PISSING PEOPLE OFF PARTS 1 & 2 Drug stores and grocery stores such as Wlgreens and Dominick's. This volume takes a different route and talks about he driver and his tendencies to crack under pressure. In this file I wil discuss the various techniques used by myself and companions to bring the suceptible driver to the point of actually leaving his car and chasing us. When you were little, you may hae done a neat trick called the Alaskan Rope Trick. If you haven't heardof it the procedure is simple, requiring only four or more people. On aroadside without streetlights at night, divide the people up evenly into wo groups- one goes to the other side of the street across from the firstgroup and both groups get in single file line. A long branch is necessary toget the full potential out of this trick, because the branch serves as a led to a false rope that is supposedly extended across the road. When a car coms in sight, both groups bend down as to be picking the "rope" up. On a cout of three, both groups pull on their branch, and the car will sometimesget freaked out and hit the brakes. Courage is necessary here, for the now agered party will jump out of the car and shout obscenities. You have two choies: One, you can run like a bat out of hell. Two, you can stick it out and har it all. My preference is choice #1 because if anyone is going to get outof the car they are usually a group of huge badasses that are looking for a ew to kick. So why do it if it's dangerous? Well, the thrill of being chaed has fascinated many, especially those who are in the mood for trouble. Ty it sometime! For those who have done this alrady and know what the Alaskan is, I suggest a different trick. This trick ha no special name, and it is similar to the Alaskan, except you really have arope across. The catch is, the rope is attached to two garbage cans at eithe side of the rope, and are very much mobile. When a car comes by, especially ne who has seen the Alaskan and knows its a fake, it will hit the rope, ending both cans sprawling at the doors, possibly damaging the car and angring the driver severely. This same trick works great withshopping carts, I have done this at a convenient shopping center with a backthru street behind it often used on Saturday nights. The carts are aligne in such a way so as to roll and smack themselves into the car. Now, you'e saying that no car in the right mind would try to run through the rope. ometimes, yes, but the other times, they still have to stop, dont they? A covenient hill above this thru street makes for the perfect lookout. Only now he lookout becomes a battlement. Several crabapple trees lie in the vicinty, and account for numerous attacks on drivers getting out of their cars to ove the carts (or garbage cans, whichever). If you hit the cars, or drivrs, be ready for an exciting chase. Now, what happens if you accidentally hi a cop car? Easy. Prevent this by keeping a lookout for the headlights. Co cars usually have double headlights so be extra careful in deciding who to atack. A good idea is to have some form of cover in case you are chased (th hill above the thru street has a fence running along it, providing sufficent cover to hide until the guy gets out of his car). Well, that about wraps it up fornow, if you can think of some more nasty things to pull on cars, make an adition to this file, I'd like to hear them. Anyway, watch for more of Dr. Niteare's wierd but useful files on nothing much!  .