell them ok can I come in and make the payment, and they tell you by all means. Usualy these are winky dinky operations with only one or two people working there. They are not part of the post office so you are not required to show them proper ID just for them to let you use their address to recieve mail. If you want you can show them a fake $5 ID card you get at the arcade or a check cashing dump just to make them happy. You might want to use the same name on the credit card # you are going to use then again you might not espcially if it is someone the opposite sex of you and the fact that it doesnt matter because you want to use this mail service more than once for another card # as well . They charge you appox $30/month and or 50 cents per letter for you. They will ask you for your address and make you sign something. I don't need to tell you to give all bullshit info. Now make sure they will remember you be nice to them, conversate so there is no problem next time you go in to get your mail. OK mother fuckers time to order. Your not going to order no Pentiums and 17inch monitors because the mail service guy will be sharing doughnuts with the police laughing at your stupid ass. And though there are sill many 800# outlets who could care less about and dont have the equipment nor desire to call the bank to check to see if the name and billing addresses match the # forget about using them because you are not going to be getting the shit that you want to order becuase the shit is two fucking big and if they mail UPS or FEDX this guy and the mailservice has to sign for it and believe you me they are hip two credit card frauders. Some mailservice mother fuckers dont even allow UPS/fedx. Not to mention that UPS and Fedx are 500% more hip these days themselves. My advice to you is to pick up ELECTRONICS NOW magazines and order large quanitys of Mappers aka "Test Chips" used to desramble cable box converters. Buy all makes for all models usualy at $19.99 and you could sell them any where from that price (or less) to $50. And listen my friends most of these mother fuckers selling encoders could care less about who's credit card # you are using, they don't check matching names or any shit out. All they care about is not shipping them to anyone in the same state as them because that is illegal for them. Some of the assholes don't want to send you a lot and you might want to check your card info out. So stay away from the wholesalers charging $19.99 for the mappers who have 1-800 #'s! Order from the little winky dinks charging $50 bucks each using who don't have an 800# who just use their regular number. Make a deal with them and tell them you want to buy a lot for $19.99-24.99 and for the beautiful part of my little mother fuckers, tell them you don't give a mules anus about insurance and you don't want to pay extra shipping costs so tell them mother fuckers to send it via regular us mail! So now there are no hassels with Mr. motherfucker mailservice. You got a small package envelope packed with chips worth $20 a pop! So now what the fuck are you gonna do with all these mother fucking CHIPS??? Well mother fuckers if you can answer YES to this next question then you are in business. DO YOU HAVE A CELLULAR CLONED PHONE WITH A NUMBER OR ACCESS TO A PHONE 24/7 NOT TRACED TO YOU? If NOT you are going to have to sell these mother fuckers to friends and/or post messages where ever over the internet, or what ever, that's your problem not mine but these mother fuckin test chips sell like hotcakes. Get a cellular cloned phone or a friends phone cellular ot not who is willing to take a small risk. Here's what you are going to do mother fuckers. Get yourself another mail service at another location. And with a credit card # (or not) charge and ad in Electronics Now or the other magazines for a month and give your cloned phone or whatever and have mother fuckers order from you. If you take the route of mailing in a money order for the ad then you can even use your own phone or better yet a buddy's phone who is into making some extra cash and can hang out and take calls 24/7 for ya, you can have your pal take orders as to send money order, cashier check or COD, because their really isn't any trace back to you once you rid of the painted little serial numbers on the test chip and you are having the mother fuckers send the money order to a mail service which you paid cash for, so think about it mother fuckers there really isn't anything to worry about is there. Now if you take the other route by placing the expensive ad using someone's credit card # and you have a cloned phone, you can tell these dumb mother fuckers when they call you that you do take credit card numbers as well as money orders and cod's. That route you now have a little source for obtaining credit card numbers along with the mother fuckers billing address, and even push it and get their social security # if you want. I hope this will open your mind up to the many ways you can obtain credit card numbers. I once sold shit thru an ad and just gave a voice mail # with instructions to place the order at the tone leaving your name ,address, phone #, and credit card number or send money order to blah blah blah or COD, and we will call you back within 24 hours to verify your order. Believe you me this method does work to and is worth your time even though 90% of the calls will be hang ups. Nothing beats a live voice but there are idiots born every day. Test Chips can make you nigga rich real quick. I'm sure if you think about it you can come up with many small thins you can mail order that have value. Forget about gold coins and jewelry you mother fuckers don't have experience to deal with armoured mail service as I do perhaps another time we'll discuss that.I'm telling ya mother fuckers test chips are liquid. OK enough of that. As you see the point is mail ordering large valuable items is not happening anymore with just a credit card # you find on the street. There really is no point to doing mail ordering 800# and there really never was unless they have something you can't buy where you live or you are young and dont' have the skills nor the appearance to go in a store and use a credit card without having to show ID. So if you fall into that catagory I'll briefly tell you whats involved. You need to cash to operate. you have to get someone older to be in on it with you to rent a apartment or house whatever. With a rich mother fuckers social security # it's as easy as 1,2,3. You fill out a gold card application send it in and wait for it to come at the apartment you rented. Or if you are kind of desperate or in a hurry and you have the persons info, simply type up a official change of address letter and send it to the credit card co. bank. Make sure you forge their signature pretty dam good, this will take the bank only 5-10 days as opposed to 21-30 days to recieve a new card. Then you do all the mail ordering your little heart desires and get the hell out of apartment after you get your shit and never comeback And still you risk jail time if the UPS or FEDX mother fuckers are tipped off. It can be done it still is being done but the point is mother fuckers that mail ordering carding is ultimately pointless. Hopefully you read ahead of me and relize what it is all about. Get a hold of a rich persons name address and social security, all their information so you know their previous address when you send in a official change of address letter to all their banks and /or when you apply for a new credit card they ask for a previous address (even though its still their current; you can even state so) you know what it is, so everything checks out and you literately in the money. You give them a voice mail box # even though they are not going to call and you give them a mail service as the primary address. Heeeee haaawwww. The new gold card arrive and a week after the card arrives so does that mother fucking PIN number. I don't need to tell you to head straight to the ATM machine. Get all the cash advance out you can then got charge up the rest of the $4000 or $20000 whatever with the actual card itself, no hassels the card won't come up stolen because the mother fucker don't even know it exists. I today find that no matter where I go with a credit card I am not asked to show ID at the point of sale. Wear nice clothes and look like you are the name on the card and you in business. Don't get greedy and try to buy something $10,000 in one shot. I like to goto winky dinky jewelry shops owned by crooked Iranians and such and buy gtm master and submariner Rolexes in the $2200 range, no hassels. Iranian owned computer shops and buy $4500 486DX4-100MHZ's in 1 swipe. You'll find that foreigner's come to this country for one thing to make money quick and could careless about their visa/mc lisence being revoked because they will get their brother to re open the store the next day. How to get social securty numbers? We'll people don't give them out in social conversations. I get mine from a computer hacker who dips into doctor's computers in hospitals. Hang around the trash where people goto fill out applications of such and maybe you'll get lucky. Put a ad in the newspaper for a good high paying job then when you get calls from creditable people fax them a bogus application form and have them fill it out and fax it right back to you. Use Kinkos fax... OK mother fuckers that's enough for now. Let me end by telling you once again the Test Chip scam is a good little profitible hobby for you that don't take much time or effort. Get yourself someone's social security number and take their indenity over thats If your smart enough you can even make payments on those credit cards once you get them and keep em going, good credit standing always leads to more credit, then even obtain ID and open up checking accounts and take become this mother fucker. But you mother fuckers don't know shit about papertriping. That's all for now mother fuckers you fans who want to keep in touch and get ideas and info to such shit as papertrips false IDs, even casino comcheck scams, and the high tech credit card industry such as encoders and decoders readers, writers all that shit I have and is an expert at...and you have something to interest and offer me, email me right here on this fine board right here or find me on the bet. Unlike that pussy punkass who ended is CARDTRUE.ZIP file by stating how much of a pussy he is that he doesn't condone or practice credit card fraud, I leave you mother fuckers with all the encouragement there is to practice and get whatever you can get in life for nothing. I condone it, I practice it every fucking day of my life. END OF FILE. .