AMTRAK ANARCHY By Cyber Psycho Feb. 04, 1991 Although I'm not really into anarchy, I thought I'd do this little file for the sake of passing on the information. I also DO NOT recommend doing anything in this document. And not all of this is very chaotic, but fun all the same. You see, whe you take long train rides (like across most of the US), it gets REAL boring sometimes (like going thru Iowa, that's when I finished reading "Neuromancer") and you start coming up with ideas on how to spice up the train ride. That's when I came up wth the following: o There are these balls on the seats for the leg lifts which you can take off and use for all sorts of things. Like playing hot potato and the loser gets busted by the train attendant, practice your juggling, roll them down thesles, or take them home for memories. o Using chairs as catapults! Boy, they sure had a good snap to them when you hit the button. I tested the action with those cheap pillows they give you, but it didn't get far. If you use something lighter and small- er, I'm sureou could get it airborne. o During the night, tie a string to the leg rest lever (mentioned above) of someone a couple seats up with a slip knot. And when he (or she) goes to sleep, pull the string and bring their peaceful sleep (as you can get on a train)o an end, then remove the knot and pull the string in! o A fun time I had was with the bathroom doors. When the trains pull into stations they must lock the doors. So when I went to the toilet I saw that the lock on the doors had a hole in it, and it was a simple matter of sliding thelock into "IN USE" with a pen (anything sturdy and narrow like a pen will do) and locked all of the doors. You could hit all the cars in the train like this and watch all the people line up! I do think there is some electronic monito on the doors, so the engineer can know of they are shut. But you just go down and do it again. This can also work the other way. Like opening a door of some babe taking a squat or what ever tickles your fancy (you get the idea). o The most interesting thing I noticed is that there is NO security either personal or baggage checks. This means you can walk on a train with ANYTHING you can carry on your self of in a carry-on. So for all you real anarchists itcould be a field day! But also a good place for terrorism! (Not that trains are big targets, but they certainly are easy to get things onto them). And with cut backs in budgets, they now staff (from what I saw) one attendant per twoo three cars. Although others move through the cars randomly, there's always one to stay with those cars. Well, that's about it! Remember, long train rides get boring. So bring along plenty of batteries, a good book or mags, and this doc... Till next time... Smashin' the booster gangs, Cyber .