(>View: SCHOOL FUN // School Fun Number: // --------------------- By - Walkon / Sysop Temple of the Un-Dead 201 - 575 - 4010 If you have'nt yet seen part I of this phile, I suggest you do so, for it is definatly one of a kind. I shall start off with some of the cool aspects of a school cafeteria. As most of you know, this is not a very nice place, or at least it's not very nice in my school., you have to get out there and catch the food before it gets away... but in any case... 1) School Cafeterias: In this ever growing world of terrorism, and practical jokes, you should learn the basic methids and uses of ketchup. This red stuff that they use to cover the mold on the french-fries, makes a nice stain on peoples clothing. So... take a few packets of ketchup, and during phys. Ed. you take the pack and put little holes in it, then put it in someones back pocket, (preferably white pants), do this while they are out in the gym, and you are alone in the locker room... It's a gas when they get up after pulling their pants on and there 'Bleeding...'... 2) Marbles are very cool... especially glass ones and steel ones, what you do is, get into your 'Friends' locker and (if he/she has a shelf) take a book and brace it up at an angle, and leave them alot of marbles to play with... so when they open their locker, they should have no problem watching them spill all over the floor... then they get little questions like 'Hey man, did you loose all your marbles?' and 'Is this a throw back to your child hood?'. This is even better when they have to go out in the middle of a class period and when all the marbles fall out he has teachers all over him asking 'What do you think your doing?' and the ever popular 'Wheres your pass?'... 3) You can improve on the marbles scheme by using water/perfume filled baloons or plastic baggies. 'Cause, howd you like to go around smelling like a flower all day long (if your a boy), if your a girl, then your a wet flower... your 'Friend' walks down the hallway 'Squish. Squish Squish' from all the water in their sneakers... 4) Do any of your parents have old contact lens fluid bottles? (small) If so then your in luck... if you fill these with water and walk down a crowded hall you can have alot of fun... Spray your victem so it looks like he/she took a leak in thier pants... in a crowded hall-way, the'll never notice till someone says.. 'Hey, Professor Leaky... Turn off the faucets...'... If you want to be even meaner, then you can take the bottle and fill it with the juices from a rotten egg.. now its' one thing to piss in your pants, but if you go around smelling like rotten eggs all day, whew... I can almost guarntee a suspension or a free trip home... (very embarrasing)... 5) During your free period, goto a pay phone and call the front office, and have your victem paged to the front office... tell the front office that you are the boy/girls father and your coming to pick them up for an emergency doctors appointment... and to go and get his/her books... then they sit in the front office for 1/2 an hour, (and miss class).. then they say ' Hey, did you and some of your friends pull this stunt so you wouldnt have to goto class?!?!?!.. Goto the principals office NOW!' Good 'eh? 6) Heres some fun to have at the library... goto the magazine rack and replace the Sports Ill. and the other widely read magazines with Playboy and some of the others... (rip off the Sports. Ill. cover and put Playboy inside) You should see the expressions on the girls faces when they open that sucker up... (or on the teachers faces)... 7) Hide a cheap radio ($3.00 things that you get from radio shack (am)) and set it to blast when the locker is opend. (set it on some queer station) To set the wiring up.. Open up the radio and disconnect one of the wires going to the switch, turn the switch on. Now take the wire you just disconnected and run it to another switch, and a wire from the other end of that switch to the old switch... now tape the switch into the locker in a way that whenever the locker is opend, the switch will go on, and whenever the door closes, the switch will go off... this is embarrasing, especially when you cant find the radio to turn it off... Well, I have coverd just a few more aspects of life in a school... so I will be signing off now... call my bbs at: 201-575-4010, and keep those teachers/students hopping... and look for.. yes I will... PART /// coming soon to a terminal near you... ---===>>> WALKON <<<===--- ------  .