The Anarchists Toolkit by Black Dragon In order to shorten time and heighten destructive powers, here is a comprehensive guide to house-wrapping/yard-destruction. Materials Needed ---------------- 1 duffel bag 1 pair black clothing 2 bottles of Karo corn syrup 1 pair wire cutters 1 tube of super glue 1-1000 rolls of toilet paper 4 newspapers, shredded 1-4 cans of shaving cream 1 knife - preferably a dagger 1 can of Holiday Fogger (or other brand) 1 pair of hedge trimmers (non-electric) 1 box of Sun Light brand dishwasher detergent 1-12 eggs 1 siphon ??? as much leftover shampoo, liquid soap, etc. as can be found 1 homemade rocket-launcher The Duffel Bag : $5 Preferably cheap and big. Used to carry all equipment except for the following : wire cutters super glue knife rocket launcher The above are to be carried at all times. You see, in this way, the first three items can be kept on the person (pockets, sheath), and the rocket launcher can be carried over 1 shoulder. The bag is carried in the other hand. The Clothes : $20 On sale, dark blue jeans and a black jacket can be found, or most probably, you already have them. Shoes, I have found, do not matter, but a dark shirt is also desirable to keep the heat down from the jacket. Gloves are of use as well. The Corn Syrup : $1 per bottle Dump one in the gas tank and pour one all over any cars. It's awe- some. Please BEWARE! This causes major damage to transmission and is a felony if you get caught. Also, on my most recent outing, I was al- most caught and had to run with the shit open in my hand. Do NOT do this! It will spill all over you and fuck you over. I had to get my leather jacket cleaned for that - $35. The Wire Cutters : $1 Cut the cable, electricity, and/or telephone lines as well as the antennae of any automibiles. The Super Glue : $1.30 for two tubes Squeeze into locks and door handles, etc. Don't get this shit in your eyes or hair, like my freind did. And remember to puncture the little aluminum thing inside first. The Toilet Paper : $1 for 4 rolls Duh...wrap trees, but DO NOT spend too much time with this. It's really boring and not too much of a hassle to clean. The Newspaper : $.25 per issue Shred it up and throw it into the yard. This should be kept in a seperate bag for minumum time. It looks awesome but takes forever to do and sometimes isn't worth the effort. The Shaving Cream : $.90 per can Spray in mailbox, on house, on car, anywhere. I also recommend knock- ing the mailbox down if you don't make too much noise. The Knife : $10 for a good dagger For protection against the homeowner and for tire-slashing. The Fogger : $2.50 Start it up and throw it through a window (at the end). This is explained in further detail in an earlier file of mine...but I don't know what it was called. The Hedge-Trimmers : $10? Give the people some free landscaping. It's fun, it's easy, but it makes noise. This is hilarious and can be real exciting, but the owner may just hear it! The Detergent : $2? Pour onto the lawn, it kills the grass. Write messages if wanted. The Eggs : $1 for 12 Egg the house, car, or anything else. The Siphon : $3.50 Take the gas while you're there! If there are garbage cans around you can get the gas and pour it on the lawn for more killing power. The Leftovers : Free Pour on or around the front door and windows. Can make a big mess. The Rocket-Launcher : $20-$30 Blow out a window or blow up a person. Note : HERE ARE THE PLANS FOR A ONE-TIME-USAGE ROCKET LAUNCHER, WHICH DEFINATELY HAS THE POWER TO KILL SOMEONE. First, get a long board, 29" long, 4" wide, and 1/2" thick. Then get a 21" long, 4 1/2" diameter pipe with 1 cap. Get a strip of stick-on Velcro. Now, buy an Estes model rocket kit that includes a control- ler, blast plate, and launch pole. Construct the controller (this is really very simple). Drill a hole in the cap big enough for the wires from the controller to fit through. Now, super glue the small, 6-sided plastic base to the center of the inside of the cap. Put the launch rod into the base and the blast plate on the launch rod. Glue of weld the plate on. Also, drill a hole through the plate for the wires, or leave roomm around the edge for the wires to go. Now, nail or glue the pipe to the board and apply one side of the Velcro to the board piece behind that. Put the rest of the Velcro on the underside of the controller. Nail/glue a handle of some sort to the end of the board. Here's what it shold look like : w ------------------------------- i/ -----------|-\ | r| |-------- | | pipe | key e|c| \_|_|_________________________ launch rod _________|____s/ a| base / | clips | /launch con- | p|-------- | | \troller | |bl. plate-| rocket goes here | ---------Velcro-------------------------------------- | board | ----------------------------------------------------- | | | | | handle | | | | | ---------- Now, construct a rocket and glue the nose cone on. This will cause the rocket to blow up when the ejection charge goes off. Do not put on the fins! I know this makes it very unstable, but the rocket just isnt going to fit if you have them! I suggest testing this with a mosquito rocket with the smallest engine, firing with the controller in you hand and the wires stretched out. Also, use only one piece of the launch rod, or else it will be too long. Now, to set it up, remove the cap, which should come out with the base and launch rod, and put a readied rocket onto the rod. Hook up the clips to the ignitor and put the launcher back together. Now, remove the controller and stand back. Test fire it at something solid once, and once into the air. Also, sequential launchers may be constructed with 2 controllers, for 2 use rockets, but they have to be fired in order of which rocket was put on last! Have fun with this item. Remember, as Justin Wilson always says, "You'll have your enjoys, I gaar-on-tee!" .