THE ANARCHIST'S GUIDE TO THE BLACK ARTS : VOLUME 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Created, Compiled and Written By: __________________ |What the Phuck ?! | ____ |_ _______________| __|____|__ |/ -[]-[]- |\_O_/| /_ . _\ *--------------* | | |. | | | The Huntsman | /_/ |. \_\ | & | |_/===|===\_| | The | | |. | | C.H.A.O.S. | |_ |. _| | Agency | /_\---/_\ *--------------* CONTENTS: =-=-=-=-= Introduction..................................The Black Arts Chapter One...................................Theft Chapter Two...................................Destruction Chapter Three.................................Deception Chapter Four..................................Sub-Anarchy Chapter Five..................................The Trials Introduction: =-=-=-=-=-=-= Well here it is, the path to true Anarchy.....Are you worthy of the title of a true Anarchist? We will soon see. The Black arts are Theft, Deception, Destruction and all sub-forms of Anarchy. To master the techniques involved takes time and patience but most of all, it has to be in your blood! You can always tell the difference between a True Anarchist and a dabbler....Pulling the fire alarm at school duzn't cut it ( Although that can be phun during a slow day )...Anyone can do that, BUT, can you do it without getting caught? Well, that is the tough part. Even at an early age one can see the signs of Anarchy emerge...if a kid watches Mister Rogers all day, forget it but if he builds crude weapons out of household items and delights in tortur- ing the family pet, his sister etc.. then he has potential. Anarchy usually starts off small and grows over a long period of first, primitive forms of Anarchy such as crank calls, nicky nine doors and petty theft will begin the process. At this point, frequent failure or getting caught may put a stop to the increasing chaotic tendencies within the person in question. If the little bastard is successful in his endeavors, however, he will move on to bigger and better things. The real phun stuff starts in highschool..there are endless possibilities for amusement at the expense of others....these will be documented latr. One thing to remember however is that there are many obstacles which stand in your path such as COPS, locks, alarms and of course, the most important thing to watch out for is care- lessness on your part. It is becuz of carelessness that many good hellraisers have met their fate. Well, enough bullshit, let's get started! Chapter One: THEFT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Theft is one of the most common forms of Anarchy, almost everyone duz it at one point in their lives...Even the Pope probably stole dime-store candies when he was a kid...Not everyone, however, will perform this maneuver to the same extent or with the same rate of success. The CARELESS ones get eliminated by the forces of good. Regardless of the motive, the objective is alwayz the same...To acquire at no cost and with minimal effort, items which are not originally or rightfully yours...There are two sub-classes of theft. These are single party theft and multiple party theft ( with accomplish ).....Regardless of the type of theft, there are three important elements to consider: Planning, Execution, and ESCAPE. The latter is probably the hardest part and must be planned carefully. A plan is alwayz required for a successful theft and should offer a high probability of success with as little risk as possible. Part A: Single party theft -------------------------- It is a good idea to make a surveillance sweep of the target area beforehand in order to decide on the best route to the desired item and a quick escape route. Alwayz have at least one alternative escape route in case of unexpected interven- tion by cops or onlookers which render your first one impassible. Once you have entered the target area, time is of the utmost importance...Get in and out as quickly as possible...Be discrete and do not attract attention. Alwayz make a quick scan for mirrors or cameras, try to stay out of direct sight of others. Sometimes, the easiest things to take are items which are kept right in front of the cash- ier..all it takes is for him to turn his back for one second and before you know it...FREE JUNK FOOD! Be alert, if there are other people present, do not go directly to the desired item. Browse a little, but take the first reasonably safe opportunity to make yer way over to it. Pocket the item quickly without looking at it or fumbling with it. DO NOT rush out of the area immediately if you don't have to, be casual and maybe even make a purchase. If you are confronted however, GET THE FUCK OUT Take the quickest one of your escape routes that you can, if you are perused then you must leave a difficult trail to follow. Dodge on and out of buildings or cars, backtrack, hop fences or do what ever you have to do to lose them. If possible, motorized transport is a good idea...( cover the license plate ) If not, then work with what you have, create obstacles as you go, such as throwing objects at your persuers or knocking things down in your wake. Sometimes, a good cop chase can really give you a good feeling...It sure satisfies the Rambo in me! If you are forced to deviate from your plan due to unexpected interfer- ence, follow your instincts...........but remember that a true Anarchist duzn't get caught at the scene! If it seems inevitable that you will be caught, stash the goods some- where safe until you can collect it. After you have bin caught then it's all over..unless, you lie like a bitch or your captor turns out to be a friend of the family. If you escape, then you have successfully completed your mission. Hopefully you will have the phoresight not to hit a store in your neighborhood or one that you go to regularly. Try not to hit the same place every time....that's dangerous! For an added challenge, you may want to try to swipe items stored behind the cashier's counter. There are wayz to do this such as the classic "Can I use yer phone? I'm stranded and need to call home" Heh, if they let you then your only problem is how to distract their attention. For this reason, it is often easier to execute a successful theft if you have an accomplish... Part B: Multiple party theft ---------------------------- In a multiple party theft, the basics are the same but certain adjustments must be made to yer plan. First you must decide who will do what....One person has to distract the attention of onlookers while the other performs the actual crime. You should have included a signal in your plan so that the you can discretely inform yer buddie that you have the goods and it's time to leave. A third person may have been posted as a look-out and if so, must also be kept aware of what's goin' on. One of the important tricks is to make it look like you don't know any of yer accomplishes...don't walk in together or leave together, unless you get burned. If you are confronted, then it is not alwayz necessary for all the members of yer team to flee if you have successfully convinced the teller you are not together. The guy with the goods has to split BUT while the Cashier is chasing him, or callin the cops, what better opportunity will the other two have to fill their pockets? If it becomes necessary for all parties to run, at least you now have an added benifit due to the fact that if you split up, it's harder to catch all of you. It is an unwritten rule that a guy who gets caught can't squeal on the others if there is a chance they can get away with it. You should have a specified rendezvous point and time if you split up so all the parties ( minus those who were bagged ) can meet and decide on appropriate actions to take to insure no further problems will arrise. After a few hits with the same people, you should have a kick-ass team and will be able tackle anything! One thing though, alwayz watch your back `cuz as Stalin said.."You can't trust anyone, not even yourself." Part C: Other forms of theft ---------------------------- Well, if yer not into stealin' from convenience stores, there are many available sources of "low-cost" items, such as cars, houses, purses & wallets and my personal favourite- lockers! Cars are easy...just get a 1.5 ft long piece of flexible but sturdy wire (coathanger will do) and bend a loop at the end to fit over the lock button. Slide the wire through the gap between the window and the middle section of the car (not the top of the window)... Now loop the end around the lock button and pull. For newer cars that do not have the lockbutton but have the switch by the lever on the inside door pannel, you need more equipment. You will need a flashlight, a mirror and a coathanger. Before you begin, look through the opposite window at the door yer gonna open and memorize where evrything is positionned. Now, tape the mirror to the outside of that window with the reflective surface facing into the car. If you have a friend helping you, you don't need the mirror as yer friend can stand on the opposite side of the car and see through that window where you have to move Now slip the coathanger in as above and use the window to bend it as you insert it so it touches the inside of the door....using the mirror or your friend to guide yer movements, unlock the door and there you go! If you are in a hurry or don't need to worry about noise or anything, just throw a brick through the window. Remember to search the dashboard, glove compartment and back window ledge. If you have a lock pick set and can use it, go for the trunk to! I'll deal with locks and picks in a separate issue dealing specifically with the tools and their usage. Motorcycles are a sinch to swipe. All you need are a pair of vice-grips, a screwdriver and a dime. Jam the screwdriver into the ignition, clamp the vice-grips to the shaft of the screwdriver and twist..... -=SNAP!=- Now just press the start button and away you go! When you've had yer phun and ya wanna ditch the bike, drop the dime into the ignition keyhole and give it a quarter turn to turn off the engine. Now, the most risky but often most profitable source is a house. Before you even approach the house, fone to make sure they're not in. If you don't have their number or they are a bunch of rug-pilots who don't have a fone, ring the door- bell.....once you have established the fact that they are not home, you can decide on your method of entry. To break into a house, Your two sources of entry are doors and windows. Before I start describing methods to bypass locks and bolts, remember that if you think there is a security system on the house FORGET IT and move on...why risk it? Anywayz, there are many types of door locks and for most you will need a lock pick set which will be dealt with in vol. II. If you have a lot of time and are in a deserted area, you can use various power tools to destroy the door itself. Windows are the harder to reach but more simply bypassed entry routes. There is either a deadbolt or a simple twist/pull lock for both, you just blow a hole in the window just above the lock (with a bee-bee gun) or bar and use wire or a thin screwdriver to knock the bar out or release the lock. Apartment buildings are also a good target...just go into the front doors and press every intercom button on the pannel. Some deluded idiot will let you in. If not, wait `till a resident comes in and pretend to be fumbling for the door key..he will of course, open the door for you...Heh Once you get in, make sure no one is home....then grab a pillow case or a garbage bag and take evrything that is even remotely valuable! Once you have done that, cut the fone line and GET THE PHUCK OUT !!! Mission Accomplished.... NOTE: ----- HITTING HOUSES IN YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD MAY RESULT IN APREHENSION AND CAN COMPLICATE PREGNANCY.... LOCKERS!!!! YEAH!! The easiest way to get money or goods for nothing. One way is to write down the serial # and the combination of the lock your using this year and then next year, find it and voila! In the mean time, you have to find alternate methods to keep you busy for a whole year, but look...there are hundreds of lockers! With little peckers you can stand behind them and simply watch them enter the combination. If you want to hit a locker belonging to an older student, you have to be covert about it. You might as well start close to home by easily breaking into the lockers on either side of yours. This method is simple but requires time and you will need a hex-driver. Look at the inside pannel of yer locker that forms the wall separating it from the ajacent one. If the heads of the bolts are on your side, you will have no problems. Just unscrew the bolts and remove the why didn't you tink of that before? Well, now you know. Most of the schools supply spin combo-locks that are hard to pick so if all else fails, use those heavy duty metal shears to cut through the shank. Once yer in, you are on yer own...... Have phun! The last type of theft I will discuss is the art of picking pockets. This method is becomming more and more difficult with the advent of self-defense lessons...yes!...even little Grandma Johnson could be a black belt. Basically all you have to do is either run by the victim and snatch it (copyIIpc is optional) heh, or wait `til they put it down somewhere where you can whisk it away. Once you have the purse or wallet, there are many things you can do... Money! I'm sure you can all find a use for that....Credit Cards! Now we're talkin! You can go crazy ordering and carding everything you desire (not to yer house)....You may find a spare key in there to, if so, look at the I.D. in the wallet to find out their address and away you go! Geez, what a week for the poor sucker eh! First his wallet now his house and car!!! Heh, always be thor- ough..... NOTE: ALWAYS LEAVE THE SCENE AS YOU FOUND IT SO THE VICTIM WILL TAKE LONGER TO NOTICE A CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED. Chapter Two: DESTRUCTION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ahhh, there's nothin' like a good hour of destruction to releave all that tension after failing yer math exam. Yeah you remember, the one you were supposed to be studying for while you were mixing explosives in the garage. This form of Anarchy allows for more creativity than most. You can stck to doing mild damage with yer hands or you can obtain a wide variety of weapons for more severe effects. It is usually easier to make yer own weapons and there are a large number of G-phyles dealing with the production of explosives and simple weapons. For a successful strike on your target area, you will need the following: o Camouflage (dark clothing, mask)- To prevent discovery & Identification o A small bat or solid stick/bar - To eliminate peo- ple/dogs who get in the way & to increase destructive power o A small, "efficient" weapon - For serious emergen- cies only! (knives or mini- chucks are good) o Flashlight - So you can see what the phuck yer doin' o Several projectiles - To increase fire power and range ( rocks or anything will do ) o Smoke Bombs - A valuable tool, documented here after o FIRE - .......... A MUST!!!! o Explosives - Not compulsary for the job but they sure add a spark to the evening! o Spray Paint - To mark out yer territory & let the world know you were there..... o Lock Picks & a Bag - Just in case an easy target for theft presents itself while yer vandalizing. Now, in case you aren't up on the latest "do it yerself" weapons info. here are a few of my favourites..... Part A: Home-Made Weapons ------------------------- Mini-Chucks ----------- These little babies are easy to make and are easily concealable. All you need are a pair of those metal nut- crackers and a 2 foot length of chain. First, take the nut crackers and cut through the hinge with metal-shears, being sure to leave the rivets intact. Now open up the last link at each end of the chain and close them around the rivet shaft on the metal bars. HEY! Look what you've done....little nun-chakaus. Tennis Ball Bombs ----------------- This is a great idea I picked up from the D.O.A.'s Anarchy Handbook. Cut a one inch slit in the tennis ball and stuff it full of wooden match-heads. (A little gunpowder adds to the effect) Once the ball is fimrly packed, it will detonate on contact with a solid surface pruducing large amounts of flame and flaming projectiles. Flaming Darts/ Exploding Darts ------------------------------ Take ordinary darts and wrap an oil soaked strip of rag around the shaft. Then just light and throw. For an explod- ing dart, tie a cherry bomb to the shaft using a twist tie and light the fuse. Molocov Cocktail ---------------- Fill a Pepsi bottle half way to the top with gasoline, insert a rag, light and throw....instant hell fire! Part B: Interesting Ideas ------------------------- Try out these nasty thoughts on yer local loser: Personalized Lawns ------------------- Sure! Why not leave yer initials on the guys lawn using gasoline or weed-killer? Better yet, if yer artistic, a graphic picture of him pumping the local stray dog.....heh, long-lasting damage! Hose Through The Mail Slot -------------------------- Stick the end of the garden hose through the mail slot in his door, then crank the fawset and run like a fucker! If you do this at 3am, his house will be floating down the street before he even wakes up. Address Switching ----------------- Use yer trusty screwdriver to switch address numbers and steal mailboxes throughout the neighborhood. Heh, if you find the right numbers, you can make three houses in a row with the same address, the phun part is when you order a party-size pizza to that address. (If you are really on the ball you can rip off the delivery car while Guido is walkin' from door to door). Part C: The Phun Part --------------------- Once you have all yer equipment, yer ready to go. Easy targets are mail boxes, bird feeders, X-mas lights (when in season) and greenhouses. The weapon you will use most is the bat or steel bar you brought along in yer trusty Anarchist's bag. Remember to spray paint the traditional encircled "A" where ever you go to let the world know Anarchy is alive an' well. If you posess a slight sadistic streak, domestic pets can make amusing targets. The classic "cemeny shoes" is good to drown the neighboors cat in their pool. Fire can be used in countless ways to destroy almost anything. The good part is once you've set the fire, it will continue to do damage while you are runnin' to the next target. The interesting thing is when you are spotted and chased. Now you have to use some direct methods to evade capture. Start off mild by simply running. If they persist, create obstacles as you go by knocking things down in yer wake, jumpin' fences, cars, etc.. If that fails, try a few smoke bombs lobbed over yer shoulder to block their view....NO! Hmmmm well it's time to get serious because you smoke too much to stay ahead for long. Sooo, use the explosives....that should do it but if not, just turn around, whip out the projectiles or the weapon of yer choice an' just beat the livin' phuck out of `em. Now you can go home, being sure to spray paint an encircled "A" on Mr. Johnson's bleeding forehead...(heh, I doubt he'll chase you next time) Chapter Three: Deception =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, anyone who has done anything similar to the acts described above must also have found it necessary to lie once in a while. Remember that to get away with lying, you must make the lie seem like reality. If you convince your- self that it is true then others are more likely to believe you. It's a good idea to make sure all the people involved in the caper have the exact same story. Alwayz stick to yer story and never stray from it. Try to have supporting evidence on your side too, go for realism! Unfortunately, no G-phyle iz gonna turn a lousy liar into a good has to be in yer blood, it does, honest! Chapter Four: Sub Anarchy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aside from the themes outlined above, there are many other forms of Anarchial behavior. Some people are specialists in one area like Pyromaniacs or Assasins. Others tend to be less proficient in a wider range of areas. For those of you who are specialists, SPEAK UP! There are many people who are hungry for material which you could provide from yer experiance. Those of you who don't even bother and are just reading thiss phyle for entertainment.."FUCK OFF!" I don't have time for pussies... I would suggest that you find out what yer specific interests are and persue them. Whatever yer topic is, there iz a G-phyle on it somewhere..believe me! If you are not sure where yer skills lie, then start small until you find them. I know yer all probably sayin "C'mon, get on with it asshole!" So, here we go......the final section. Chapter Five: The Trials =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now that you have been educated, here iz a little test... First: Aquire $100.00 worth of good from yer local quicky-Mart Second: Do a commamdo-style raid on yer local Jesus Freak settlement Next: Harass the neighbourhood Losers until they move Finally: Aquire a "free" Car Stereo and send it to: The C.H.A.O.S.S. Agency The North Pole P/O Box 666 Include yer address and we'll send'ja a free CHAOSS T-shirt! Some of you may be sayin.."HA! You call that a test? I could do that in my sleep! Ha Ha" But for others it is a reason- able challenge. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well, there you have it.... Hope you enjoyed this phyle cuz you'll be hearing from us again... Watch for Volume II of the Black Arts "Weapons & Explosives" | A_|_O H / \ S | A | C \_ _/ S Copywrong 1988 -CIA- | Copyright Infiltration Agency ---|--- | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Disclaimer: We do not take responsibility for any damage or injury caused as a result of attempting acts described in this file and if you wish to attempt any of the above procedures do so at your own risk. Any complaints or suggestions for additions or revisions to this file may be sent to the Prime Minister of Canada, whoever he may be. The Huntsman =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _____________________________________________________________________________ The C.H.A.O.S.S. Agency Presents: The Anarchists Guide to The Black Arts vol. II " WEAPONS & EXPLOSIVES " Written and Compiled by: The Huntsman R.J. Macready Carnal Knowledge _____________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS: --------- Part One......Home Made Weapons Part Two.......Chemical Explosives -Motor Mine -Astrolite Mixtures -Time Bomb -Sodium Chlorate -Tennis Ball Bomb -Gunpowder -Napalm Bomb -Das Crakkerwork -Exploding Pen -Home Made Fuse -Smoke Bomb -The Cat Bomb Introduction: -------------- Assuming that you have read the first phyle in this series and that you are a true Anarchist, I'm sure you will find this phyle both interesting and useful. We have compiled some of the easiest to make but most destructive devices in the Anarchist's arsonal of home-made weapons and explosives. A true Anarchist has a remarkable ability to overcome any obstacle using only the materials at his disposal. I am not saying that you need to know 100 diferant ways to kill a man with a stapler, just that you should be able to get by using whatever you have. This phyle will show you a few ways to increase your destruc- tive power using simple household items. Remeber that there is a cer- tain element of risk involved in handling some of the devices which you will see, so please use caution. Neither myself nor anyone asso- ciated with the creation of this phyle will take any responsibility for damage or injury sustained as a result of attemping any of the proceedures depicted hereafter. The Huntsman Part One: Home Made Weapons & Explosives --------- -------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ The Motor Mine _____________________________________________________________________________ Motor Mine: This device causes basically the same damage as the ----------- "basic mine", but it is more convenient if the intended victim happens to miss stepping on it. Materials: Film Cannister ( or any container ) ---------- Match Books ( 17 fill a Black's film cannister ) Wire ( preferably long lengths ) Small Electric Motor Battery & Pushbutton Switch Method: ------- First, take the lid of your container and make a small hole in it. This should be big enough to hold the axle of the motor snuggly. You need to make a small cardboard disk or, if you can find one, a small plastic gear-like piece meant to fit on an electric motor. You have to cover this small disk ( about 1 cm. wide ) with the brimstone from the matchbooks. Fill the container with match-heads, push the motor's axle through the lid and push the disk onto the axle from the other side. Now put on the lid and tape the whole thing up, plus the motor so it doesn't wobble around. Hook your wire up to the terminals on the motor and then to a switch or a baattery or whatever. Conceal the mother and stand back. You will hear a high pitched screach of the motor grinding and then BOOM! Works well. _____________________________________________________________________________ Time Bomb _____________________________________________________________________________ This device isn't too hard to make, but it does have a limitation. It doesn't work on the principle that the time you set it to is when it goes off, it's more of a mechanical thing....just read. Materials: ---------- o Some sort of container o Wooden Matches ( 17 boxes fill a film cannister but if you want a bigger bomb, buy about 50 or so boxes and fill a 2ltr. pop bottle. o Small Electric Motor o Friction Disk ( see previous phyle "motor mine" ) o Wire o Battery ( 9 volt should do it ) o Cheap Clock with hands o Electrical Tape Method: ------- 1) Make the "motor mine" explained above. 2) Instead of both leads going straight to the battery, you will have a clock in between, with the faceplate taken off. 3) Tie the positive and negative leads to the clock hands and set them to an appropriare distance appart. 4) When the hands meet, this will complete the circuit which will start the motor. The Friction disk will spin and rub against the matchheads and KABOOM!! Note: To increase the power of this device, gun powder may be added to The match-heads to fill the container. Here's a Diagram: __________ Clock with hands-> ! \ __!___ ________________________________!___\ /~ ! | | ___________ _ ! ~o ! | +-~ |_______+___-/ | ! ! | ____##____<-Motor [ ] | !_________! | !* * * * *! [9v ] | | !* * * * *! [___] |________________| !* * * * *! !* * * * *! ^ !* * * * *! Battery ~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ Container filled with match-heads You can see the limitations in the way of time. Basically, all you have to make sure of, is that what evr amount of time you want the bomb to go off in, the two hands will meet after that amount of time. There might be a way to create a more accurate timing system using a digital clock but that is in theoretical stages only. _____________________________________________________________________________ Napalm Bomb _____________________________________________________________________________ Napalm is, in itself a very simple substance. It can be used for in the construction of many simple explosive weapons. Here's a good one: Materials: ---------- Gasoline Dishsoap (Joy is good) A Nail Ammonia Pellets A Drill Flexible Wire A Coke can Procedure: ---------- [1] First, make a mixture fo 1/2 Dish-soap and 1/2 Gasoline. [2] Cut the top off of the Coke can and fill it with the mixture. [3] Take the drill and put a hole in the ammonia pellet big enough so that the nail can fit through it. [4] Put the nail through the pellet and wire it to the top of the can so that the nail can be slipped out easily, allowing the pelet to drop into the mixture. [5] Attatch some string or fishing line to the nail head and detonate from a distance by pulling the string. WARNING: DO NOT LET THAT PELLET FALL INTO THE MIXTURE UNTIL YOU ARE SAFE OR YOUR WIFE WILL SOON BECOME A WIDOW ! Wait until you are ready to set it off to pull the string.....It should look like this: Ammonia Pellet / <====[*]====() <- Nail | | | | <- Coke Can | | |===========| |===========| |===========| <- Mixture |===========| |===========| ~-----------~ _____________________________________________________________________________ Das Crackkerwork! _____________________________________________________________________________ Das Crakkerwork: A neat way to scare the shit out of someone and to ---------------- cause moderate amounts of damage. Materials: o A rocket engine (The bigger the better but class ---------- A will do fine) o A fire cracker o Tape o A kick-ass nature First, take the engine, it will have one hollow end and the other end is filled with the rocket fuel (it resembles clay). Take a screw- driver or something hard and start grinding up the substance from the inside. Don't grind up the thing totally though. Now put the fire cracker inside the engine, witht the fuse sticking out of the convenient hole. (The hole is usually used for solar flares). Now tape up the son of a bitch so that it's black an' mean looking. Finally, light it and throw it, the fire cracker will go off ( but won't damage the engine ), then the engine will ignite and go whipping around. It makes a lot of ruckus and the exhaust can cause damage. Diagram: ---------- Fuse / _ / | |~~| |__| <- Fire-cracker inside engine body | | and fuse through little hole in | | rocket substance. |__| Basically, it looks like one mean fire-cracker... Have phun with Das Crakkerwork ! _____________________________________________________________________________ Smoke Bomb _____________________________________________________________________________ Materials Diagram ----------- --------- - Coffe can - screen \ <-fuse - Fuse or Rag - \__\___ - Gunpowder - !__/___! - Motor Oil - ! \ !<- gunpowder - Screen - coffee can ->!__/___! - Lighter - !______!<- motor oil Procedure: ------------ 1) Pour a 1/2 inch layer of motor oil into the coffee can. 2) Pour in some gun powder ( The more, the merrier ) 3) Cut a 6" diameter circle of metal screening and poke a small hole in the center of it. 4) Place the screen on top of the can and secure it. 5) Insert a dry fuse or oiled rag through the screen so that it reaches the bottom of the can. 6) Light the fuse. This device will produce extremely large amounts of smoke and flame. _____________________________________________________________________________ How To Make A Fuse _____________________________________________________________________________ One reason for which many well made bombs fail is the lack of a good fuse. To make a dry fuse, you will need the following: o Several sheets of tissue paper (The kind used for machee) o Gasoline/Carosine o Gunpowder o A paint brush o Patience Method: --------- 1) Use the paint brush to apply a thin film of gasoline on a sheet of tissue paper. 2) Let dry 3) Sprinkle a thin line of gunpowder onto the paper 4) Roll the paper up tightly from one end 5) Apply a few more layers by repeating steps 1&2 and rolling each new layer around the existing fuse. 6) Let the whole thing sit for a couple of hours 7) Apply a final coating of gasoline with the paintbrush 8) After it is completely dry, it will work beautifully Note: ------- Experiments are currently being done in an attempt to design a fuse which will burn under water. _____________________________________________________________________________ Tennis Ball Grenade _____________________________________________________________________________ Most of you have probably heard of the Tennins Ball Bomb. It is a handy explosive or noisemaker. The Tennis Ball Grenade is based on the same idea but does more damage. You will need the following: 1) A Tennis Ball 2) A Knife 3) Several boxes of wooden matches (not safety matches) 4) Hockey Tape 5) Gunpowder 6) A Sparkler 7) Flint Method: ------- 1) Cut a small round hole in the ball with the knife 2) Take the flint (the kind used for flip-top lighters) and crush it into a powder 3) Separate the wire handle from the sparkler and grind it up 4) Mix the flint and sparkler powder together with gunpowder 5) Pour the mixture into the tennis ball 6) Cut off the match-heads and pack the ball with them until you can't fit anymore into it. 7) Use the tape to cover the hole completely 8) The grenade will explode on contact with any solid surface, producing large amounts of flame and flaming projectiles. 9) [optional] For a delayed blast grenade, insert a dry fuse into the hole before you tape it up. These babies are easy to make, light weight, conceilable and do plenty of damage for their general, a kick-ass weapon. You can make dozens of them for hours of enjoyment. _____________________________________________________________________________ The Boom-Box _____________________________________________________________________________ The Boom-Box is simple to make and is very effective. It is an anti- personnel device and works on one or more victims. Materials: ---------- o A metal box with a hinged lid o String o A mouse trap o C-4 or any volatile plastic explosive o Tape Procedure: ---------- 1) Secure the mousetrap to the bottom of the box (inside) ` with tape. 2) Tie a piece of string to the trip-bar of the mouse trap 3) Place a wad of C-4 where the chese would normally go and be sure that the spring loaded bar will hit it 4) Set the trap 5) CAREFULLY tape the other end of the string to the inside of the lid so that it is taught when only half open 6) Close the box 7) Leave the box somewhere where the intended victim will find it, when he does...he will open it and BOOM! Diagram: -------- \ / \ <- lid string -> / \ ____/_____\. | / | | o/____ | mouse trap -> | ======= | <- metal box with C-4 ~----------~ _____________________________________________________________________________ Exploding Pen _____________________________________________________________________________ This device is hardly a weapon but it is a mild explosive and will serve as a good prank or practical joke. If you wanted to increase the power of the explosive, it would not be hard to hard to turn it into a destructive device with a few alterations to the construction. Materials: ---------- 1) A ball point "click" pen 2) Gun powder 3) 8-10 wooden match heads 4) 1 wooden match 5) A piece of sand paper (1 1/2" X 2") Procedure: ---------- 1) Unscrew pen and remove all parts except for the button at the top of the pen 2) Stick the match inside the pen where the ink fill was 3) Roll the sand paper around the match with the rough side facing in so it touches the match head 4) Put the remaining match heads in, be sure they are inside the sand paper 5) Put a wax stopper in the other end of the pen where the ball point came out 6) Fill the front part of the pen with gunpowder and make sure that the wax prevents it from spilling out The finished pen should look like this: Wax stopper Gun powder Matches & Snadpaper \ | | \ | | \ _______________|___________________________|________ <___________________________________|________________|=== / / Clicker Applications: ------------- Basically, antwhere there is writing to be done, there is a target for this device. Think of exams!! Heh, I don't think many people will be asking to borrow a pen from now on. _____________________________________________________________________________ The Cat Bomb _____________________________________________________________________________ This phyle is for amusement only. We suggest that you do not try this out at home. Thanks to Mark Blitz for this idea. It has come to my attention that a real panic can be generated by a cat-bomb in a supermarket or department store. A cat-bomb is a simple and inexpensive thing to make. Materials: ---------- 1 cat - large 1 sparkler or 1 ft. of waterproof fuse 1 acetylene/oxygen torch 1 book of matches Procedure: ---------- Squeeze all air and shit out of cat, being careful not to kill same. Insert torch nozzle into cat's ass. Turn on a 50/50 mixture of the gasses, inflating the cat to approximately 1/3 larger than normal. Insert either sparkler or fuse into cat's ass being careful to minimize gas release (some recommend stapling the orifice shut after insertion of fuse) very messy! Deployment: ----------- Place cat in a place of demonstration, and light fuse with matches. Retire quickly to a safe place, (entraails will be a-flying soon) Cautions: --------- Recent experiments with larger animals have shown a 10 minute railroad flare to be of substantially greater sealing capacity than the fuse or sparkler method. Greater gas retention and thus a greater explosion are possible in this manner. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Part Two: Chemical Explosives --------- ------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ Astrolite Mixtures _____________________________________________________________________________ Astrolite: ---------- Astrolite is a liquid explosive which was a product of rocket propellant research in the 60's. Astrolite A-1-5 is said to be the world's most powerful non-nuclear explosive. It is approximately 2 times more powerful than TNT and is safer to handle. Astrolite G ----------- Astrolite G is a clear liquid explosive especially designed to pro- duce very high detonation velocity, 8600 mps (meters/sec.) compared with 7,700 mps for nitroglycerine and 6,900 mps for TNT............ In addition, a very unusual characteristic is that the liquid expl- osive has the ability to be absorbed easily into the ground while remaining detonatable.... In field tests, Astrolite G has remained detonatable in the ground for 4 days, even after being exposed to rain. Procedure: ---------- Mix 2 parts (by weight) of ammonium nitrate with 1 part anhydrous hydrazine. The 2:1 ratio is not exactly perfect but if you screw around with the mixture, you will find a better formula. Hydrazine is quite hard to get ahold of. t is used in; Rocket fuel, agricultural chemicals (maleic hydrazide), drugs (antibacterial & antihypertension), polymerization catalyst, solder fluxes, photo- graphic development & diving equipment. Hydrazine is a chemical that you should be careful with. Astrolite A/A-1-5 ----------------- Mix 20% (weight) aluminium powder to the ammonium nitrate, and then mix with the hydrazine. The aluminium powder should be 100 mesh or finer. Astrolite A has a detonation velocity of 7,800 mps.  .